All posts by Sarah Richardson

Heritage Open Day Events Near Avon Dassett, 8-17 September

There is lots going on for the heritage open days (8-17 September 2023), with many sites normally closed to the public opened:

Upton House, Upton, Banbury, Warwickshire, OX15 6HT

Ladbroke Church, Church Road, Ladbroke, Warwickshire, CV47 2DF

St Anne’s Catholic Church, Wappenbury, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV33 9DW

Church Hill, Bishops Tachbrook, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV33 9RJ

Hanwell Castle, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX17 1HN

Louisa Ward Close, Marton, Warwickshire, CV23 9SA

Cemex Rugby Cement Plant, New Rugby Works, Lawford Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2RY

Princethorpe College, Leamington Road, Princethorpe, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 9PX

St James Church , Park Lane, Southam, Warwickshire, CV47 0JA

All Saints’ Church , Church Road, Ladbroke, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV47 2DF

Chedhams Yard, Church Walk, Wellesbourne, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV35 9QT

Moreton Morrell Tennis Court Club, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV35 9AL

Avon Dassett Digital Communications Survey

As a response to the 2022 parish plan a village communications strategy is being developed with the aim to simplify communications and ensure the needs of those who use the different channels are being met. The parish plan revealed that there is no ONE preferred method to receive information about news, events and groups/societies. This means that the communications strategy will continue to encourage multiple ways of reaching people (both online and on paper/in person methods).

Turning to online communication, there is a perceived willingness to rationalise existing websites to meet the needs of the parish council and the wider community. Thus a number of questionnaires are being circulated to understand the needs of people who use village websites and village social media to help us improve all forms of communication:

  • Leaders of village groups and societies are being contacted separately for specific feedback
  • Village residents are being circulated with a paper questionnaire and can request an online version
  • External users can request an online version of the questionnaire.

If you would like an online version of this questionnaire please email stating if you are a village or external user.


By completing questionnaires you are consenting for the information to be collated, retained and used by the parish council for the purposes of improving communications in the village

Sarah Richardson (project lead) and Avon Dassett Parish Council Projects Group

Village Ready for Dassett Country Show on 5 August 12-5 pm

The Dassett Country Show Committee are working hard to ensure the 2023 event is bigger and better than before.

The show opens at 12 and the main ring schedule is:

  • 1200-1230  Dance Troupe Performance
  • 1230-1245  Avonside Scentwork
  • 1245-1345  Ceilidh Band and Dancing
  • 1345-1445  Fun Dog Show
  • 1445-1500  Sheep Shearing Demo
  • 1515-1530  Warwickhsire Hounds Parade
  • 1530-1545  Alpacas Parade
  • 1545-Finish  Ceilidh Band and Dancing

Lots of stalls, classic and vintage cars, licensed bar, tea tent, burger tent, pony rides, grow & show competition and much more!


Compton Verney Triathlons 23 July 2023

Do3 Coaching and Events operates the open water swimming sessions held at Compton Verney each Tuesday and Thursday night as well as on Sunday mornings.  We are a triathlon coaching company that also does pool based swim squads.

As we have done for the past couple of years, we are organising a triathlon on Sunday 23rd July at Park Farm, Compton Verney.  There are two different race distances, as follows:

On The Edge Middle Distance Triathlon

~100 participants

A middle distance race featuring a 1.9km swim in the lake at Park Farm, an 90km bike ride around the Warwickshire countryside and a 21km run around Compton Verney/Combrook, on the trails and local roads

A zoomable map for the routes can be found here:



Compton Verney Sprint Triathlon

~200 participants

A sprint distance race featuring a 400m swim in the lake at Park Farm, a 21km bike ride around the Warwickshire countryside and a 5km run around Compton Verney/Combrook on the trails and local roads

A zoomable map for the routes can be found here:



We have sought permission from the landowners where we will be using the public footpaths, and the local highways agency for the use of the roads, as well as farmers whose livestock may be affected.

There will be marshals on key junctions on the routes to assist, we have a private first aid company with two ambulances, and a bike breakdown vehicle.  There will be signage for where a marshal isn’t required.  The race is being overseen by British Triathlon and we will have a technical official present at the event and motorcycle officials on the bike routes.

We will be putting up signage and aim to take this down within 2 days after the event.  If we miss one, please do let us know and we’ll remove it asap.


Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership announces results of seatbelt campaign

Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership has announced the results of a seatbelt road safety campaign in May and June.

The campaign used the well-known phrase ‘it doesn’t take a brain surgeon’ to demonstrate that wearing a seatbelt is simple not requiring much effort and asked drivers and their passengers, to check everyone always wears a seatbelt on every journey.

Although simple to do, 86% of men (37 men) and 14% women (6 women) in the 39 vehicles (17 cars and 22 vans) stopped by officers during the National Police Chief Council seatbelt enforcement operation 12-25 June 2023 had chosen not to wear a seatbelt – even though it is one of the simplest and most effective things you can do to reduce the risk of injury in a collision to yourself and your passengers.

As a result, 6 people were given words of advice and 37 people received Traffic Offence Reports. The vast majority – almost all – were over 25 years old.

PC Simon Dalby, Operational Patrol Unit said “Most people we see during our patrols do wear a seatbelt because wearing a seatbelt is such an easy thing to do and it could save your life. But seatbelts only work if you are wearing one and there are still a reluctant or forgetful few that don’t.  That’s why we will continue to run regular operations to detect those not wearing a seatbelt to help educate drivers and passengers.

“Our work with National Highways on operations such as Tramline is particularly important because we target some of the fastest roads in Warwickshire looking for driver and vehicle offences and shockingly seatbelt offences make up around 20% of these.  That’s why new technology such as the National Highways Sensor van that uses AI is so exciting. It is a game changer as it can look at extremely high volumes of drivers on our roads and detect whether they are wearing a seatbelt.  With all these changes we really would urge the most reluctant drivers and passengers to please belt up.”

To help encourage the final few people that don’t currently wear seatbelts, PACTS the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety is calling on the government to increase the penalties for those not belting up.

Philip Seccombe, Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire and Chair of WRSP said “Most people wear a seatbelt because it’s such an easy thing to do. Camera detection technology is coming on in leaps and bounds and it won’t be long before we can detect every driver who is not wearing a seatbelt.  If you are one of the minority that doesn’t belt up please take responsibility for your own safety on the roads and the safety of your friends and family in your vehicle by always wearing a seatbelt. “

During the campaign information and daily facts were shared on social media about seatbelts and how to travel children safely. 

Whilst over 14-year-olds, are responsible for their own seatbelt use, small children are extremely vulnerable and need to be transported by adults with great care.  

Between 22-26 May 2023, free child car seat checks were offered to parents, grandparents and those responsible for safely transporting children and young people at supermarkets or garden centres in Rugby, Warwick, Stratford-upon-Avon, Nuneaton and Atherstone by ‘Car Seat Ladies’ who are experts in the field of car seat safety and IOSH accredited in car seat training.

They demonstrated how important it is to get your child car seat checked because they found that 80% of the child car seats checked were not correctly fitted.

Over the 5-day period, a total of 130 seats were checked and only 26 were fitted perfectly with no adjustments needed. The average age of children attending the event was 2 years old.

The Car Seat Ladies made adjustments on 99 occasions (76%) to make sure the seat and/or child left the location perfectly fitted.

One child had no seat at all, yet was under 12 and under 135cm tall – he was in fact only 2 years old!

The most common issue found with seats was the car’s own headrest interfering with their fitting. With children, the major two areas of concern were because the headrest of the child restraint was in the wrong position and child harnesses were too loose.

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service also attended the child car seat events to offer vehicle safety and maintenance advice, including checking tyres, oil and screen wash levels. The team also supported drivers to undertake these checks themselves.

More child car seat checks are planned, and these will be promoted in local media and on social media.  Please follow us on Facebook @WarwickshireRoadSafety and Twitter @WarksRoadSafety for road safety information and advice.

Warwickshire County Council Consultation on Housing-Related Services

Warwickshire County Council (WCC) has launched a public consultation seeking the views of people in Warwickshire about how housing related services are provided. The consultation period runs until 11 August 2023.

Like other local authorities, WCC is facing significant financial challenges. The budget for housing related support services will reduce by £1 million from April 2025. Considering this, WCC is undertaking this consultation to re-design these services to become more efficient and effective within a reduced budget, while retaining clear focus on those people with the greatest need and those where support will prevent them needing care services.

The aim of this consultation is to inform Warwickshire residents about the proposals to redesign services and to ask for their views. We would greatly appreciate your participation and would value your thoughts.

Join the conversation about the redesign of Housing Related Support Services in Warwickshire. Your ideas can make a real difference in helping individuals maintain their independence and prevent homelessness. Please complete the survey and tell others about it.

How to take part:

  • Complete the online survey online at
  • You can also respond in writing to: Warwickshire County Council, Housing Related Support Consultation, Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4RL or by emailing
  • If you need easy-read information and questions, please get in touch using the contact information below
  • If you need assistance in completing the survey online, or if you need information in another language or format, please get in touch using the contact information below and we will arrange help
  • A paper version of this survey is available – please request this by telephone or email (contact details below) and we shall send one out to you

If you have any queries or need any help or advice about the consultation, please email or telephone Warwickshire County Council Customer Service Centre on 01926 410410 and they will direct you to the Maintaining & Promoting Independence Team for support.

Anti-social driving in Avon Dassett

The village has recently suffered cars using the roads as a race track late at night. In such circumstances the police advise creating a ‘body of evidence’:

  • Logging each event by calling 101
  • Taking registration numbers if possible
  • Checking and saving CCTV images

You can also contact Cllr Alex Jackson who is the parish councillor responsible for crime.

For more information on crime prevention please see our Crime Safety pages.

Avon Dassett Soapbox Derby 24 June 2023

The annual Soapbox Derby was another brilliant day of thrilling racing, showcasing the village at its best and raising money for the Children’s Christmas Wish List charity.

Unfortunately, we had one accident but the safety car and first aider were quickly on the scene and decided that the driver should go to hospital to get checked out. He has a broken foot but is in good spirits and determined to come back faster next year.

Our junior race was very competitive and included our only female entrant and our youngest ever driver who was only 6!

Junior Soapbox Derby Results

  1. Max Merry in M Power (35.0 seconds)
  2. Freddie Morgan-Smart in Ready Freddie Go (40.3 seconds)
  3. Callum Lugger-Freke in DeLorean Back for the Win (43.8 seconds)
  4. Tyler Green in Rockie Patroller (45.8 seconds)
  5. Alicia Green in DeVi (52.0 seconds)

The senior racing was also very speedy with sub 40 second times being clocked! The head to head races saw some very tight finishes.

Senior Soapbox Derby Results

  1. Paul Merry in M Power (39.4 seconds)
  2. Brian Stanford in Norfolk and Chance
  3. Richard Burton in Acceleramus (42.6 seconds)
  4. Carl Marshall in Topstreet Torpedo