Category Archives: News

Largest Collection of Roman Coins Found at Edgehill

The largest ever collection of Roman coins from a period of civil war from AD 68-69 was found at an archaeological site near Edge Hill. This is an exciting find and stands alongside a coin hoard find in 2008.

The 78 silver denarii coins were uncovered in a collection of 440 pieces found buried in a ceramic pot during a dig in 2015 but it has only just been made public because of the hoard’s rarity. The coins in vessel they were discovered in. Photo by Warwickshire County Council. Market Hall Museum in Warwick is hoping to raised £62,000 in four months to acquire the coins from the British Museum to have them displayed alongside the first hoard found in 2008.

Cllr Dave Reilly, portfolio holder for heritage and culture at Warwickshire County Council, said: “This is an amazingly important find for Warwickshire and our Roman past. “Bringing the hoard back to the county and the Market Hall Museum will mean that Warwickshire’s residents can enjoy them for generations to come. “The international significance of some of the coins in this hoard will increase visitors not only to Warwick, but the wider county, which can only contribute to our key objective of making the Warwickshire economy vibrant.”

The Roman coins were buried under the floor of a building 1900 years ago and date back to a time of great upheaval in the empire, known as ‘the year of the four emperors’. After the death of Nero in AD 68, Galba, Otho, Vitellius and Vespasian were all in power over 18 months with each making their own coins to fund their armies. Very few of these coins from this turbulent time survive making this hoard particularly rare. The discovery was declared treasure and has been with the British Museum for formal identification and valuation.

For the collection to be returned to the Warwick museum, the council has until June to raise the cash – applications have already been submitted to major grant funds, but a minimum of £3,000 needs to be raised locally. A fundraising evening will be hosted at Market Hall Museum on the evening of Friday, April 5. Guests can find out more about this new find with experts on hand to answer questions, and for one night only, the pot that the coins were found in and some examples from the previous Roman hoard will be on display, along with other pieces of Roman treasure from the county.

Read more at:

Allotments in Avon Dassett

Avon Dassett does not have any allotments in the village and residents who require allotments have to travel to one of the surrounding villages.

The parish council have now been made aware that there is the possibility that there could be a small amount of land available for allotment use and if anyone is interested can they please contact either:

Helen Hide-Wright (Clerk to Avon Dassett Parish Council by email)

to or

Trevor Gill (Chair Avon Dassett Parish Council)

email: or telephone 07775 762927

As they are keen to progress with securing this land if possible in time for this year’s growing season, it would be appreciated if you could get in touch, if interested, by 5th March.

Equine Flu Outbreak

Please could all walkers and dog walkers stay away from horses during this equine flu epidemic. The flu virus is airborne and can survive for several days. The danger is if you pet a horse that is infected and then another you could inadvertently pass the virus on. The flu virus is a rogue strain which is affecting even vaccinated horses. For those horses that are unvaccinated, young, old or pregnant the illness may be fatal.

Avon Dassett Defibrillator

Just to publicise the fact that Avon Dassett has a defibrillator, accessible from outside the Reading Room.

If you come across someone who has collapsed and you suspect cardiac arrest:

  1. Call 999
  2. Start CPR
  3. There are 12 residents trained in the use of the defibrillator and their details including contact numbers are fully registered with Warwickshire Ambulance service and also with Numbers Plus who administer the call out process on their behalf.
  4. When a call to 999 is placed the ambulance service decide if the defibrillator is required and if so then they will contact the trained residents in order until they find a qualified person to answer the call
  5. The resident will then go and collect the machine. The cabinet is code protected but ten trained residents have the code. The code can also be obtained from the call out process.
  6. The trained resident will then go to the address given by the ambulance service and attend to the patient, under their supervision. 

    The parish council ask that residents don’t try to contact any trained staff direct; residents don’t have to act and deploy the defibrillator, without support, in an emergency.

    There is a short video published by the British Heart Foundation on how to use a defibrillator you can watch here.

See this page for further details:

Burglary at Napton Post Office

Detectives are appealing for information after a burglary at a Post Office in Napton.

At 7.44pm on Saturday 26 January, police were called to reports of the burglary in progress at the Post Office in New Street.

A group of men got out of a dark blue Volkswagen Golf (partial registration KP64) and used a metal bar to force entry to the premises. They fled the scene with cash.

Police have launched an investigation and are appealing for the public’s help to trace the men responsible.

Detective Sergeant Steve Flavell said: “There were people in the area at the time so I would appeal to anyone with any information that could help us to identify the offenders to contact us and help us bring them to justice.”

Anyone with information should call 101, quoting incident number 328 of 26 January 2019, or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.