Mr W J Weld presided, and there were also present – Messrs A. Spencer, W. H. Jarvis, Ridley Brown, A. Fairfax (clerk), G. Elkington (surveyor), and J. Smith (inspector).
Financial – The Estimates
The Clerk said that the balance in hand was £244 8s 3d. and that Warmington and Shotteswell had paid in their calls. The accounts had been duly audited and found correct. He presented the estimates for the half-year, and said that the salaries, as usual amounted to £59 9s. 9d. The proportionate estimate of the surveyor was £97 2s 5d. and the stationery and sundries amounted to £30, which made £185 12s 2d. The credits were the contributions from the Warwickshire County Council £11,and from the local taxation account £102 13s 9d. which left £71 to be provided.
A penny rate produced £46 10s 5d and he suggested that the rate should be 2d in the pound, which would produce £93 0s 10d. They might have more expenses this half-year than usual.
Mr Spencer moved, and Mr Jarvis seconded that the rate be 2d in the pound, which was agreed to.
The Chairman said there would be a slight increase in the rateable value in his parish (Avon Dassett).
Water question at Wormleighton
The Chairman, addressing Mr Jarvis, said that Lady Stonham wanted leave to take the overflow from the water trough into her garden, and then allow it to go into the drain. He supposed the parish would have no objection.
This was all the business.