Category Archives: News

Fenny Compton Surgery – New appointment arrangements

Dr Marshall and Dr Sharples have asked that all patients attending either Fenny Compton or Shenington surgeries for an appointment to please ensure they are wearing a face covering. Once patients have notified staff that they have arrived for an appointment, a GP or someone from the Nursing team will come to them outside and lead them into the surgery where they will have their temperature checked and be given hand sanitizer.


Church Buildings in Dassett Magna

It is with great sadness that I inform you that the churches in the Dassett Magna Group of Parishes will remain closed. They are at Burton Dassett, Farnborough, Fenny Compton, Gaydon and Northend. We have been looking forward to being able to re-opening our church buildings for worship and prayer. The Government has now advised that places of worship are permitted to open for individual prayer. This move recognises the spiritual and mental health benefits for people of being able to pray in a place of worship, and the significant growth in the numbers of people in our society that have been turning to prayer and attending online and digital services during this unsettling time.

Although the opening of our churches is now permitted, this is subject to a host of conditions being met. These include thorough cleaning of shared spaces, hand cleansing at entry and exit, social distancing and asking those coming to pray to bring their own items such as prayer books or bibles instead of using the ones in the church. Under government guidance someone from the church is not required to be present when the church building is open for private prayer. However, this would prevent us from identifying the church furniture, furnishings and structure touched by those visiting. Therefore whist attending for private prayer people may touch items (furniture etc.) that others have touched before them without it being cleaned in between. Thus possibly passing on the COVID19. We would therefore need a rota of willing helpers to supervise and clean the church when open. However, the Government guidance still advises those over 70 and those in the vulnerable health groups to minimise contact outside the home. It is strongly advise that people in those groups are not used to ‘staff’ church buildings as they open.

Whilst this is really hard for those over 70 who are fit and healthy we do need to abide by government guidance as age is still a major risk factor with this disease. And since our congregation is predominantly made up of this age group we are unable to open the church for private prayer. We are aware that many members of the community are missing the usual free access to the church building, and we are as keen as you are to have the door open again, but our first priority has to be safety. We will continue to review the guidelines so that when we are able to open again there will be measures in place to safeguard us all. In the meantime we continue to meet and worship together at our twice daily DIGITAL CHURCH. We have been greatly encouraged by the large numbers of people who have been joining our various online services and look forward to being able to welcome you all back to worship together in the church building when it is properly safe to do so.

If you would like to ask any further questions please contact Rev’d Nicki Chatterton email: mobile: 07769871237

200th Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Aloysius Perry of Avon Dassett

Thomas Aloysius Perry (1820-1907) inherited the Bitham House estate from Joseph Knight having married Joseph’s neice and heiress, Helen in 1840. He was a leading member of the Warwickshire gentry, a magistrate and Lord Lieutenant of the county. He was a philanthropist and established an orphanage in Avon Dassett as well as donating land and buildings to the village including the Reading Room.

Thomas and Helen had eight children, two sons who died in infancy and six daughters. The youngest daughter, Pauline, inherited the estate from her father on his death in 1907.

In 2019, a local resident Deb Watts established an annual literary festival to take place around the date of Perry’s birth. This year major celebrations were planned to commemorate the 200th anniversary of his birth but unfortunately these had to be postponed because of COVID-19.

More information on Thomas Perry and the village may be found on the local history pages.

National Careers Virtual Jobs Fair – West Midlands – 11 June  11am – 12

Following the success of its first Virtual Jobs Fair in May, with over 1000 jobs, apprenticeships and volunteering opportunities promoted, the National Careers Service is hosting its second fair in the West Midlands on June 11  to promote local vacancies and support citizens to get back into work.

As before, the Virtual Jobs Fair will give employers the chance to post current opportunities on their social media which the National Careers Service will promote on their channels during #JobsHour.

Follow the social media channels @NationalCareers and NationalCareersService as more details are throughout the week. If you have any questions or would like to get involved contact the helpline on 0800 100 900 which is open 7 days a week from 8am until 10pm.

News from the Compton Chronicle Team

Due to the continuing situation with lots of cancelled events, the Compton Chronicle team would like to continue to invite anyone with an article (historical, poem, or information) that would be of interest to the local community to submit it for publication in the July edition which will once again be an online PDF version.

Please send to before 12th June.

Also, for July/August we usually only issue one edition but as we are not paying for printing at the moment, there will be one issue for July and one for August. As everything is changing so fast we don’t want things being too far out of date.

Many thanks,

The Chronicle Editorial Team.

Thank You Avon Dassett Volunteers!

It is national volunteers week, so let’s do a shout out for all the volunteers in Avon Dassett!

The groups:

  • Bridge Club
  • Coffee Morning
  • Community Benefit Society
  • Country Show
  • COVID-19 Support
  • Gardening Club
  • Lit Fest
  • Local History
  • Neighbourhood Watch
  • Open Gardens
  • Parish Council
  • Popup Market
  • Soapbox Derby
  • VE/VJ Day
  • Vintage Teas
  • Walking Club

And the individuals who:

  • Bake cakes
  • Deliver the Chronicle and other material
  • Keep an eye out
  • Lend equipment
  • Pick up litter
  • Play the piano and lead singalongs
  • Post information on social media
  • Remove fallen trees
  • Rescue stray sheep
  • Run the community website
  • Sweep pavements
  • Store equipment
  • Tidy up
  • Wind the church clock

Avon Dassett Playground still closed

A reminder the the playground is still CLOSED. Although some government restrictions have been lifted, playgrounds are still closed because the virus can remain on hard surfaces for up to 72 hours.

There are signs up explaining this and the area has been taped off, however, some people are still using the play area.

Please follow government guidelines and stay safe.

COVID-19 Updates from the Department of Work and Pensions

Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme

The new Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme will launch online on Tuesday 26 May.

The Scheme will enable small and medium sized employers with fewer than 250 employees to apply to HMRC to recover the costs of paying coronavirus-related Statutory Sick Pay. Tax agents will also be able to make claims on behalf of their employers.

HMRC has published online guidance which includes information about who can use the scheme and the records employers must keep.

To find out more please visit GOV.UK.

For an overview of the scheme, you can also register to attend a live webinar.


Focus on agriculture

DWP has been working in partnership with the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to help bring together unemployed or furloughed workers with employers who have vacancies to fill in the agricultural sector. We’ve set up a dedicated page on our new Jobhelp site to help people understand what to expect, how to apply and why they should consider working in this critical sector.

Our new page supports DEFRA’s Pick for Britain campaign which launched on 19 May, with endorsement from the HRH Prince of Wales, to help employers fill these crucial vacancies.


New Coronavirus Community Support Fund now open

The Coronavirus Community Support Fund aims to support the tens of thousands of charities and organisations at the heart of local communities that are making a difference during the COVID-19 outbreak, including delivering food, essential medicines and providing financial advice, including welfare advice and support. The funding is to help organisations ensure they can meet increased demand as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as continuing their day to day activities supporting vulnerable people in need.

More information can be found on the National Lottery Community Fund website.

Details of other available funding opportunities are available on GOV.UK.