Category Archives: News

Avon Dassett Parish Council Launch New Website

Avon Dassett Parish Council have launched their new, refreshed website:

The website includes information on:

  • Parish Council agendas and minutes
  • Parish councillors and clerk details
  • Policies, procedures, finance and projects
  • The Parish plan
  • Reading Room bookings calendar
  • Parish Council news and notices
  • Parish Council run facilities

All other community information is hosted on and the two websites have links to each other where relevant.

The parish council website has an Email Subscriber facility to enable interested parties to keep up to date with agendas, minutes and parish council news.

The parish councillors and clerk have new dedicated Parish Council email addresses:

Darrell Muffitt –
Trevor Gill –
Mike Blakeman –
Liz Hirst –
Alex Jackson –

Jo Jarman, the clerk to the parish council:

Stratford-on-Avon District Council Climate Assembly Event – 5th July 2024

The Climate Change Panel are organising a SDC facilitated Climate assembly on Friday 5th July at the Council offices, from 10am to 5pm.

If any community group would like to have a stall, or you are a speaker who could contribute to the workshops please contact Cllr Natalie Gist on

Once the programme has been finalised, both the event and workshops will be publicised.


Midlands Action against Fox Hunting

Midlands Action against Fox Hunting have sent the following message to residents of Avon Dassett and the local area.

“You will no doubt be aware of the current situation regarding the
Warwickshire Hunt. At present they are being allowed to conduct
anti-social behaviour and are putting local residents at risk. They have
and continue to trespass without any regard for the community. We are
looking for like-minded individuals who want to take action against this
behaviour and who are willing to make a stand against illegal hunting
and the anti-social behaviour that comes with it.
If this is you and you’d like to get involved please email (All details given will be treated
with the utmost confidence).”

GP Surgery to open in Upper Lighthorne

On 9th April 2024 Stratford District Council confirmed that a contract has been offered to a GP practice to run a permanent facility at Upper Lighthorne, subject to ratification by the ICB Procurement Panel and Finance & Performance Committee, which is due to happen on 1st May.

More details on the campaign for primary healthcare at Upper Lighthorne may be found here.