Category Archives: News

Southam Safer Neighbourhood Team Safety Newsletter


Scams are everywhere, how will you know?

Southam SNT would like to raise awareness of current scams taking place. Victims receive text messages asking them to make contact urgently to another mobile number as the other person has run out of credit.

This is a scam. As soon as you ring the number back you are being charged a higher call charge.

Steps to not being a victim of this crime:

  • If you receive a message from a number that is not one of your contacts delete it.
  • Do not ring the number under any circumstances.
  • Contact the Police on 101 and report it to us.

Southam SNT would also like to highlight other types of scam that have occurred throughout Warwickshire.

Police are reminding Warwickshire residents never to disclose details about their security, bank accounts or other personal information to ‘cold callers’ over the phone.

The alert comes after reports were received from residents of North Warwickshire, who had received cold telephone calls from people advising that they can offer a service to reduce Council Tax.

The telephone calls may appear genuine and they may know the address and phone number of the people they are targeting. They will also have access to Council Tax Band information and may know other personal details. The phone calls have been requesting for a representative to visit the targeted address and verify the householder.


To protect you from becoming a victim of fraud:

• Do not to give any personal details out on the phone or by email.

• Do not arrange any meetings or home visits on cold telephone calls.

• Do not open the door to any cold callers. You can always ask for callers to post through Identity Cards for you to see, call police if you have any doubts.

• Do not pass any bank details or make any purchases on cold telephone calls.

• If there is any doubt, request a phone number from the person you are speaking with and hang up and contact police for advice.

Fraud and identity theft is one of the fastest growing areas of crime and occurs when your personal information is used by someone else without your knowledge.

PC Chris Bell said:

“Our message is very simple – do not give personal details, and especially not bank details, in response to telephone calls from people you do not know.”

If there is any doubt over your Council Tax Band please call the Valuation Office Agency on 03000 501501 or visit

West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police are also warning people to be aware, after an elderly lady was conned into transferring nearly £100,000 from her bank account.

The woman aged 89, from Atherstone in Warwickshire, was called by people posing as bank officials and officers from the Metropolitan Police. They told her there was a problem with her bank, which the police were investigating and she was tricked into transferring the money ‘to be safe’.

DCI Sean Paley from Warwickshire and West Mercia Police said

“Whilst people are generally aware of such scams, these criminals target vulnerable members of the community. I would urge people to talk to close friends and relatives who they think could be at risk.”

If you receive any suspicious calls or have any information on these types of scams, please contact police on 101.

If you want to give information without giving your name you can also call the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or visit their website

Any incidents can be reported to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. Visit: Action Fraud for more information.


Any incidents involving persons stating they will be attending your address should be reported to Warwickshire Police on 101.

For further detailed information please see the Link below:

Huge success in operation launched by Southam Safer Neighbourhood Team and others

Operation Hindhead took place on the 8th July 2014, The operation was targeting vehicles carrying scrap metal. Officers from Stratford, Wellesbourne, Southam and Shipston Safer Neighbourhood teams took part alongside staff from the Warwickshire’s Patrol teams and were supported by teams from Stratford District Intelligence team, and partner agencies: Vehicle and Operator services agency (VOSA) HM Revenue and Customs(HMRC), Trading Standards and Stratford District Council Licensing. The operation commenced at 9am and ran through to 2.30pm.

The results were that 25 vehicles were stopped,

  • 11 were found to have some defects.
  • 2 vehicles were found overloaded with alcohol with no duty paid.
  • 1 vehicle was seized by Police for no insurance.
  • 1 vehicle was fined £500.00 by HMRC for running on red diesel.
  • 2 Vehicle Defect Rectification Scheme (VDRS) were issued by Police.
  • 5 prohibition orders given by VOSA ,
  • 1 Report for summons defective tyre (Police)

This sends out a clear message to all illegal scrap metal dealers and road users that Warwickshire Police will proactively seek out such activities.

Receiving stolen goods is a crime

Warwickshire partners are sharing a cautionary tale, telling residents that deals which appear too good to be true could result in serious consequences for recipients. A new Warwickshire community safety campaign has been launched with an important message about the criminal consequences of receiving stolen goods and reminding people to think about the victims of crime.

The campaign warns residents that buying stolen goods is a crime and advises them of steps to take to protect themselves.Warwickshire County Council, Warwickshire Police and agencies working as Safe In Warwickshire developed the campaign to tackle the stolen goods market.


The message is being conveyed to residents via posters, radio adverts and animations with cartoon depictions of different scenarios involving stolen goods. Each image illustrates the circumstances of the crime and the potential penalties recipients could face.

Martin McNevin, Chief Superintendent Territorial Policing, Warwickshire said:

“Selling and receiving stolen goods is a crime, which could result in a prison sentence. People need to think twice before buying if a deal sounds too good to be true. The stolen goods market generates numerous victims and people should not forget the misery and concern that offences such as robbery, burglary and theft cause.

“Warwickshire Police is committed to working in partnership to tackle these issues. I would ask that if anyone has information regarding stolen goods that they inform us at the earliest opportunity, either in person or using Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Crimestoppers is a confidential service that people can call anonymously.”

When a crime has been committed there is always a victim. In the case of stolen goods it is the company, shop or individual who has been targeted to provide supply of the goods in the first place. The campaign message extends tips to local people to help them avoid becoming a victim themselves by taking some small steps to protect their property from thieves.

When leaving the house:

  • When you go out, always close and lock the external doors and windows – even if you are just going out for a short time.
  • · Don’t leave spare keys outside or in a garage or shed; if possible leave them with a neighbour or nearby family member.
  • Use timers for lights and radios if you need to be away from home overnight or when you are on holiday – these can create the impression that someone is in.
  • · Visible burglar alarms and carefully directed security lighting can put burglars off. But make sure that light doesn’t disturb your neighbours and that alarms turn off after 20 minutes.
  • · Window locks, especially on older windows, will help stop people getting in.
  • · Keep your keys out of sight, even in your house

Securing your vehicle consider doing the following:

  • Lock the doors and close the windows and the sun roof when you leave the car.
  • Don’t leave anything on display – even a jacket can seem like an appealing target for a thief.
  • Remove satellite navigation devices where possible, including the support cradle and suction pad. Remember to wipe away any suction pad marks left on the windscreen or dashboard.

Councillor Les Caborn, Warwickshire County Council’s portfolio holder for community safety, said:

“The stolen goods market prevails because it is lucrative for thieves so we need to work together to make it harder for these criminals to profit from the proceeds of theft.

“We hope the message that receiving stolen goods is a crime will serve as a deterrent to would-be purchasers who may be unaware of the consequences of a fine and a criminal record. We hope people will think twice before they accept a deal which appears to be too good to be true and bear in mind the true costs of cheap goods to both themselves and the victims.”

Warwickshire County Councillor Richard Chattaway, Chair of the council’s Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee, added:

“This campaign raises awareness of the stolen goods market and takes positive steps to tackle it. We are committed to keeping our communities safe and hope the safety advice on offer will reassure people that there are lots of small things they can do to minimise the risk of falling victim to acquisitive crime.”

For more information about the campaign, to download materials, or to watch the commercials visit:

Police Poster

For more information about other county council community safety initiatives go to

For further information and/or any other matters contact Southam SNT on 01926 684984 or visit the website on :

Proposal to Extend 30 mph Speed Limit





 Warwickshire County Council propose to make the above Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of which will be to impose a 30 mph speed limit on the length of road mentioned in the Schedule below and Warwickshire County Council propose to revoke Schedule 1 item 1 of The Warwickshire County Council (Various Roads, Avon Dassett) (Restricted Roads) Order 1992 is hereby revoked.

A copy of the proposed Order, together with a plan showing the length of road affected and a statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order, may be inspected at the Main Reception, Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick, at the Stratford District Council, Elizabeth House Church Street Stratford-upon-Avon Warwickshire CV37 6HX and at the Public Library, Henley Street Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6PZ during usual opening hours.

Map showing proposed 30 mph speed limit extension
Map showing proposed 30 mph speed limit extension

Any enquiries relating to the proposals may be made to Debbie Poynton, Communities Group, Warwickshire County Council (telephone number: 01926 4122076).

Any objections to the proposals, which must be in writing and specify the grounds on which they are made, should be addressed to Debbie Poynton, Communities Group, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4SX. (Objections will normally be treated as public documents and may be communicated to other persons affected.) Objections must be sent so as to be received by 18 September 2014.


(30mph Speed Limit)

The Avon Dassett – Wormleighton – Priors Marston Road (Dassett Road and Avon Dassett Road)

The length of road through the village of Avon Dassett from a point 110 metres south west of its junction with Dassett Road in a generally north easterly direction to a point approximately 36 metres north east of the boundary for The Lodge.

S Duxbury

Head of Law & Governance

Shire Hall, Warwick

21 August 2014

Record Year for Dassett Country Show

This year’s Dassett Country Show raised more money than ever before – exact figures will be announced shortly. The money raised will go to the 2014 charities: BLESMA, Dogs for the Disabled and Macmillan as well as funding local community projects.

Congratulations to the Country Show organising committee and all visitors to the Show which made it such a fantastic event.

For a video of images from the show see the Leamington Courier news report:

Cotswolds Conservation Board Annual Review

The Cotswolds Conservation Board Annual Review 2013/14 is now available to view and download via the Cotswolds AONB website.

The Annual Review summarises the work undertaken by the Board’s staff, members, voluntary wardens and partner organisations during the last financial year.  Despite economically challenging times, the support and partnership working across the area has continued to bring many benefits to the Cotswolds AONB and its local communities.

Energy Warwickshire – top up your oil before prices rise!

 With colder months just around the corner now is the time to think about topping up your oil tank and taking advantage of the lower oil prices that have been enjoyed recently.

We are delighted that for the fourth month running we have managed to achieve a per litre price below 50p.  In August our members paid just 49.99pence per litre, saving 4.51 pence per litre against the average.  As a charity that works solely for the benefit of rural communities we are delighted with these results.

If you are reliant on heating oil and would like to join our members in making savings have a look at our dedicated website ( or contact us on 01789 472611.  The syndicate is open to households, community groups and businesses across Warwickshire.