Category Archives: News

Dog Owners Take Note – Case of Alabama Rot Confirmed in Southam

Unfortunately there has been a case of Alabama Rot – an often fatal disease for dogs – confirmed in Southam.  Please see below guidance from the Dog’s Trust:

What are the symptoms?

  1. Skin lesions, ulcers and sores
  2. Lethargy, or a loss of energy
  3. Loss of appetite and not wanting to eat
  4. Vomiting

Tips to best prevent your dog from becoming unwell.

  1. When out walking, where possible stick to dry paths and keep your dog out of muddy or wet areas
  2. Wash any mud off your dog after walks and check them for lesions or wounds. If you see any, take your dog to the Vet to have a look, especially if they don’t seem to be healing
  3. If your dog starts to become unwell, or suddenly suffers from conditions such as lethargy or anorexia and begins to vomit, take them to your Vet immediately for their advice

Avon Dassett Community Website and General Data Protection Regulations

The EU has instigated new data protection regulations from May 2018. Please see our privacy policy below (also on homepage):

Avon Dassett Community website takes your privacy seriously. If you subscribe to the events update on the website your email address will only be used to forward you information on upcoming events and will not be passed to third parties. If you contact us with a query we will only use your email address to reply directly to your query or, in the event that we are unable to answer, to forward it to a relevant person who is able to reply.

The website holds no other information on individuals and all data is encrypted and backed up by Stratford District Council.

Mayor’s Community Weekend 20 June-1 July – Opportunities to host

Communities from across the West Midlands, including Coventry and Warwickshire, are being invited to host local events on the weekend of 30 June-1 July. They have the opportunity to bid for up to £500 from the National Lottery for their events – the deadline for applications is 16 April. The events could be a picnic in the park, a tea party, a sports day, a community football match, a mini party in the park etc.

The aim of the first Mayor’s Community Weekend is to bring communities together to celebrate the experiences they share. It’s a great opportunity for us to start having conversations about how health and social care might look in five to ten years’ time, as part of NHS70.

Community Circles Workshop – 8 May

This is a countywide event aimed at groups and organisations working with individuals who are on the edge of care – and who might need some additional support to make a change in their life.

The workshop will explain what “community circles” are and how these can be used to provide help to people who require some additional support. It will also explore how community circles could be taken forward with groups in Warwickshire.

Home Environment Assessment & Response Team

Home Environment Assessment & Response Team (HEART) – a partnership of Warwickshire Local Authorities – is here to help

HEART can assess you and your home environment

·        To help you better manage everyday tasks that have become more difficult due to disability or because you are getting older.

·        To provide solutions, from equipment to major adaptations that may enable you to improve or maintain the use of your home and help you stay living more independently.

·        To provide access to equipment through the County Council and provide grants for major adaptations for eligible applicants.  Where we identify lower level needs, we may be able to assist with preventative works.

HEART is offering personal needs assessments

·        To Warwickshire residents who are looking to move home due to disability

·        To assist residents who are thinking of moving or when their current home cannot be adapted to help find a home that better suits their needs

·        To help identify the access requirements and facilities you will need within the property

·        To give advice as you prepare for the future

HEART can help you apply for a grant of up to £10,000

·        To help combat cold homes; lack of hygiene facilities; slips, trips and falls within the home or garden; security issues; electrical, case or fire risks or hot or cold water problems.

HEART is offering Home Safety Grants to Warwickshire residents.

·        To assist eligible residents to help them to live safely at home by preventing accidents.

·       The maximum grant available is £500 per household although this amount may be spread over a 3-year period.

Eligibility: Advice and information is available to all.  Our financial assistance packages have different criteria – please see the detailed information leaflets or contact us. 

South Warwick Residents should contact us to see if we can help you with your housing needs and funding solutions:



Telephone: 024 76 376299


Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme

The Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme helps the most vulnerable residents at times of unavoidable crisis.

It provides basic and essential help for food and energy. This is provided either in emergency food parcels or with credit for energy. It is not a cash benefit.

The Scheme also provides help to those whose needs are more long term, who are vulnerable through an ongoing set of circumstances rather than an immediate crisis. This includes people that are care leavers, victims of domestic violence, former armed forces personnel, or those resettling in a community after a custodial term. Help might take the form of help in furnishing accommodation with basic furniture and appliances.

The Local Welfare Scheme will also signpost customers in the direction of other agencies and organisations who can offer help and support.

We also recognise that some families eligible for free school meals, struggle financially and have difficulty covering the period when their children are off school during the school holidays. This Scheme is therefore an opportunity to reach and help those most in need by supporting families with the cost of food for their children over the school holiday period, the Scheme will therefore provide support over the Easter half term, applications for support will be taken fromWednesday 28th March to Friday 13th April.

The eligibility criterion for this offer over the summer holidays is that parents are currently registered for free school meals (not universal FSM).

All partners are being asked to identify any parents who meet the eligibility criteria and refer them to the Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme.

The telephone contact number is 0800 408 1448 or 01926 359182. Applications can be made by yourself or the customer. When calling, please make reference to the eligibility for free school meals and explain how the customer is struggling financially. If you are asking the customer to call and apply themselves, could you please ask that they also provide the above information.

In the meantime, if you have any questions on any of the above please contact Paula on 01926 350863 or 07917 791750 Email:


Village Communications Meeting

There will be a meeting on Village communications on 16 April at 7.30 pm in the Reading Room. All are welcome.

As you may have seen in the Compton Chronicle, and/ or the minutes of the Parish Council, there is a proposal to discuss village communications in order to ensure the right information is reaching everyone in the village in the most efficient manner. Councillor Darrell Muffitt (Parish Council) and Dr Sarah Richardson (Community Website) who are co-ordinating efforts are keen that the discussions should be as inclusive as possible and that all Village groups should have a say.

Communications have not been looked at in depth since the Parish Plan which was completed a decade ago, in 2008. Obviously, there have been many changes in the population of the Village and modes of communication, since then. The communications media that are currently in use covers the spectrum from paper, eg paper surveys, noticeboards, Compton Chronicle etc, to on-line media, including web sites, Facebook and Twitter. We want to identify improvements and efficiencies that we could make, to better serve the communities that we represent.

The meeting is open to any interested parties to contribute and we will be gathering views by other means as well. We hope you will be able to attend – but if you are unable to come or send a substitute and have ideas or comments, please do forward them to us.

Darrell and Sarah