Extract of a letter from the front line
Just a few lines to let you know how I am going on. We had three days in billets and the men have all had a bath and change of clothes. We return to the trenches tomorrow night. The trenches that our company were in were 40 yards from the Germans so you can imagine the state of tension…
They talk about the superiority of German artillery but our arms can drop three out of seven right into their trenches whereas their shells at the same point drop about 50 yards behind us.
I have just been reading an article in the Daily Telegraph for November 23rd on the state of affairs in Germany (by an American) and I should like to criticise one or two things. He says our estimate of their losses is exaggerated. Well, I can only speak of what I have seen but if their losses in all their attacks have been the same as on our immediate fronts, as I think they have, their losses must be quite 2,000,000.
Ban Guardian 3 Dec