Category Archives: News

VJ Day 75 – 15 August 2020

Save the date!

Following a very successful commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day on 9 May 2020, Avon Dassett will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of the end of the war (VJ Day) on Saturday 15 August. Villagers are asked to gather at The Yew Tree from 1500 hours. There will be:

  • A mini exhibition of Avon Dassett and WWII prepared by the Local History Group and hosted by The Yew Tree
  • A special reprise of the 1940s Sing-along-a Sally at The Yew Tree. Song sheets here
  • Bunting and village decorations
  • Flowers at the War Memorial to remember those who lost their lives in the conflict
  • Cream Teas available to pre-order from The Yew Tree (£4.50 each) but villagers are also welcome to bring picnics to the pub or in their garden as they did on VE Day
  • Villagers are invited to decorate their properties with bunting and/or wear a poppy/white chrysanthemums (the Japanese flower which commemorates loss)
  • The Union Jack will fly from the flagpole at the play park

The whole day is being co-ordinated by Councillor Liz Hirst.

The official poster:

Alabama Rot – fatal disease for dogs – found in Bloxham

A case of Alabama Rot disease has been found in a dog in Bloxham, near Banbury:

The signs of Alabama Rot are:

  • Skin lesions/ulcers
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting

To minimise the risk

  • Stick to dry paths on walks and keep dogs away from muddy and wet areas
  • Wash mud off dogs after walks and check for lesions
  • If you have concerns contact your vet immediately for advice


Warwickshire Primary Mental Health Team Parent Information Sessions

Parent Information Sessions via Microsoft Teams  

Are you a parent or carer of a child or young person living in Warwickshire?

The Warwickshire Primary Mental Health Team offer free Parent Information Sessions via Microsoft Teams with a Mental Health Clinician.

You will have the opportunity to learn about common emotional wellbeing concerns in children/young people and find out what you can do to help.

Please email or call 07917 504 682 to receive a link and click to join the session!




Challenging Behaviours




13th July 2020



1.30pm – 3.00pm



Anxiety 3-11



14th July 2020




1.30pm – 3.00pm



Anxiety 12+



15th July 2020




1.30pm – 3.00pm







16th July 2020



1.30pm – 3.00pm





Sensory Needs




17th July 2020



1.30pm – 3.00pm


Understanding and managing challenging behaviours in children aged 4-12 years

You will learn about social learning theory and why some children may develop difficult or challenging behaviours. You will have a greater understanding of some possible underlying causes of these behaviours. You will learn practical strategies and techniques that may be helpful to manage your child’s difficult behaviours at home. You will also find out where you can access local support if you are worried about your child’s emotional wellbeing.

 Understanding and supporting children aged 3-11 years with Anxiety

You will learn about anxiety and how can we help our children people manage their worries. You will learn to identify the signs & symptoms of anxiety and how it might present in children of different ages. You will learn to differentiate between the usual stresses of childhood and anxiety that may be more problematic for your child. You will learn practical strategies and techniques you can do at home to support your child when they are feeling anxious. You will also find out where you can access local support if you are worried about your child’s emotional wellbeing.

 Understanding and supporting children aged 12+ with Anxiety

Similar to the above topic, you will learn about anxiety in relation to young people aged 12+ years. You will also learn some new strategies to support a young person within this age group. You will also find out where you can access local support if you are worried about your child’s emotional wellbeing.

Understanding and supporting young people aged 12-18 years who self-harm

You will learn about self-harm, what it is and how you can help your child/young people? You will learn about some of the reasons young people self-harm and what can maintain this behaviour. You will learn practical strategies and techniques that may be helpful for a child/young person who is self-harming. You will also find out where you can access local support if you are worried about your child’s emotional wellbeing.


Understanding sensory needs in school aged children


You will learn about sensory processing in children/young people and gain an understanding of how it affects them in their day to day life. You will learn about your child’s sensory needs and how you can support them to better manage their anxiety, low mood and other common mental health difficulties. You will learn practical strategies & techniques to try at home to manage your child/young person’s sensory needs and will also find out where you can access local support if you are worried about your child’s emotional wellbeing.

PLEASE NOTE: All our sessions are aimed at early intervention and prevention and may not be suitable for those already involved with other Rise Services. These sessions are not suitable for parents of children/young people with moderate to severe learning needs.

Changes to Times of Services in Dassett Magna Churches

Following the decision to re-open some of the Dassett Magna Churches for worship (for services only, the churches are otherwise closed), some changes have been made to the times of these:

Sunday 12 July

  • 0930: St Giles Church, Gaydon
  • 1100: St Peter and St Clare Church, Fenny Compton
  • 1800: Zoom service (online) with hymns

Sunday 19 July

  • 0930: St Giles Church, Gaydon
  • 0930: St Botolph’s Church, Farnborough
  • 1100: St Peter and St Clare Church, Fenny Compton
  • 1100: Chapel of Ease, Northend

Creative Care Projects

Creative arts projects supporting people with the impacts of the pandemic:

Warwickshire county council and partners are offering free creative arts projects to  support people who may be particularly susceptible to the negative social and emotional impacts of this pandemic.

The projects are designed to help make people smile and maybe to find a new hobby whilst isolated. They are aimed at encouraging participants to try something creative during this pandemic to help look after their mental health.

We hope to reach a range of different groups of people online and offline, including those who are isolated, face specific challenges such as living with dementia or autism, or are struggling with mental health difficulties.

A summary of the projects is attached:

#CarryOnVaccinating Campaign

During Covid-19 Warwickshire GPs have reported a drop in the uptake of pregnancy, infant and pre-school booster vaccinations.

Good vaccination coverage is essential to avoid a local resurgence of serious vaccine-preventable diseases, such a Measles, Meningitis and Whooping Cough, which could have a major impact on women, children and vulnerable groups, as well as placing a significant pressure on our local NHS.

Of particular concern is the risk of a Measles outbreak, as the vaccination rate in Warwickshire prior to Covid-19 was low at 88% for MMR (2nd dose) whereas 95% uptake is required for herd immunity.

To help promote the importance of attending or re-booking scheduled vaccination appointments during Covid-19, a campaign will be launching on Monday 29 June #CarryOnVaccinating.

We need your support to help share campaign messages as far and wide as possible.

The #CarryOnVaccinating campaign will run for 4 weeks, with a different focus each week:

  • Week 1 – Campaign launch
  • Week 2 – Pre-school booster
  • Week 3 – MMR vaccine
  • Week 4 – Pregnant women

The #CarryOnVaccinating campaign pack contains social media messages, a suggested newsletter article, and various other resource materials. Click here to download the pack

A dedicated campaign resource page is available here and contains a variety of materials to help share messages through your channels. Contents on the campaign page include

  • Posters
  • Social media images
  • The posters and social media images will also be translated into a range of languages and available in the coming days

Please keep an eye on the campaign page as more resources are released throughout the 4 week campaign.

Please contact if you require more information.

Follow Public Health on Twitter @WCCPublicHealth and Facebook @PublicHealthWarwickshire for all the latest #CarryOnVaccinating messages.

Thank you for your support

Dr Shade Agboola 
Director of Public Health
Warwickshire County Council