Committee Date Set to Consider The Avon Planning Application


A committee date has been set to hear the planning application regarding The Avon public house (ref: 16/01974/FUL). The committee will meet at Kineton High School on 14 September 2016 at 6 pm. The agenda and papers will be published a week in advance. For more information see here.

In addition, there has been an amendment to the application. Please see below:



Date:    2 September 2016

To:  Avon Dassett PARISH COUNCIL

Application(s) reference: 16/01974/FUL

Proposed            :    Change of use of public house to single dwelling and retrospective permission sought for external changes to the east elevation

At                      :    The Avon, Avon Dassett, Southam, CV47 2AS

For                    :    Mr Stephen Chick


An amendment/additional information has been received for the application shown above as follows:

Revised/updated plans received for the avoidance of doubt. The side elevation of the building has been drawn twice to illustrate firstly, the elevation in its original condition (i.e. before works were undertaken to the ground floor windows and doors in the single storey projection) and secondly, the side elevation in its existing state (i.e. after the works were carried out).

This information is available to view on the website as part of the application file and is included for the avoidance of doubt. These retrospective works are incorporated into the description of development and are being considered as part of the overall development for which planning permission is being sought. The alterations to windows and doors do not change the principle of the development which relates to the change of use of the building and accordingly this is sent for information purposes only.

This letter is for information only.

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