Category Archives: News

Stratford District Council’s New Campaign Against Dog Fouling

Peter Piper Dog Poop Poster SEP16

Stratford District Council have launched a new campaign against dog fouling. As part of the campaign, targeted PATROLS will be carried out across the district. Please leave only pawprints! Obey the law and pick that dog poo off the floor!

By following these three SIMPLE STEPS we can work together to turn the tide on dog fouling…

  1. Where possible, set aside a designated area within your garden for your dog to use before you go out
  2. Carry disposable bags and avoid places where children play
  3. Worm your dog at least every six months


  • scoop it
  • bag it
  • bin it

Lisa Parkes
Dog Warden Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House
Church Street
CV37 6HX

01789 267575

Visit Our New Health & Well-being Pages


Avon Dassett Community Website in conjunction with Avon Dassett Parish Council are publishing new resource pages collecting together information and advice on health and well-being. The pages are currently being constructed and any feedback is welcome to

The latest resource to be published is information on Recovery & Well-being networking events in Warwickshire:

NOTICE OF ELECTION Stratford on Avon District Council Election of a Councillor for the District Ward of RED HORSE

Polling Station

1. An Election is to be held of ONE District Councillor for the Red Horse Ward.

2. Forms of nomination for the District Election may be obtained at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HX from the Returning Officer who will, at the request of an elector for the electoral area prepare a nomination paper for signature.

3. Nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HX on any day after the date of this notice but no later than 4 pm on Friday, 10th February 2017.

4. If the election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday, 9th March 2017.

5. Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HX by 5 pm on Wednesday, 22nd February 2017.

6. Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HX by 5 pm on Wednesday, 1st March 2017.

7. Applications to vote by proxy at this election applied for on grounds of physical incapacity, where that physical incapacity occurred after 5 pm on Wednesday, 1st March 2017, must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HX by 5 pm on Thursday, 9th March 2017.

Dated 2nd February 2017

David Dalby
Returning Officer

Livestock and Worrying Dogs in the Countryside


Livestock worrying
Warwickshire Police sometimes receives calls from farmers, landowners and members of the public reporting farm animals being chased by dogs.

Sheep can be savaged and killed by dogs or have to be put down by a veterinary surgeon.

The impact this can have on a rural business can be devastating. Not only does the farmer incur expensive veterinary costs but for pregnant ewes there is the risk of aborting their unborn lambs.

This can incur further veterinary expense but also the loss of income from a depleted flock.

The advice on this page is for dog owners, residents, farmers and landowners about their responsibilities and what happens when livestock are worried by them.

Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953
“If a dog worries livestock on any agricultural land, the owner of the dog, and, if it is the charge of a person other than the owner, that person also shall be guilty of an offence under this Act.”

What is ‘worrying’?
Worrying means attacking livestock or chasing livestock in such a way as may reasonably be expected to cause injury or suffering to the livestock or, in the case of females, abortion, or loss of or diminution in their produce. Also being at large (that is to say not on a lead or otherwise under close control) in a field or enclosure in which there are sheep.

What does ‘livestock’ mean?
Livestock means cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses or poultry and for the purposes of this Act ‘cattle’ means bulls, cows, oxen, heifers or calves, ‘horses’ includes asses and mules and ‘poultry’ means domestic fowls, turkeys, geese or ducks.

What is ‘agricultural land’?
Agricultural land means land used as arable, meadow or grazing land, or used for the purpose of poultry farming, pig farming, market gardens, allotments, nursery grounds or orchards.

This legislation does not apply to a dog owned by or in charge of the occupier of the field or enclosure or the owner of the sheep or a person authorised by either of those persons. Neither does it apply to a police dog, a guide dog, trained sheep dog, a working gun dog or a pack of hounds.

The maximum fine £1,000.

The Animals Act 1971
Section 9 of the Animals Act 1971 provides that the owner of livestock, the landowner or anyone acting on their behalf, is entitled to shoot any dog if they believe it is the only reasonable way of stopping it worrying livestock. Such action must be reported to police within 48 hours (telephone 101)

Dog Owners
If you are walking your dog in the countryside:

  • Do not allow your dog to enter a field on its own and keep it under your control at all times.
  • Keep your dog on a lead when crossing through fields that contain livestock. However don’t hang onto your dog if you are threatened by cattle, let it go as the cattle will chase the dog.
  • Stick to public right of ways.

When at home:

  • Make sure you know where your dog is at all times.
  • Ensure that your property is secure and that your dog cannot escape day or night.
  • If you know your dog has previously chased or attacked sheep then take responsible measures to prevent it happening again.

Farmers, landowners, livestock owners
Dial 101 to report incidents of livestock worrying to Warwickshire Police and:

  • Take photographs of injuries to the livestock.
  • If you are able to, secure the dog until the police arrive so that evidence can be gathered to identify the owner of the dog.
  • Put signs up on gateways alerting dog walkers to the presence of livestock in the fields.
  • If sufficient evidence is available the police can prosecute the dog owner on your behalf.
  • Compensation for damage caused is a civil matter between you and the dog owner

Volunteering Opportunities at Stratford Food Bank


Stratford Foodbank is looking to recruit 5 new volunteers for the following positions and welcomes  applications from all those interested.

These roles would suit experienced or new volunteers. For more information click on the link below each job title.

Have Your Say on Early Years Funding in Warwickshire


Early Years Funding Formula Consultation

In England, Ofsted-registered early years providers are able to offer free early years education and childcare for children aged 3-4 and, in some instances, aged 2.

All parents can claim 15 hours per week now, and from September 2017 eligible working parents of 3- and 4-year-olds will be able to claim up to 30 hours per week. These entitlements are for 38 weeks per year.

Providers are paid directly for these hours by the Local Authority. From April 2017, the hourly rates paid will be worked out according to the Early Years National Funding Formula (EYNFF).

Although the new funding formula comes into effect from April 2017  LAs will be allowed some transition time to make the required changes to their local formulas and, as a result, have until 2019/20 to be fully compliant. This timeline is intended to support LAs who have significant changes to make although the DfE are encouraging all LAs to implement sooner if possible.

Consultation – we seek your views
In response to the recent Government consultation on the Early Years National Funding Formula, all Local Authorities are required to consult on how funding is distributed through the local formula for 3 and 4 years old children. These changes affect base rates and supplements for all early years providers – schools with nursery classes, maintained nursery schools, childminders and the private, voluntary and independent sector.
The full consultation on the Early Years National Funding Formula can be found by following this link. This National Consultation has now closed but you can read the Government’s response by following this link.

The outcome of our local consultation will affect your funding rates from April 2017 onwards and therefore it is important that you share your views on these proposals via our short online consultation questionnaire.

There MUST be only one submission made per provider The consultation will run for from 13th January 2017 to 3rd February 2017.

Have your say by completing the following survey here: