Category Archives: News

More Scams to be Aware of

The information can also be found here:


Looking for a Cheap Holiday or Airline Flight? Don’t be Caught out by the Copycats!

Fraudsters are setting up copycat websites through which they sell fake airline tickets and holidays. The fraudsters use the same names (or very similar names) and ATOL numbers of genuine travel companies.

Before the pandemic, in 2018 UK holidaymakers lost more than £7m to fake sites and fraud. According to ABTA, 53% of reported online holiday scams concerned the sale of fake airline tickets from copycat and bogus websites.

These websites look very professional and even include telephone numbers that use local area codes to where the genuine companies are based! The telephone numbers are actually linked to foreign call centres.

If you are a victim of a bogus website, report it to Trading Standards on 0808 223 1133.

There are many companies that sell holidays and airline tickets online, from large brands to small independents. We’ve put together a few top tips to help you protect yourself.

  1. If the seller is unfamiliar to you, research them online. You can check to see when a website was first registered using If the website was registered very recently, but the company claims to be well established, be wary!
  2. Pay in a way that offers some form of protection if things go wrong, for example with a credit card. Be wary of companies that will only accept payments that offer little or no protection, such as bank transfer.
  3. More advice on holiday and travel bookings is available here:

Everyone’s a Winner!

Beware of bogus ‘pop-up’ quizzes and competitions that appear on websites and social media sites. Many bogus promotional competitions claim to offer iPhones and other technology as prizes. People are asked to answer a few simple questions and of course, everyone wins! ‘Winners’ are then asked to provide their card details to pay for posting their non-existent prize to them. When the fraudsters have this information they can start taking money from ‘prize winners’ bank accounts, often by setting up a continuous payment authority.

More on competition scams:

Scam DVLA Emails

Warwickshire residents have reported receiving scam DVLA email messages. The messages state that their car must not be driven on the highway because its road tax had expired and the application to renew it had been refused because the account did not contain sufficient funds to cover it. The recipient of the email is then invited to click on a link to a website to ‘resolve the matter’. These links direct recipients to bogus websites from which personal and financial information can be stolen. Be wary of any unexpected emails. Never follow a link in a suspicious email. Always visit the website by typing the correct address in to the browser.

More on phishing emails:

Pet Registration Microchip Copycats

New pet owners are warned to beware of bogus ‘copycat’ websites offering pet microchip registration services. These bogus websites, that can appear above genuine websites in online searches, take money for falsely claiming to be able to register your pet. Before you register your pet, make sure that you have visited the correct website.

PPE for Unpaid Carers 


The Government guidance for carers has been updated. Informal unpaid carers can now access PPE from the local authority. Please see the guidance below which states:

“We are currently rolling out an offer of free PPE for COVID-19 needs to unpaid carers who do not live with the person or people they care for. This will be available until the end of June 2021, and will be available from local authorities (LAs) and local resilience forums (LRFs).”

Please let families know if they want to access PPE they can if they provide informal care to a family, neighbours or friends that they do not live with. To order please fill out or return this online form or email 


Census 2021 Scam Warning

Census 2021 ‘Be Scam Aware

Census Day is Sunday 21 March 2021. After Census Day, at the end of March and into April, census field officers will be visiting households from which they have not received a completed census form. They will encourage people to complete the census and help residents to access further help if they need it.

Scammers may seek to use the Census as an opportunity to perpetrate doorstep, telephone, and online scams, so it is important to remember the following:

  • At no point will you be asked for your national insurance number, passwords, bank account details, or your credit or debit card numbers, nor any payment
  • You will not receive any payment for completing the census, so any offers of money in exchange for your account details will be fraudulent
  • You will not be called for information about the census unless you’ve made an appointment with the Census Contact Centre or made a query or complaint
  • No-one will enter your home in relation to the census
  • Help to fill out your form is free (for more information visit: or phone 0800 141 2021)
  • You can report a fraud direct to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or visit:

Damp Proof Scam Warning

Warwickshire homeowners have reported receiving nuisance phone calls from people informing them that someone will visit their property to check for damp. The callers were also asking about the resident’s financial situation. Offering free surveys is sometimes a way for unscrupulous businesses to access people’s properties so they can apply the ‘hard sell’ and carry out often very expensive and unnecessary insulation work. Put the phone down immediately on cold callers and never buy goods or services from unexpected callers, either on the doorstep or over the phone. For more information visit:

Bogus Royal Mail Parcel Delivery

More residents are reporting receiving bogus emails stating that Royal Mail has attempted to deliver a parcel to them without success and now requires ‘additional details’ in order to attempt to re-deliver the parcel, as the ‘address appears to be incomplete’. The emails contain a  ‘book your delivery’ link that directs you to a bogus website. Never click on a link in a suspicious email. For more information on scam emails visit:

Beware Puppy Scams

Trading Standards Animal Health Officers have received reports of criminal gangs illegally smuggling puppies into the UK to sell, puppies being stolen and sold on and consumers paying huge deposits to online sellers for puppies that don’t exist. Illegally imported puppies may carry diseases that are a threat to human health such as rabies. Criminal gangs have also been involved in puppy farming, where dogs are often bred in appalling conditions, increasing the risk of disease and ill health. To help avoid puppy scams, follow our top tips:

For more information see:

To make a consumer complaint or for consumer help and advice, please contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.

For consumer or business help and advice, including details of our approved trader scheme, please visit our website:

Sign up for regular scam alerts to your email inbox:


Don’t pay criminals for stolen puppies, sick puppies and puppies that don’t even exist!

Consumers are paying thousands to criminals for stolen and sick puppies and in some case puppies that don’t even exist, Warwickshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service is warning.

Warwickshire County Councillor Andy Crump, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety said: 

“The popularity of owning a dog has increased since the pandemic began, such that demand for puppies has gone through the roof and prices for many breeds have more than doubled.”

“Unfortunately, this has encouraged criminals to get involved, leading to more puppy thefts and prospective owners paying huge sums for stolen or sick puppies or large deposits for puppies that don’t even exist.”

“We’ve published some top tips to assist would be dog owners to avoid these scam puppy sales.”

Trading Standards Animal Health Officers have received reports of criminal gangs illegally smuggling puppies in to the UK to sell, puppies being stolen and sold on and consumers paying huge deposits to online sellers for puppies that don’t exist.

Illegally imported puppies may carry diseases that are a threat to human health such as rabies. Criminal gangs have also been involved in puppy farming, where dogs are often bred in appalling conditions, increasing the risk of disease and ill health.

In April 2020 ‘Lucy’s Law’ was introduced, meaning that anyone wanting to get a new puppy (or kitten) in England must now buy direct from a breeder, or consider adopting from a rescue centre instead. Licensed dog breeders are required to show puppies interacting with their mothers in their place of birth. If a business sells puppies (or kittens) without a licence, they could receive an unlimited fine or be sent to prison for up to six months. The new law seeks to tackle the low-welfare, high volume supply of puppies (and kittens), by banning their commercial third-party sale in England.

Beginning on Monday 8th March, Warwickshire Trading Standards is launching a new campaign to promote their top tips, search ‘buypuppysafe’ or follow us on Facebook: and Twitter:

Top Tips to Buy a Puppy Safely  

  1. Buy from a reputable and recommended dealer. Consider the Kennel Club Assured breeder scheme
  2. Always view the puppy with its mother and siblings, where it has been bred
  3. Ask to see the health test certificates for the puppy’s parents and the puppy’s vaccination documentation
  4. Be prepared to wait for the puppy you want. Be very wary of anyone claiming they can provide the puppy you want quickly
  5. Many bogus breeders ‘sell’ puppies on social media where money is taken for large deposits, but no puppy is ever delivered. If you’re asked to pay a deposit, check to ensure the seller is genuine first.
  6. Never agree to meet the seller anywhere other than where the puppy is kept, for example car parks, motorway service stations etc. Do not allow the seller to deliver the puppy to your home
  7. Beware of anyone offering a puppy at a ‘too good to be true’ price
  8. To report puppy scams, the illegal sale of puppies and obtain advice on your consumer rights, contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133
  9. For more information and advice about buying a puppy, visit:

Parish Plan Launch – Pop-Up Market – Village Social on 22 May

Saturday 22 May is destined to be the first Saturday that pubs can welcome people back indoors (albeit keeping to strict social distancing and COVID prevention measures).

To celebrate, there will be a social event at The Yew Tree in the morning from 0900-1100.

First and foremost this will be a chance to catch up with friends and neighbours in a safe way – but there is more!

The ever popular pop-up market will be returning with all your favourite craft, food, drink and produce stalls from local businesses and the local community.

There will be children’s activities and games.

And the event will also see the launch of the refreshing of the Avon Dassett Parish Plan. The original parish plan was completed 14 years ago in 2007 and so it is now time for residents and the local community to take a fresh look at the facilities and services we would all like for the village. There will be a chance for those attending the market to share their thoughts on everything including issues such as local crime, traffic calming, improving the environment, leisure facilities, housing, and many more. Everyone can get involved including children who will have a change to design their ideal play park and fantasy village. All of these ideas will feed into a survey which will take place later in the year and be run by Stratford District Council.

The Yew Tree and Frellies Ice Cream Shack will be on hand to provide refreshments. Please put the date in your diary and we look forward to seeing as many people as possible on 22 May.

Avon Dassett Couple Appeal to Boris to Keep their Conservatory

Lesley and Martin Kipling, who recently had their appeal dismissed by Stratford District Council after seeking retrospective planning permission for a small conservatory, have appealed to the Prime Minister, the Housing Minister and the heir to the throne in an effort to keep it.

For the full story in the Coventry Telegraph see here:

Warwickshire Carers Called Forward for COVID19 Vaccination

The NHS in Coventry and Warwickshire is calling for carers in receipt of Carers Allowance to book their coronavirus vaccination.

These eligible people can book their vaccination via the national booking website. You can do this by going to  or by calling 119 free of charge, anytime between 7am and 11pm – seven days a week.

People who are registered as carers with their GP will be called for a vaccination by their local GP led vaccination centre.

This is a phased approach to the vaccination process. It must be stressed that if you are caring for someone and do not receive a Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) payment currently, please be patient, your GP or the NHS will be in contact with you in due course.

 Nigel Minns, Strategic Director (Director of Adult Social Care) said: “The Covid-19 vaccination offer is now moving at pace and as such, is now offering the vaccination to people who are in receipt of carers allowance and those who are registered with their GP as a carer.  . We want to ensure that the rollout of the vaccination offer to carers in Warwickshire is carried out as efficiently and effectively as possible and to ensure the phased approach is well managed.  This is why at this stage we are only calling for anyone in receipt of a DWP Carers Allowance to come forward to book your vaccine. Please be assured that if you are a carer eligible for the vaccine you will also be notified in the coming weeks of arrangements for you to book your vaccine.”

Anyone who does provide a caring responsibility for a friend, neighbour or family members is being reminded that they can register their caring status with the Carers Trust (Heart of England) or with their GP.

Sonja Woodhouse, CEO, Carers Trust Heart of England: “Despite what has been a challenging time for households across the country, carers have continued to play a vital role in looking after the people they care about – whether collecting groceries and medicine for shielding family members or supporting someone with mental health problems during lockdown.”

She added: “We welcome the news that registered carers are now eligible to receive their Covid-19 vaccine and we encourage local carers to have their vaccination to help protect the health and wellbeing of themselves and the people they care for.”

To register with Carers Trust (Heart of England) please go to

If you are a young carer under 18 years you can also access for support with Warwickshire Young Carers. Please go to for more information.

To check if you are eligible for Carers Allowance please go to

Avon Dassett Soapbox Derby 2021 – Cancelled

soapbox derby
It is with great regret that we are unable to go ahead with Avon Dassett Soapbox Derby in 2021. This is due to government restrictions on events. Although they have set out a roadmap to recovery, it is by no means clear that all restrictions will be removed by June. This does not give us enough time to plan the event and ensure legal requirements, such as the road closure will be in place.
The Soapbox Derby will be back next year on Saturday 25 June 2022, so please make a note in your diary!

Trading Standards Scams Alert

All these scams have been recently reported to Warwickshire Trading Standards by Warwickshire residents.

Copycat Driving Licence Renewal Website Charged Consumer Nearly £100 

Warwickshire residents wishing to renew their driving licences are warned to beware of ‘copycat’ websites that are charging consumers nearly £100 for a process that should cost £14.

Copycat scams often involve unscrupulous people setting up websites which closely mimic Government or other official sites and charge people a fee to use them that is much higher than the fee charged by the official website. In some cases, residents have been charged to renew documents that should be free of charge.

These ‘copycat’ websites may appear above genuine websites in a web search.

Official UK renew your driving licence website:

The website is the best place to begin your search for any Government document renewal service.

More advice on copycat websites from Get Safe Online:

Bogus Banking Texts  

More Warwickshire residents have reported receiving scam bank text messages. The messages include:

  • ‘an unusual payment has been made from this device’
  • ‘a new payee has been authorised on 03/02/2021 at 13:03. If you do not recognise this, please visit…’
  • ‘unverified access reported. You must confirm your client details at… to prevent card limitations’

The recipients are directed to a bogus bank website via a link. Some text messages may also carry a fake bank helpline telephone number. These text messages may sometimes appear amongst genuine text messages you have received from your bank.

Never click on a link in a text message from your bank. Always log into your account via your bank’s official app or via the web browser. If you wish to phone your bank, use the telephone number publicised on the bank’s website or that printed on the back of your bank card.

More advice on blocking nuisance calls and texts from the CAB:

Scam NHS COVID Vaccination Emails 

Warwickshire residents have reported receiving very genuine looking NHS COVID19 vaccination booking emails. The emails direct recipients to a ‘booking website’ at which time they are asked for a £5 fee!

  • The vaccine will always be free on the NHS  
  • NHS staff will never ask for, or accept, cash or other payment methods for vaccines
  • The NHS will never ask you for your bank account or card details, your PIN or bank password
  • NHS staff will never arrive unannounced at your home to administer the vaccine
  • The NHS will never ask you to prove your identity by sending copies of personal documents such as your passport, driving licence, bills or pay slips

More advice from NHS England:

Arrest Warrant!

More Warwickshire residents have reported receiving scam automated telephone calls stating that a warrant has been issued for their arrest and they must press 1 to deal with the matter.

Never respond to scam telephone messages. Always try and block the telephone number.

More advice on blocking nuisance calls and texts from the CAB:

Online Trader Warning  

The popularity of online share trading and cryptocurrency trading during the COVID lockdown has led to increasing numbers of fraudsters contacting would be investors via social media, offering them the opportunity to open a ‘trading account’. The fraudsters then ask for money up front to open the account (often £1000 or more) and pretend to begin trading on behalf of the consumer before disappearing with the money. No account is ever opened, nor any investments made. Some fraudsters may send small amounts of money back to the investor for a short time, falsely claiming that the money is the return on their investment, as a precursor to asking for more funds.

If you are interested in investing, do your homework. These websites all contain advice and information you might find useful: