Category Archives: News

New timetable for Stratford-on-Avon electoral review

  The Local Government Boundary Commission is today announcing a new timetable for the Stratford-on-Avon electoral review. This follows a request for a delay from Stratford-on-Avon District Council. To contribute to the consultation please follow this link.

The closing date for the current consultation has been extended until 18 June 2021. Subsequent stages have been pushed back as a result. The implementation date for the new wards remains the local elections in 2023.

The full timetable can be seen below:

Consultation on warding patterns 

23 February 2021 – 18 June 2021

Consultation on draft recommendations 

31 August 2021 – 08 November 2021

Final recommendations published

01 February 2022

New wards implemented at elections in

May 2023

Please share this information with anyone you think might be interested in the electoral review.

Annual Parish Meeting – May 5th

Avon Dassett Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Wednesday 5th May at 7pm. The Annual Parish Meeting is a legacy from the Middle Ages, when Local Councils did not exist, and all local decision making was carried out by meetings of the whole community, taking place in the church vestry.

The Annual Parish Meeting is open to all electors, who have the right not only to attend but also to speak on any matter of local interest. This is in contrast to a Council meeting, where electors who are not Councillors have no automatic right to speak (though the parish council does have a set time when electors can raise matters of concern to them).

There will also be a regular parish council meeting and the parish council AGM taking place via Zoom.

Emotional Effects of Long Covid

In Warwickshire, a group has been set up to support those suffering from the emotional effects of Long Covid via a partnership between Warwickshire County Council and Brunswick Healthy Living Centre (‘BHLC’).

If you are interested in joining this group or obtaining further details, please contact  or call 01926 422123.

A welcome pack and registration is available by following this link.

(BHLC is a registered charity which provides services related to health and well being, and is based at Brunswick Hub in Leamington Spa)

Local and Police Commissioner Elections, May 6th 2021


Avon Dassett will go to the polls on Thursday 6th May. The Polling Station has been moved to The Yew Tree because of the pandemic.

For details of the candidates standing for Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire Police & Crime Commissioner please see below:

Warwickshire County Council
Election of a County Councillor
The following is a statement of the persons nominated for election as a County Councillor for Kineton & Red Horse
BALLANTYNE, Rob, (address in Stratford-on-Avon), Green Party
GREETHAM, Elizabeth Anne, Hibiscus, Moreton Paddox, Moreton Morrell, CV35 9BU, Liberal Democrats
MILLS, Chris, 10 Fighting Close, Kineton, CV35 0LS, The Conservative Party Candidate
SEWELL, Jan, 38 Loxley Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7DP, Labour Party

Full list of nominations for Warwickshire County Council (Stratford-Upon-Avon District)

The following is a statement of the persons nominated for election as a Police and Crime Commissioner
ADAM, Louis William McMaster, (address in Stratford-on-Avon Parliamentary Constituency), Liberal Democrat
LU, Henry, (address in Stratford-on-Avon Parliamentary Constituency), Reform UK
SECCOMBE, Philip Stanley, Sundial Cottage, Lower Tysoe, Warwick, CV35 0BZ, The Conservative Party Candidate
TWOMEY, Ben, (address in Rugby Parliamentary Constituency), Labour and Cooperative Party

For the official nomination notice please see:

Village Social – 22 May!

22 May will be the first Saturday (with luck!) that pubs are able to serve customers indoors. It will also be the date of a village social, pop-up market and launch of the Avon Dassett parish plan! All are welcome to come and celebrate!

The social, market and parish plan launch will be at The Yew Tree from 9-11 am.

Roadmap to Re-opening Webinars

Introduction – Roadmap Reopening Webinars from Warwickshire County Council and Partners 

Following the Government announcement of the four-step  roadmap to cautiously ease lockdown restrictions in England, Warwickshire County Council is working with district and borough council partners to run a series of ‘Roadmap Re-opening’ information and advice webinars during March, April and May for organisations and businesses as they prepare to reopen.

The first couple of these begin next week, w/c 22nd March, focused on sports clubs and amateur sports bodies, and places of worship. The details are below.

WEBINAR – Sports clubs and amateur sports bodies – COVID Secure Reopening of Outdoor Sports – Your Questions Answered 

The first of these is for Sports Clubs and Amateur Sports bodies as they prepare to get ready for the re-opening of outdoor sports activities. The webinar will cover key learning from the latest lockdown and advice on keeping players, coaches and spectators safe.

The panel on the webinar will include local authority colleagues from public health, trading standards, Warwickshire Police, Fire and Rescue and our Towns Team.

We are inviting any organisations to join our webinar to raise any questions they may have and to learn from the experience of others. The event will be recorded for those unable to join live to view later, and questions may be submitted in advance to

Webinar Details: Tuesday 23rd March 5pm-6pm 

Microsoft Teams meeting 

Join on your computer or mobile app 

Click here to join the meeting

Or Dial in: 

0203 321 5213

Phone Conference ID: 279 755 974#

Webinar – COVID Secure – Places of Worship – Information Webinar   

As we begin our journey following the national roadmap to recovery from COVID-19, Warwickshire County Council and partners are running an advice and information webinar to help answer some of the common questions that we have been receiving from the faith sector.  Many faith establishments wish to open at the end of March for public worship and are looking towards services and festivals to mark Easter, Ramadan, Holi and Vaisakhi during the Spring months.

The webinar panel will include local authority colleagues from public health, trading standards, local district and boroughs, Warwickshire Police, Fire & Rescue and Town Centres.

As well as any questions raised on the day, we’ll cover:

  • A brief current COVID-19 picture in Warwickshire
  • COVID secure key public health advice in Places of Worship
  • Risk assessments, how to undertake these & what help is available
  • Local lateral flow testing and contact tracing


We are inviting any voluntary groups to join our webinar to raise any questions they may have and to learn from the experience of others. The event will include an overview of any recent changes and responsibilities. The event will be recorded for those unable to join live to view later, and questions may be submitted in advance to

Webinar Details: Thursday 25th March 2021, 11.30 – 12.30.   


Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+44 20 3321 5213,,338350128#   United Kingdom, London

Phone Conference ID: 338 350 128#
Find a local number | Reset PIN


NHS Volunteer Responders Evaluation

As part of the national embed and evaluate programme for the NHS Volunteer Responders (GoodSam) scheme, we are undertaking some local evaluation across Warwickshire and Coventry of how people have accessed community support either as a volunteer or a recipient.

To help with this, please could I ask you to distribute the attached survey link through your local contacts and networks.  The closing date for responses is tomorrow, 23rd March.