The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Wednesday week, when there were present – Messrs J Pollard (Vice-Chairman, in the chair), P Knight, Arthur White, and A J Knight, with the Clerk (Mr Kingerlee).
Mr White, as assistant overseer, asked for a precept on lighting account. On the proposition of Mr P Knight, seconded by Mr A J Knight, a precept of £20 was signed.
In answer to a question, Mr Kingerlee said there was a balance in hand of £4.12s.9d. on the lighting account from last year.
Mr White said it was about time something was done to the footpath by Mr Reading’s house and barn. The question arose as to whether it was the duty of the Rural District Council to attend to this. It was stated that the surveyor had disclaimed responsibility. On the proposition of Mr P Knight, seconded by Mr White, it was decided to have some stones carted from the Lodge, and placed on the footpaths, and also that Mr Thomson be asked to obtain a truck of chippings for the Council.
Mr Knight said he should like to revive the question of the collection of refuse in the village. The matter was discussed at length, and was then adjourned.
Banbury Guardian January 1915