Category Archives: News

Grants and local funding – including free computers!

Community Computers Scheme

Warwickshire County Council has 150 recycled laptops to give away for free to community groups across Warwickshire.

Please apply by Friday 12 June 2020.

For any questions relating to the application please email

Business grants, loans and finance

Funding opportunities such as European Funding, National Lottery and Green Funds. Business grants, loans and finance – more information

Grant advice and searches

For funding advice and to conduct a funding search please visit:

Town and Parish Council grant schemes

National Lottery Funding

This site allows you to search for information on current funding programmes across the UK.

Coalfields Regeneration Trust

The Trust works in two main areas. They are a grant-maker and they are actively involved in supporting projects on the ground in coalfield communities.

Avon Dassett Open Gardens for NGS on 5th July- Cancelled

Avon Dassett Open Gardens’ in support of National Garden Scheme (NGS) was due to take place on Sunday 5th July. Obviously, under current Government guidelines, opening are not able to take place. NGS is keeping abreast of new guidelines as they are issued and formulating plans for how openings might work once they are able to take place again. However, as the date of Avon Dassett’s opening is only some six weeks, it is hard to imagine how an opening might operate in any way close to ’normal’ or that it would be sensible to bring a potentially large number of visitors into the village.

Therefore, the garden owners have made the decision that they will not open on 5th July, even if it is allowable to do so. As things change over the course of the year, the garden owners will keep in touch with NGS with a view to seeing if there are other ways that they can support NGS in the valuable work they do.

Avon Dassett VE Day Commemorative Newspaper Published


A newspaper to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day has been published by Avon Dassett Local History Group. The paper contains local news from the 1940s including the election of Avon Dassett resident, John Profumo to Parliament in 1940, VE Day celebrations, weddings, births and deaths and misdemeanours including riding bicycles without regulation lights and owning unlicensed dogs.

Current Avon Dassett villagers also recorded memories of their own relatives who served in WWII. These include intrepid stories of surviving a torpedo attack in the Arctic, being shot down whilst flying over enemy lines, and a member of the bomb disposal team who defused V1 rockets.

A copy of the newspaper has been distributed to each household in Avon Dassett and has been received enthusiastically:

“I thought the Chronicle was wonderful and as I have lived here a long time can remember a few of them.” (Sandy)

“Fabulous Chronicle! Well done to all those involved” (Richard)

“A triumph!” (Darrell)

The newspaper was researched by Avon Dassett Local History group and designed by Nine Point High.

VE Day Singalong

Thanks to Sally Crompton who has co-ordinated this fantastic 1940s Sing-along for VE Day (with a special additional song to thank the NHS/Care and Key workers).

The singalong may be found on YouTube:

And the song sheet is here:

The YouTube video will be broadcast throughout the village at 3 pm with some live singers (socially distanced of course) to lead the village in a communal sing song.

Villagers are encouraged to be in their gardens from about 2 pm to enjoy a picnic to commemorate VE Day.


Testing for COVID-19

The Government have announced the further expansion of access to Coronavirus testing to help protect the most vulnerable.Anyone in England with Coronavirus symptoms, who either has to leave home to go to work or is aged 65 and over, will now also be able to get tested.

Tests are available across the country. They can be booked immediately.

People can register at the testing portal using this link ( Full guidance on testing can be viewed here (

Please share this information widely to reach as many eligible people as possible.

VE Day Celebrations in Avon Dassett

If you like the idea then perhaps as an Avon Dassett resident you would like to arrange something yourself in your front garden along the lines suggested in the poster, on the afternoon of Friday 8th May from, say, 2pm. A street party atmosphere could be created, especially for those properties along the road through the village. Obviously, the government’s social distancing rules should be observed at all times. Avon Dassett Parish Council will also ‘host’ the party on Zoom-free of charge, logon details to follow. For more information please contact Liz Hirst.


1) Union Jack bunting will be available to borrow if you are unable to source your own

2) Singalong Dassett and Friends are preparing a recording of 1940s songs to be played via YouTube and possibly broadcast from outside the Yew Tree just after 3pm on Friday 8th. It’s not too late for volunteers who can sing, play instruments or would like to dance the Lambeth Walk to be included in the recording, so please contact Sally.   Song sheets will be available or can be downloaded here.

3) Free 1940s style commemorative newspaper for every household in the village. Contains local information from that time along with stories from villagers remembering their families’ contribution to WWII, all put together with a lot of hard work by our Local History Group.