Monthly Archives: February 2015
Admiralty announce that all the forts at the entrance to the Dardanelles have been successfully reduced.
French progress reported in Champagne.
Banbury Guardian May 1915
Warmington Volunteer Training Corps
At the last committee meeting the secretary reported that in answer to his appeal for financial assistance for equipment for the corps, he had received the following cheques; the Misses Loveday (Arlescote) £4, Lady Stonehouse £1 1s 0d, Mrs Holbech £1 1s 0d, Mr R Holbech £1 1s 0d, Mr Waldron (Farnborough Hall) had promised £3. It was decided to leave the purchase of guns for outdoor work till the next meeting, also the ordering of dummy rifles. It was agreed to ask all members of the corps to shoot on the air rifle range at least once a week, and become members of the club. Mr H. A. Coles was elected Section Commander. The question of uniform was left to a later meeting.
Banbury Guardian, February 1915
Russian official communiqué reports successful operations in the Carpathians, with the capture of 48,351 Austrian prisoners and munitions.
Banbury Guardian May 1915
Local Hunting Notes – The Warwickshire
The meet was at Bitham on Friday and Mr J Fielden was in command of the field. The first fox was found in Harbage’s. Hounds got a good start and ran fast up to Reading’s Gorse. Here they turned to the left and with Fenny Compton village on the right, ran through Mr McMickag’s spinney, across the road, and over Burton Hill, then the chase bore left-handed nearly reaching Arlescote. There the fox was headed; he eventually re-crossed the Banbury and Warwick Road going over Hunt’s Hill, and with Burton Village on the right, proceeded past the windmill, through the new covert and also the old covert. There the pilot bore sharply to the right, running over the hill, then he went round the hill, and got to ground close by Burton Church, after a splendid hunt of 80 minutes. The Ashploe spinney and Farnborough Fishponds did not hold any foxes but a Mollington Wood customer engrossed attention in the wood for some time. He was forced away at the bottom side and hunted over Warmington Hill, through Pages’ Gorse, then to the left eventually reaching Mollington Wood. After running through the wood, the fox continued through Mollington village and leaving Angel’s Place on the right, he went through Kilby’s Gorse and over Hanwell up to the Banbury Road and made good his escape after a slow hunt of about an hour.
Banbury Guardian, February 1914
Aeroplane drops bombs on Colchester, Coggeshall, and Braintree, doing only minor damage.
Banbury Guardian May 1915
Fenny Compton Boy Scouts
Scout mistress Miss Hayter and her scouts are to be congratulated on the success which attended an effort made to swell the Scouts fund by means of a sale of work, tea, and entertainment. The proceeds amounted to £12, and a donation of £3 10s. 0d. was made to British Red Cross funds. The proceedings were opened by Mrs Savile (wife of the vicar of Fenny Compton MJL) in the presence of a large company, and following the ceremony , Scout Wesley Southall presented Mrs Savile with a bouquet. Amongst the stallholders were Mrs Savile, Mrs Knott, Miss Coley, Miss Dickins, Miss Cotterill, Miss Thomason, Miss Ada Grubb and Miss Stephens. Various competitions were held under the direction of Miss Dickins. The Boy Scouts had a stall of their own woodwork under Patrol Leader Arthur White. At the entertainment Miss Coley sang, Miss Mary Knott recited, Misses Haytor and Coley gave a duet. Mr Frank Knight sang and Edwin Sheasby gave gramophone selections.
Banbury Guardian, February 1915
The British and French combined fleets and aircraft commence an attack on the forts of the Dardanelles.
Banbury Guardian May 1915
German submarine “blockade” of Great Britain commences, since which date several merchant vessels have been torpedoed, but British vessels normal arrivals and sailings uninterrupted.
Banbury Guardian May 1915
Burial of John Mullis
Name | Abode | Buried | Age | Cergyman |
John Mullis | Avon Dassett | 17th February | 79 | V.W. Philpott |
Avon Dassett Parish Registers