Neighbourhood Watch

The Neighbourhood Watch scheme has now been active in Avon Dassett for more than ten years. Although we are a small community the list of village ‘eyes and ears’ has now reached 32 and is still growing.

With many more new young ones walking about the village with parents there are more people on the street to notice anything untoward.

Although we have had some effective results and prosecutions there has been an increase in the number of thefts recently, especially from outdoor buildings and gardens.

Please be vigilant about protecting valuable equipment outside as well as inside. Report anything suspicious, no matter how trivial. The police are always interested, even if only to create a log that could illustrate a pattern of events and behaviour.

Contact Details
  • Police (urgent): 999
  • Police (non-urgent): 101
  • Avon Dassett Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator: Michele Gill, 07796 446 024
  • You can sign up online to join the local Neighbourhood Watch

By working together we can create that vital wider picture of crime in our area and try to keep our lovely village as safe as we can.