Category Archives: News

Thefts of Rural Postboxes

A number of post boxes have been stolen from nearby villages:

Incident 144 of 13/11/20 – Bishops Itchington

Incident 186 of 13/11/20 – Chadshunt

Incident 158 of 15/11/20 – Moreton Morrell

Please be vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the police by calling 101.

Bishops Itchington Postbox Stolen

Thefts Reported, Saturday 14/Sunday 15 November

A Landrover (see picture above) was stolen from Avon Dassett last night. It was used to tow away a stolen caravan (picture below). The vehicles (plus two vans) were spotted driving through Farnborough at around 3am Sunday morning. The Landrover is in distinctive red livery with many logos.

In addition another caravan was stolen from Kineton Saturday night/Sunday morning. It was towed through fields and fences which resulted in a horse being let loose on the roads. The caravan was found smashed up in a ditch in Gaydon this morning.

Please be vigilant and report any sightings to the police.

Avon Dassett Christmas Card for Sale

Avon Dassett Community Benefit Society have produced a special ‘Avon Dassett’ charity card for the village.

The cards are of high quality and all profits from the sale will go to the Alzheimer’s Society.

There are two versions available with the wording ‘From our home to yours’ (pictured) or ‘Sending you the warmest of festive wishes from Avon Dassett’.

The cards are available for 75p per card, or 10 cards for £6.50. If you would like some cards please contact Sandra Sandiford (WhatsApp/mobile 07946 530923) and they will be delivered directly to your door.

Support for Carers in Warwickshire

There is support if you, or someone you know, cares for a loved one.


If you are an adult caring for a loved one who has a physical or mental illness/disability, including dementia and substance misuse, please contact the Warwickshire Carer Wellbeing Service on 02476 632972 (opt 2) or go to

Under 18s

A young carer is a child or young adult who cares for a loved one. If you are a young person or if you know of a young person who needs support please contact Warwickshire Young Carers on 024 7621 7740 or go to

Parent carers

If you’re a parent caring for your child aged 0-25 who has SEND, you can request a carer’s assessment. Warwickshire County Council on 01926 410410.
01926 410410

Remembrance Day – 8 November

Due to the government’s second national lockdown Remembrance Sunday this year is set to be a very different occasion as Services and Acts of Remembrance are changed but ‘we will remember them.’ There is no large gathering intended, but there will be a short commemoration at the Memorial at 1pm on Sunday where representatives from each organisation will lay their wreaths.
We appreciate that many residents will want to take part in an act of remembrance and we would ask you to do this by standing on your doorstep for the two-minute silence at 11am on Sunday 8th November and, or on Wednesday 11th November. Earlier in this extraordinary year, we stood on our doorsteps to clap for the NHS, so let us stand together again to show our thanks to those who died for us.
To allow members of our community to have their own act of remembrance the church service, which cannot be in the church due to the lockdown, will be held at 6pm on ZOOM. To access this go to the front page of the Burton Dassett Church website.
There are other ways we can remember and show our appreciation to those who gave their lives for us. Here are some ideas that others across the country will be doing.
Paint a poppy on a pebble and lay it at the war memorial anytime leading up to 11th November.
The Royal British Legion are encouraging people to download, print, colour and display a poppy in a window in return for a donation. It would be lovely to see lots of poppies displayed around the villages, if you are interested please follow the link to their website.

Avon Dassett Macmillan Coffee Morning 2020

As we enter another period of lockdown due to COVID19, please celebrate the selfless volunteers in our community like Deb Watts, who in spite of not being able to run her usual Macmillan coffee morning, nevertheless managed to raise an amazing amount for the charity. Avon Dassett salutes you Deb!

There was no coffee morning in The Reading Room, this year, due to Covid.  However, prior to lockdown in March, collections were made during each of our village coffee mornings and the sum of £50.79 was raised.  This, and other donations of £30, making a total of £80.79 has now been sent to Macmillan Cancer Support. 
Thank you all for your support.
Deb Watts
Debbie pouring tea
Debbie pouring tea

Warwickshire Trading Standards Scam Alerts

Bitcoin Investment Scam 

Investors are warned to beware of bogus ‘investment experts’ operating via social media group sites providing investment advice on Bitcoin and other investments. Such ‘experts’ often claim they have fool proof ‘systems’ that enable them to beat the market. They may use fake graphs and charts to make it appear they are successful. Warwickshire residents have reported losing thousands of pounds after allowing these ‘experts’ to invest money on their behalf or after following their advice. It is unclear as to whether money was invested badly or simply stolen. Investors requiring financial advice on how and where to invest their money should speak an authorised individual or business.


Back of the Van TV Seller Warning 

Warwickshire Trading Standards has received reports of individuals selling televisions from the backs of vans in car parks and at motorway service stations. Such individuals can sometimes be very pushy and intimidating. The products may be being sold at ‘bargain’ prices.

You can’t tell a good trader from a bad one on the doorstep or in a car park! Trading Standards advises consumers not to buy TVs or other consumer goods if they are approached unexpectedly in a car park or on the doorstep. It’s very hard for a consumer to locate a trader again in these circumstances, if the goods later turn out to be fake or faulty.

Trading Standards also understands that there are bogus traders selling TVs that have been taken from recycling centres before they are re-packaged in boxes and bubble wrap with fake labels.

Always buy from genuine traders you know and trust. This way, if something does go wrong you can find the trader and exercise your consumer rights. For more advice visit:

PPI Money Back Scam 

Warwickshire consumers have reported receiving scam phone calls from people claiming to have obtained PPI compensation for them. Some residents have reported making failed PPI claims in the past. The fraudster suggests that normally they would have to charge a 40% commission fee, but this could circumvented if the consumer takes out a policy for life insurance or a funeral plan.

Trading Standards suspect that these callers are simply high pressure sales people trying to sell consumers financial products that they would not normally be interested in, with the bogus promise that they would receive PPI compensation. Residents are advised to put the phone down on bogus callers.

Bogus HMRC Callers Target the Self-Employed 

Fraudsters falsely claiming to work for HMRC are now targeting self-employed people in Warwickshire stating that they have been ‘flagged for tax fraud and evasion’ and that a ‘warrant has been issued’ for their arrest. They have been described as being very convincing. The callers are also spoofing HMRC telephone numbers to make them appear genuine. This is the latest in a long line of HMRC related scams. Always put the phone down and never reveal any personal or financial information under these circumstances. More on spoofing:

Email Account Takeover Scam 

Email account takeover occurs when a fraudster gains access to a legitimate user’s email account. They may do so by obtaining passwords and usernames from the dark web or via phishing scams. When this happens, fraudsters can send emails (posing as the legitimate user) to the users’ friends and family in their email address book. These emails can appear very genuine because the fraudster can word them in the same way as the legitimate user would do.

This is a typical case: a person receives an email they believe is genuine (but has in fact been sent by a fraudster) asking them to purchase some gift cards on behalf of the email sender, as gifts for a relative. The email’s recipient does so and is then asked to send the card numbers to the email sender (the fraudster). Fraudsters don’t need to the physical cards to use them, only the card numbers.

Your email account is arguably the most vital online account you possess. Cyber criminals can use your email to access many of your personal accounts, leaving you vulnerable to identity theft.

Keep it safe and secure. Visit:

Bogus Sky Callers 

Warwickshire residents are again receiving bogus calls from people falsely claiming to be Sky TV and stating that they must take out compulsory breakdown cover for their Sky box. Put the phone down. More on Sky related scams:

Department of Work & Pensions Update

Post Office Ltd Leaflet Campaign for Post Office card account (POca) Customers

From 26 October Post Office are planning to issue a leaflet to POca customers providing them with information on opening another account. It will enable them to switch their benefit/pension payments to a standard bank account.  Approximately 1000 branches are taking part over a 3-week period handing out the leaflet when the customer makes a benefit/pension withdrawal.  As part of the on-going POca conversion activity, the leaflet advises the customer to contact the DWP dedicated team, Financial Inclusion Contact Centre (FICC). If a customer contacts their benefit/pension helpline regarding the leaflet, please direct them to the FICC on 0800 085 7133.

Autism Employment Profiling Assessment Service and Toolkit

DWP can use and signpost customers to the free Autism Employment Profiling Assessment Service (link is external) for people with an autism spectrum condition, including if they also have a mild learning disability. It is only suitable for people who have autism. The service is designed to help individuals consider suitable work options and reasonable adjustments they may need.

Childcare Support

From 1 November, eligible working parents (link is external) who receive support through the Job Support Scheme (JSS) and extended Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) will continue to receive their childcare entitlements, including the 30 hours offer and Tax-Free Childcare, even if their income levels fall below the threshold temporarily whilst on these schemes


Touchbase is being produced weekly and is being circulated to subscribers every Friday. Although these provide a roundup of announcements and are useful for organisations they will not be published on GOV.UK Subscribe to Touchbase (link is external)

HMRC Bulletin

HMRC are issuing bulletins providing Covid-19 support through the information they provide about the latest schemes and programmes to support businesses and employees. The latest bulletin (link is external) includes details of the Job Support Scheme, Job Retention Bonus and Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

Kickstart Materials

The Kickstart materials (link is external) available on GOV.UK have been updated and now include ‘Tips for making a successful Kickstart Scheme application’ and ‘Guidance on choosing a Kickstart gateway’.  Also Kickstart Scheme terms and conditions (link is external) for employers and gateways receiving the Kickstart Scheme grant from the Department for Work and Pensions have been added.

Business Readiness Webinars

Over 3,000 people have attended sector-specific webinars (link is external) to help them get ready for the end of the transition period. Now with just 63 days to go until the UK’s new start, the Business Secretary Alok Sharma is encouraging firms to sign up for a second phase of webinars.


Care Leavers

New guidance for councils (link is external) has been published to help ensure care leavers have the stable homes they need, and prevent them from becoming homeless.

New Homes

Over £150 million is to be made available across England to provide a permanent place to live for some of the most vulnerable in society. More than 3,300 new long-term homes (link is external) for rough sleepers and other vulnerable people have been approved.