All posts by Sarah Richardson

Warwickshire County Council Consultation on Housing-Related Services

Warwickshire County Council (WCC) has launched a public consultation seeking the views of people in Warwickshire about how housing related services are provided. The consultation period runs until 11 August 2023.

Like other local authorities, WCC is facing significant financial challenges. The budget for housing related support services will reduce by £1 million from April 2025. Considering this, WCC is undertaking this consultation to re-design these services to become more efficient and effective within a reduced budget, while retaining clear focus on those people with the greatest need and those where support will prevent them needing care services.

The aim of this consultation is to inform Warwickshire residents about the proposals to redesign services and to ask for their views. We would greatly appreciate your participation and would value your thoughts.

Join the conversation about the redesign of Housing Related Support Services in Warwickshire. Your ideas can make a real difference in helping individuals maintain their independence and prevent homelessness. Please complete the survey and tell others about it.

How to take part:

  • Complete the online survey online at
  • You can also respond in writing to: Warwickshire County Council, Housing Related Support Consultation, Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4RL or by emailing
  • If you need easy-read information and questions, please get in touch using the contact information below
  • If you need assistance in completing the survey online, or if you need information in another language or format, please get in touch using the contact information below and we will arrange help
  • A paper version of this survey is available – please request this by telephone or email (contact details below) and we shall send one out to you

If you have any queries or need any help or advice about the consultation, please email or telephone Warwickshire County Council Customer Service Centre on 01926 410410 and they will direct you to the Maintaining & Promoting Independence Team for support.

Anti-social driving in Avon Dassett

The village has recently suffered cars using the roads as a race track late at night. In such circumstances the police advise creating a ‘body of evidence’:

  • Logging each event by calling 101
  • Taking registration numbers if possible
  • Checking and saving CCTV images

You can also contact Cllr Alex Jackson who is the parish councillor responsible for crime.

For more information on crime prevention please see our Crime Safety pages.

Avon Dassett Soapbox Derby 24 June 2023

The annual Soapbox Derby was another brilliant day of thrilling racing, showcasing the village at its best and raising money for the Children’s Christmas Wish List charity.

Unfortunately, we had one accident but the safety car and first aider were quickly on the scene and decided that the driver should go to hospital to get checked out. He has a broken foot but is in good spirits and determined to come back faster next year.

Our junior race was very competitive and included our only female entrant and our youngest ever driver who was only 6!

Junior Soapbox Derby Results

  1. Max Merry in M Power (35.0 seconds)
  2. Freddie Morgan-Smart in Ready Freddie Go (40.3 seconds)
  3. Callum Lugger-Freke in DeLorean Back for the Win (43.8 seconds)
  4. Tyler Green in Rockie Patroller (45.8 seconds)
  5. Alicia Green in DeVi (52.0 seconds)

The senior racing was also very speedy with sub 40 second times being clocked! The head to head races saw some very tight finishes.

Senior Soapbox Derby Results

  1. Paul Merry in M Power (39.4 seconds)
  2. Brian Stanford in Norfolk and Chance
  3. Richard Burton in Acceleramus (42.6 seconds)
  4. Carl Marshall in Topstreet Torpedo

Filming in the Play Park 13/14 June

Crackit Productions will be using cameras and drones to film in Avon Dassett Play Park at the following days and times:

  • Tuesday 13th June – Camera only – taking close shots of surrounds/ park objects

10:45am – 13:00pm

  • Wednesday 14th June – Camera only – following our contributor around the park

15:00pm – 19:30pm

  • Thursday 15th June – Drone – using a small patch of land to take aerial shots of the park

13:00pm – 16:00pm

The park will remain open to the public during this time.

Annual Parish Assembly

There was a great turnout for the Annual Parish Assembly. 30 villagers assembled to hear updates on the parish plan and contribute their ideas.

The parish council asked Sarah Richardson, the co-ordinator of the parish plan update in 2021-2 to supervise the meeting. The formal proceedings were held and then Sarah organised an interactive session where residents could speak to parish councillors on their specific responsibilities and also add their thoughts and ideas in writing. Sarah will gather these altogether into a formal report which will be discussed at the 3 July meeting of the parish council.

Many thanks to Liz, and the parish council, for paying for, and organising the drinks and refreshments. The meeting was obviosuly a great way of engaging the village and the parish council will consider this in their forward planning.

Thanks to everyone who attended. This is the parish plan update:

And the minutes of the meeting are here:

June Road Closures in Avon Dassett and Gaydon

The road through Avon Dassett will be closed from 0900-1800 on Saturday 24 June for the annual Soapbox Derby. Residents are kindly requested to remove their vehicles from the roadside during that time. Free parking is available at the field adjacent to the play park. For details of the road closure and diversion, please see:

HS2 Works

The B4551 Gaydon Road will be closed for HS2 works on 13-14 June and 26-27 June and the B4552 from 20-21 June and 3-4 July. For more details please see:

Annual Parish Assembly, 30 May

  • Want to help improve the village?
  • Enjoy living, working and spending leisure time in Avon Dassett?
  • Concerned about new housing, parking, crime, facilities or the environment?

Come to the Annual Parish Assembly

30 May at the Reading Room 7.00-8.00 pm

  • Receive an update on last year’s parish plan
  • Hear from the parish council and village groups
  • Enjoy a cuppa with your friends and neighbours
  • Find out how you can help and share your ideas

For those who cannot attend, a newsletter with all the updates will be delivered to every house in the village

Avon Dassett Coronation Celebrations

Avon Dassett celebrated the Coronation of Charles III and Camilla in style.

On Sunday 7 May, there was a picnic lunch for all the village and a bouncy castle, followed by an evening celebration, watching the Coronation Concert:

On Monday 8th May, Sally and her band hosted a music quiz at The Yew Tree. All songs had a Coronation connection!

Thanks to all the organisers for a brilliant weekend.

Congratulations to Anna Prosser

Anna Prosser has been recognised with a Coronation Champions Award for the volunteering work she does with the charity, Dogs for Good. In recognition of her work she was invited to the Coronation Concert. For more information on the work that Anna does, see: