Following the Public Meeting on 2 August, The Parish Council formally submitted a response to Stratford District Council objecting to the Planning Application. In addition, there are currently over 80 other sets of comments on the website, the majority also objecting to the Application.
At present there is no firm date for a determination and it is not clear whether or not the Application will be referred to the Planning Committee.
The first possible date for a Committee Meeting is 14 September. The Parish Council will be notified of either the determination or any referral to Committee, and will publish details as soon as possible thereafter.
The Parish Council and members of the public will be free to attend the Meeting. In preparation for a Meeting, a presentation is being compiled to summarise the objection to the Application.
In addition to this work, a Questionnaire has been compiled, to ascertain the level of interest within the Village for owning and/ or managing the pub. Responses to the Questionnaire will be analysed in advance of any Planning Committee, to show both the level of interest and to support the case that the community would be interested in buying The Avon.
Please contact The Clerk to the Council ( if you live in the Village but have not received a Questionnaire.