Category Archives: News

Recent Local Crime

4/5 January 2020 – power tools and a ride-on mower stolen from Farnborough (Incident 93 of 5/1/20)

3/4 January 2020 – quad bike, trailer and tools stolen from Little Kineton (incident 60 of 4/1/20)

1 January 2020 – burglary at Hurst Rd, Southam (incident 122 of 1/1/20)

19/20 December 2019 – horse trailer, chain saw, hedge cutter and hand tools stolen from Kinghtcote (incident 94 of 20/12/19)

Health and Wellbeing Funding

WCC has made funds available to community and voluntary sector groups under the countywide health and wellbeing grants programme. South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group has also provided additional funds for projects in South Warwickshire.

Groups can bid for funding from £5,000 to a maximum of £10,000 per initiative. Projects must be delivered in Warwickshire and need to address one or more of the following health and wellbeing priorities:

  • Children and young people health and wellbeing
  • Promoting healthy ageing
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Support for carers
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Transport and road safety
  • Reducing inequalities in health and wellbeing outcomes

The online application opened on Wednesday 18  December 2019 and closes at 12 noon on Monday 3 February 2020.

Organisations are asked to submit an application online via Once the application is live it can be viewed under ‘Tenders’ and found by searching either ‘WCC-8587’ or ‘Warwickshire Public Health Grant Funding’.

Support from Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action (CAVA) is also available to voluntary and community groups with the application process. There is no cost for this support. Contact Tracy Southam, Mid Area Manager via if you require advice or support. WCAVA will be holding a grant application training workshop to support groups interested in applying for a grant. The workshop will be held in Rugby Borough on 20th January (am).  Booking details will be available in the funding application.

Priorities for funding allocation have been identified following assessments of local health and wellbeing needs (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, (JSNA)). Further information can be found here at

For more information, contact:


Funding for Community Projects from Severn Trent

Severn Trent Community Fund

Applications open from 6 January 2020 so Don’t Delay Apply Today!

Our new £10million Community Fund 

We’re going to be giving away £10million over the next five years to support local projects, charities and community groups in the Severn Trent region.

Our customers have helped us to create and shape our new community fund.

We’ve spoken to lots of you to better understand your community needs, and as a result, have chosen to design our fund around improving community wellbeing, namely:

  • People: Projects that help people to lead a healthier life and gain new skills
  • Places: Projects that help to create better places to live in and use
  • Environment: Projects that will help look after our natural environment, give people greater access to that environment or help look after water

Launch date

Applications will open from 6 January 2020 via our website. Please see further details using the below link:

Please note: In March, our first Community Fund Panel will meet and from April 2020 we will be giving out our first grants to local community projects.

Stratford District Council Vote to Charge £40 Per Year for Green Waste Collection

At a meeting on Monday 15 December 2019, Stratford District Council voted by 17 votes to 13 to introduce a £40 charge per year for garden waste to be removed from green bins. It will still be free of charge for food waste to be collected from the green bins. Councillor Ian Shenton, Portfolio Holder for Operations stated that if people did not want to pay they could phone the council for the green bins to be removed. The charge will be introduced from 1 June 2020 with a 5% reduction in the first year for residents who pay by direct debit.

Santa to Visit Avon Dassett!

The growth of Southam has made it hard for the Lions Club to continue to fit in Santa Sleigh visits to outlying villages.

So, Fenny Compton Scout Group is pleased to announce that construction of its very own sleigh is well underway, and (with the full blessing of the Lions) will be bringing Santa back this year in a format similar to that enjoyed in prior years.

Planned dates* for the villages:

The map and timings for Avon Dassett are here:

Fenny Compton Scout Group Santa Sleigh has its own Facebook page so keep up to date with progress by liking their page.

*The sleigh will endeavour to keep to these dates, but should it be torrential rain on any of those dates we may come at a later date.

Housing Needs Survey

Avon Dassett Parish Council is conducting a Housing Needs Survey in the village. The details of the survey and a pdf file of the survey are available at the following link

The closing date for submissions is 30 November 2019.

Anyone wanting further details please contact the clerk to Avon Dassett Parish council by email at: