All posts by Sarah Richardson

Dassett Country Show Grow and Show Competition


The categories for this year’s Grow and Show have been decided and we think there’s something there for everyone, adults and kids! Entry fees are £1 per entry for adults and £0.50 per entry for kids. So…start your next bit of sewing, get planning your fruit, veg and flowers, start looking through those recipes and remember…money raised from entry fees goes to our two chosen charities.



Local Support to Quit Smoking

Swap to Stop is in Warwickshire!

If you are a smoker, aged over 18 and registered with a Warwickshire GP, you are entitled to 12-weeks of free 1-1 support from our qualified Stop Smoking practitioners, backed by the new government national stop smoking campaign which includes your own ‘Vape Quit Kit’.

What we offer

  • 12 weeks of one-to-one support
  • Help with managing cravings and withdrawal symptoms
  • Free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products – Plus ‘Vape Quit Kits’ for over 18’s
  • Smoke Free App
  • Delivered by a specialist stop smoking practitioner
  • Delivered in your area – face to face or digital

Who we can help

  • People living in Warwickshire
  • Registered with a Warkwickshire GP
  • Aged 18+ for the Swap to Stop Scheme; or 12+ without the option of the swap to stop scheme

What do I do now?

  • Call 0333 005 0092
  • Or text QUIT to 60777
  • Or complete the self-referral form here

Government Grant Funding for Off-Gas Properties

What funding is available?

Through UK government Help to Heat  schemes, Stratford on Avon District Council is delivering the second phase of the Home Upgrade Grant scheme – also known as ‘HUG2′.

HUG2 provides energy efficiency measures and low carbon heating to low-income households living in the worst performing, off-gas grid homes in England.

The scheme aims to improve the warmth and comfort of homes that do not have mains-gas heating, whilst also reducing energy bills, carbon emissions and levels of fuel poverty across the county.

Eligible households could receive free energy efficiency improvements or clean heating (such as air source heat pumps) for their homes, following a home assessment.

Who is eligible?

You could be eligible if you:

  • Don’t have gas central heating
  • Have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of D, E, F or G
  • Have a combined annual household income under £36,000 (gross)

For more information see:

Update on plans for the ‘Digital Switchover’

As you may already be aware, the UK’s telephone network is changing. By the end of 2025, most phone providers will have moved their customers from landlines served by the old analogue Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to new upgraded services which use digital technology. This is commonly referred to as the ‘Digital Switchover’.

Why is this happening?

The PSTN or ‘copper landline network’ is nearing the end of its life. It is becoming increasingly unreliable and more expensive to maintain. The new digital network will provide a more resilient, reliable, sustainable and energy-efficient phone service for decades to come.

It will also provide customers with other benefits including clearer calls and extra features that will include blocking most scam and nuisance calls, offering customers better protection against fraud.

When is this happening?

Around 90% of all Warwickshire residents and businesses currently receive their service from one of the ‘big four’ fixed landline providers: BT (BT Business & BT Consumer Group), VMO2, Sky and TalkTalk.

VMO2 have already completed the switchover for the vast majority of their Warwickshire customers, while those in the Atherstone area of North Warwickshire due to be migrated in August 2024.

The situation with Sky and Talk Talk is slightly different. As most of their customers do not receive their phone services via the PSTN network that Openreach is switching off, there isn’t the same requirement to switch their phone lines over.

As for BT Consumer Group – the largest provider of residential fixed line phone services in the UK, they will start the migration of customers to their Digital Voice network in the Solihull and Warwickshire areas in February 2024.

They have a number of drop-in sessions planned across the region in the coming weeks to address any issues or concerns that customers may have about the switchover process. More information on events in your area can be found by visiting: Digital Voice Events | Digital Home Phone | BT

Each of the phone service providers has extensive plans in place to notify affected customers well in advance of their switchover date. This includes providing them with easy to understand step-by-step instructions of what they will need to do on the day to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.

Drawbacks and further advice:

One of the main drawbacks of the new digital network is that differences between the two technologies means that there is a risk that devices that currently rely on the old network – such as telecare devices – will not necessarily work when switched over to the digital one.

All telecoms providers have plans in place to provide extra support to their more vulnerable customers and all have now signed up to a charter agreeing that they will not migrate vulnerable customers over to the new digital network until they are sure that a compatible telecare solution is in place.

However, if you think that you or someone you know may be affected by this, we would advise that you to get in touch with the phone service provider to ensure they are aware of the situation.

Another drawback is that your new digital landline may not work if there is a power cut. Openreach are working with the government and the power networks to help make the digital phone network more resilient in the event of any power outages.

Those with access to a mobile phone are advised to ensure these are sufficiently charged so that in the event of a blackout, calls – including those to emergency services – can still be made.

Battery back-up solutions can also be purchased and OFCOM has stated that if an ‘at-risk’ customer does not have any other means available, their telecoms provider must offer a solution to allow calls to be made to the emergency services. Your phone service provider will be able to provide more information on this.

Finally, it is worth noting that BT Business are following a totally separate migration rollout plan for their customers compared to BT Consumer Group. If you are a BT Business customer, we suggest you contact them to discuss the migration of your phone services to the digital network.

New signage in Avon Dassett to improve horse and rider safety

Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership has distributed two ‘Dead Slow’ boards to Avon Dassett to help improve the safety of horse and riders whilst using roads in the village.

The boards, produced in partnership with the British Horse Society and Warwickshire Horse Watch, ask drivers to pass horses wide – two metres – and slow – 10mph or less.

This reflects the new 2022 Highway Code that is now specific about what drivers and motorcyclists need to do to safely pass horses. Those travelling on two wheels such as off road bikes and motorbikes with a loud engine can be particularly challenging for horses. These road users should be prepared to stop and turn their engine off.

The signs have been erected just over a year after an accident where a rider was seriously injured and her horse was killed in Kineton.