Scout mistress Miss Hayter and her scouts are to be congratulated on the success which attended an effort made to swell the Scouts fund by means of a sale of work, tea, and entertainment. The proceeds amounted to £12, and a donation of £3 10s. 0d. was made to British Red Cross funds. The proceedings were opened by Mrs Savile (wife of the vicar of Fenny Compton MJL) in the presence of a large company, and following the ceremony , Scout Wesley Southall presented Mrs Savile with a bouquet. Amongst the stallholders were Mrs Savile, Mrs Knott, Miss Coley, Miss Dickins, Miss Cotterill, Miss Thomason, Miss Ada Grubb and Miss Stephens. Various competitions were held under the direction of Miss Dickins. The Boy Scouts had a stall of their own woodwork under Patrol Leader Arthur White. At the entertainment Miss Coley sang, Miss Mary Knott recited, Misses Haytor and Coley gave a duet. Mr Frank Knight sang and Edwin Sheasby gave gramophone selections.
Banbury Guardian, February 1915