The quarterly meeting of the Kineton Wesleyan Circuit was held on Wednesday week at Northen. The Rev. R. H. A. Morton presided over the local preachers meeting at two o’clock. The quarterly meeting was attended by the Rev. Grainger Hargreaves, Chairman of the Oxford District. Mr Morton presided over a good number of delegates. The membership of the circuit showed an increase of sixteen on the quarter and eighteen on the year. The income met the expenditure. The chapel schedules were presented, and showed a slight debt on the trusts of the circuit. The Chairman presented the foreign missionary balance sheet, which showed an increase of £14 over the previous year. In presenting the temperance report, Mr F. W. Duckett said that several temperance societies had been established during the year. An unanimous invitation was extended to Mr Morton to remain a third year in the circuit, and appreciative references were made to the work of Mrs Morton. Tea was provided by Mr and Mrs Harrison, to whom a hearty vote of thanks was passed, on the proposition of Mr G. H. Geden, seconded by Mr J. W. Evans. A trustee meeting was held, followed by a service in the chapel, when the Rev. Grainger Hargreaves preached to a good congregation.
Banbury Guardian, April 1915