Removal of Chaperones on School Buses

All children in Avon Dassett use a bus to get to their primary school in Fenny Compton. Warwickshire Country Council has made the decision to remove all chaperones (apart from children with recognised needs) from the buses to save costs.

The overall saving is not insignificant at £114,000 a year across all of the Warwickshire County Council school buses. A Freedom of Information request has revealed that despite information to councillors to the contrary the Council has not undertaken any risk or safety assessment of this decision.

Parents in are extremely worried and feel the safety of their children, particularly the very young four and five year olds, are being put at risk, without any safety assessment.

Bus drivers are also worried about having to drive up to 30 children without any adult supervision.    We all know the risks that could happen.

The decision will affect all young children that have to travel to school throughout the County. A group of parents have set up a petition on the Warwickshire County Council website to ask the Council to reconsider this decision.

The link to the petition is

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