Category Archives: News

Local Authors Support Avon Dassett Mini Literature Festival

Come along to Avon Dassett Mini Literature Festival on Saturday 15 June 11-5 pm.

There’s lots going on including  works by two local authors: Ian Mathie and Angela Perry.

Wild Child – Growing up a nomad by local author Ian Mathie

A brand new book is being introduced at the Mini Literature Festival: “Wild Child” from local author and traveller Ian Mathie.  It is the last manuscript he wrote and is about his early life. It has been described by book reviews website the Bookbag as “the missing link” to earlier  books about his adventures living and working all over Africa for some 30 years.

Ian’s first book “The Man of Passage” was launched in Avon Dassett in 2006.  Another five followed.

Ian was based in South Warwickshire for 26 years, longer than he had ever lived anywhere before.  He became involved in many local initiatives and was well known throughout the area. Ian “joined the ancestors” in May 2017.

The Adventures of Alfie the Malamute by local author Angela Perry
Local author, Angela Perry, has donated a limited number of signed copies of her wonderful children’s book, “The Adventures of Alfie The Malamute”.  Do come along to pick up a copy while stocks last.

Coventry and Warwickshire Radio – Interview about Avon Dassett Soapbox Derby

Sarah Richardson of the Avon Dassett Soapbox Derby team was interviewed by Phil Upton on Coventry and Warwickshire radio’s Breakfast Show on 31st May 2019. Phil, who is a keen cyclist, knows the hill in Avon Dassett well and was keen to hear about the race. The Soapbox Derby is rapidly becoming legendary in the county.

To hear the interview on listen again (during the newspaper review at 0740) please go to:

Sarah also recorded an interview with Keith Wedgbury who presents Wedge’s Raw and Rural on Saturday mornings.


Mini Literature Festival – 15 June 2019

Soapbox Derby – Open Meeting

There will be an open meeting to discuss the forthcoming Soapbox Derby at 6 pm on 29th May in The Yew Tree.

This will be an opportunity for people to ask questions of the Soapbox Derby organising group and to sign up as volunteers to support the day. The soapbox group will explain how they have addressed feedback from last year’s event including issues such as car-parking and toilets. Sharon and Wayne Marsh will outline The Yew Tree’s plans for the day.

All are welcome and any help will be gratefully received!

Election Results!

The official election results for the district and parish council elections are as follows:

Red Horse

  • Allison Aves, Green Party, 226 votes
  • John Feilding, Conservative Party, 698 votes
  • John Insoll, Liberal Democrats, 135 votes
  • Jan Sewell, Labour, 75 votes

Avon Dassett

  • Philip Baxter, 48 votes
  • Mike Blakeman, 72 votes
  • Trevor Gill, 63 votes
  • Martyn Heard, 47 votes
  • Liz Hirst, 70 votes
  • Darrell Muffitt. 58 votes

Congratulations to the successful candidates and thanks and commiserations to those who stood and were not successful.






Election Day!

There are parish and district council elections today. Remember to vote at the Reading Room.

Parish Council Candidates

  • Phil Baxter
  • Mike Blakeman (Independent)
  • Trevor Gill
  • Martyn Heard
  • Liz Hirst
  • Darrell Muffitt

District Council Candidates

  • Allison Aves (Green Party)
  • John Fielding (Conservative Party)
  • John Insoll (Liberal Democrats)
  • Jan Sewell (Labour Party)


Local Thefts

A caravan was stolen from Piles in Warmington on 23rd April. We have received an update about the theft from Cllr Jacqui Harris of Harbury. There is a professional cross-border team targeting local businesses stealing various types of property. At Piles they had to move an HGV to steal the caravan so they are very determined. Please be vigilant.