Category Archives: News

Autism Coproduction Events in Warwickshire for Adults and Children

Even when it’s expected, an autism diagnosis can have a big effect on the person diagnosed and their family. You might be trying to cope with a condition you don’t know much about and learning to live together in new ways, or supporting people to do this. Thinking about what comes next can be a daunting prospect for everyone.

Grapevine, Coventry and Warwickshire Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups are working with professionals and local families to find different ways of coming together to solve problems early and lay the foundations for a wonderful life.

We’re all on this journey and hope that by looking beyond the process of getting a diagnosis and understanding how getting things right early on, we can build a promising future for all those with autism, their families and the communities they are connected to.

Join us so you can influence these developments and be involved in the Walks and Talks and Ideas Factory that will follow.

The first step is to go for a walk and talk out in the open where families, individuals, professionals, commissioners, community workers can come together and talk about how things are at the moment and tell each other about their experiences and how they have overcome some of the challenges.

The second session is an ideas factory where we will build on some of the ideas and potential solutions that came out in the walk and talk and develop actions to move them forwards.

Children are welcome at the events but please let us know if you plan to bring them and their ages so we can ensure appropriate activities are arranged.   Support with travel expenses can be provided for individuals and their families to attend the events.

Coventry Walk and Talk: Friday 17th May 09:30-12:30 at Friargate

Coventry Ideas Factory: Tuesday 21st May 09:30-12:30 TBC

Warwick Walk and Talk: Thursday 23rd May 09:30-12:30 TBC

Warwick Ideas Factory: Monday 3rd June 09:30-12:30 TBC

NHS Survey – Long Term Plans in Warwickshire – Have Your Say!

The NHS in Warwickshire is changing. With growing pressure on the NHS – people living longer, more people living with long-term conditions, and lifestyle choices affecting people’s health – changes are needed to make sure everybody gets the support they need.

The Government is investing an extra £20bn a year in the NHS. The NHS has produced a Long Term Plan, setting out all the things it wants health services to do better for people across the country. Now your local NHS needs to hear from you about what those changes should look like in your community.

The Long Term Plan sets out what the NHS wants to do better, including making it easier for people to access support closer to home and via technology, doing more to help people stay well, and providing better support for people with cancer, mental health conditions, heart and lung diseases, long-term conditions, such as diabetes and arthritis, learning disabilities and autism, and for people as they get older and experience conditions such as dementia.

Your local NHS needs to hear from you about what it should do to make care better for your community.

  • How would you help people live healthier lives?
  • What would make health services better?
  • How would you make it easier for people to take control of their own health and wellbeing?
  • What would you do to make support better for people with long-term conditions?

Share your views with Healthwatch Warwickshire and help make your local NHS better for everyone in Warwickshire.

How can you help?

Fill out this short survey:

And/or this survey if you have a long-term condition: (mental health, diabetes, dementia, autism, arthritis, heart & lung problem, Cancer, Learning disability)

If anyone would like an easy-read version of the survey or printed copies, please get in touch with us:

Healthwatch Warwickshire

4-6 Clemens Street, Leamington Spa


CV31 2DL

Tel: 01926 422823

Avon Dassett Pop-up Produce & Craft Markets

Save the Dates!

Avon Dassett pop-up produce and craft markets will be held on Saturday 7th September and Saturday 7th December 2019 at The Yew Tree pub.

The autumn market will be ideal for anyone wishing to sell off surplus locally grown fruit, veg and flowers and the Xmas market will offer lots of Xmas gift ideas. The market’s aim is to support local businesses and residents.

All stalls are welcome at a cost of £5 per table and a raffle prize. All proceeds will go to Fenny Compton Scout & Explorer group and Fenny Compton church roof fund.

Stallholders who wish to reserve a place for either market should get in touch via or @AvonDassett facebook page.

Avon Dassett Parish Council Election – May 2nd 2019

There will be an election for the five seats on Avon Dassett Parish Council on 2nd May 2019.

The candidates are:

  • Philip Baxter
  • Mike Blakeman
  • Trevor Barrie Gill
  • Martyn John Heard
  • Liz Hirst
  • Darrell John Muffitt

The formal statements of nomination and notice of elections are here:

Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes and amendments or cancellations of proxy votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-uponAvon, CV37 6HX by 5 pm on Monday, 15th April 2019.

New applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX by 5 pm on Wednesday, 24th April 2019.

Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election on grounds of physical incapacity or for work/service reasons must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX by 5 pm on Thursday, 2nd May 2019. The physical incapacity must have occurred after 5 pm on Wednesday, 24th April 2019. To apply on the grounds of work/service, the person must have become aware that they cannot go to the polling station in person after 5 pm on Wednesday, 24th April 2019

Ovo Energy Women’s Tour Cycle Race to finish in Burton Dassett

Stage 4 of the prestigious Ovo Energy Women’s Tour will end in Burton Dassett on 13 June 2019.

The stage will start in Warwick, pass through the University of Warwick, Kenilworth, Meriden (home to the National Cyclists’ Memorial), Bedworth and Wellesbourne as it gears up for what promises to be an unpredictable finale.

Riders will climb Edge Hill, an OVO Energy Women’s Tour regular, albeit from its south-westerly approach for the first time before beginning the first of three loops of a clockwise finishing circuit around Burton Dassett and Farnborough.

Featuring a gradient of 15% in places, and averaging 4.9%, the 1.7-kilometre climb through Burton Dassett Country Park has split the peloton into several groups during its previous inclusions in the race. The climb was also a SKODA King of the Mountains ascent in last year’s OVO Energy Tour of Britain. In total, stage four of this year’s OVO Energy Women’s Tour includes 1,513m of climbing.

The Red Bag Scheme in Warwickshire

The national NHS Red Bag scheme is launching in Warwickshire with an initial cohort of 32 Older People care homes across the county.

The scheme aims to help facilitate a quick, safe and well organised handover of care when a care home resident is admitted to hospital.

A dedicated Red Bag is packed that contains everything needed during their hospital stay including information about their health condition.

Bags are provided free of charge to providers, with sufficient bags allocated according to the size of the home and resident needs.

How the Red Bag works

When a resident becomes unwell and is assessed as requiring hospital admittance, care home staff pack a Red Bag for them which includes everything they need to make their stay as effective as possible. This includes:

  • Information regarding their care needs and medical history
  • Any other relevant documents (e.g. This Is Me, MAR sheet, DNAR etc)
  • Change of clothes
  • Personal belongings (e.g. toiletries, book)
  • Any aids required (e.g. hearing aid, glasses)

The bag is passed over to ambulance staff when picking up the resident. It then stays with the resident throughout their hospital stay and allows them to keep their belongings together, as well as giving hospital staff one eye-catching place where they can find up to date information around their care needs and medical condition.

Upon discharge, hospital staff also include a copy of the discharge summary and information about how the resident’s needs may have changed.

Benefits of the Red Bag

  • Improved communication and information sharing between professionals
  • More efficient ambulance pickup
  • Health staff can more easily determine the best course of treatment and provide person centred care
  • Fewer phone calls between hospital and care home determining needs of resident
  • More effectively planned discharge
  • Fewer lost belongings
  • Better experience for the resident who feels more in control and has reduced impact from the deconditioning related to longer hospital stays


1. What is the Red Bag?

The Red Bag is a national NHS scheme which is designed to improve the experience for care home residents when they are admitted to hospital. When the resident is decided to be admitted, a bag is packed with everything they need to make the hospital stay as effective as possible. This includes essential information that health staff will need, as well as relevant personal belongings of the resident.

2. Does each care home resident get their own bag?

Only a small number of residents are likely to be admitted to hospital from the same care home at any one point in time. Therefore the bags are allocated to each care home on a 1:10 baseline (i.e. 1 bag for every 10 residents), with some extra bags allocated to take into account those homes which most frequently admit to hospital.

3. Is this scheme for care home providers only?

Initially the scheme is being rolled out to Older People care homes only. However, the principles and benefits of the project could apply wherever there are people in a care setting who may quickly require admittance to hospital. Therefore it could be scoped for implementation in other services in the future.

4. How is the scheme being implemented in Warwickshire?

Initially the scheme will be implemented with a first phase of 32 homes across the county. Homes follow a series of checks in preparation before they are issued with their bags.

5. How were the care homes for the first phase of the scheme selected?

The homes were selected on the basis of being those homes across Warwickshire who most frequently admit residents to hospital (i.e. because they are bigger homes or have residents with higher level needs). This means that the scheme will quickly be reaching the places where its benefits will be most felt.

6. Is participation in the Red Bag scheme mandatory?

The scheme is not mandatory for providers as some may already have similar processes in place. The scheme is also not mandatory for individual care home residents who are free to opt out.

However it is hoped that the benefits of adopting the Red Bag scheme are clear – engagement with providers and hospital staff has proved that it is very welcome and improves the patient experience and the communication between care homes and hospital. It also makes sure that everybody is using the same standard process across the county.

7. What goes into a Red Bag?

The bag includes everything needed to make the resident’s stay in hospital as effective as possible. This includes standardised information about their care needs, medical history and preferences. It also includes any personal belongings that will be needed during the stay.

8. Does medication also go in the bag?

Medication is not put in the bag when the resident is admitted from their care home, as all their needs will be met by health staff in hospital including administering of meds. The only medication involved is when TTOs (To Take Out) meds are included when the resident is discharged back to the care home.

9. Should valuables be put into the bag?

Red Bags are designed to carry the residents personal belongings into hospital and they are free to include valuables. However our advice would be to discourage including irreplaceable items if possible. Although the bag is designed to reduce the risk as much as possible, items can still get lost while in hospital.

10. What happens if the bags get lost?

The bags are tracked as closely as possible including having the contents checked and signed for whenever they are handed over to the next person. They also have a unique ID number to track individual bags in the system. If bags are found they have clear visible guidelines about where to return them.

11. Are the bags free of infection risk?

To reduce risk of infection and cross contamination, there is a clear and thorough cleaning protocol to be followed by care staff when each bag returns to the care home. This is to be completed before the bag is used again.

If you have any further questions please contact

Fancy being a Parish Councillor?


An election for Avon Dassett Parish Council will take place on 2 May. If you would like to be nominated see the nomination pack which can be accessed here:–general.cfm

The timetable is:

  • Publication of Notice of Election Tuesday 19 March 2019
  • Receipt of Nominations 4:00 pm Wednesday 3 April 2019
  • Withdrawal of Candidate 4:00 pm Wednesday 3 April 2019
  • Appointment of Election Agents 4:00 pm Wednesday 3 April 2019
  • Publication of Notice of Election Agents 4:00 pm Wednesday 3 April 2019
  • Publication of Statements of Persons Nominated 4:00 pm Thursday 4 April 2019
  • Last Date for Registration Friday 12 April 2019
  • Receipt of Postal Vote Applications 5:00 pm Monday 15 April 2019
  • Publication of Notice of Poll Wednesday 24 April 2019
  • Receipt of Proxy Vote Applications 5:00 pm Wednesday 24 April 2019
  • Appointment of Poll and Count Agents Thursday 25 April 2019
  • First Day to Issue Replacement Lost Postal Ballot Papers Friday 26 April 2019
  • Receipt of Emergency Proxy Vote Applications 5:00 pm Thursday 2 May 2019
  • Last Day to Issue Replacement Spoilt or Lost Postal Ballot Papers 5:00 pm Thursday 2 May 2019
  • Day of Poll 7:00 am to 10:00 pm Thursday 2 May 2019
  • Declaration of Candidates Expenses Thursday 6 June 2019

Work on the Water Supply in Avon Dassett

Severn Trent have given notice that they will be working on the water supply on:

  • Monday 11 March 10 pm to 6 am
  • Tuesday 12 March 10 pm to 6 am
  • Wednesday 13 March 10 pm to 6 am
  • Thursday 14 March 10 pm to 6 am

Their advice is not to use the water supply whilst work is taking place to avoid getting discoloured water.

Things not to do

Whilst work is going on:

  • Do not use the shower or leave taps in kitchen or bathroom running
  • Avoid using the dishwasher or washing machine
  • Avoid flushing the toilet

Things to do

  • Central heating can run as normal
  • Keep bottled water in the fridge before work starts

If you need any advice please contact Severn Trent on 0800 783 4444 or

To clear murky tap water:

  • Run cold tap in kitchen at a gentle rate
  • After 20 minutes it should run clear
  • If not wait a while and repeat