Planning Application(s) reference: 19/01235/FUL
Proposed: Creation of a new vehicular access for agriculture/forestry
At: Land South West Of Bitham Hall, Avon Dassett
A link to the planning application on the Stratford on Avon District Council ePanning website is:
The above planning proposal will be considered at Planning Committee A on 19 February 2020. The meeting will be held at Stratford-on-Avon District Council, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-on-Avon and starts at 6.15pm.
Avon Dassett Parish Council has registered to speak the meeting and a local resident has agreed to speak on behalf of all residents. He will include in his submission comments already registered on Stratford-on-Avon District Council’s planning website. However, should anyone wish to raise additional planning comments please contact either the Clerk or Chair by close of business on Friday 14 February.
A leaflet which fully explains the process is available on the Stratford-on-Avon District Council website at:
Public Involvement in Planning Meetings (Dec 2017)
This is an open meeting and residents are able to attend if they so wish. If you would like to attend but have difficulties with transport please contact either the Clerk or Chair and they will try to assist.
Contact details:
Clerk: Helen Hide-Wright:
Phone: 07713 892835
Chair: Trevor Gill:
Phone: 07775 762927
Email: |