Annual Meeting
At the annual meeting of the Parish Council Mr White moved and Mr P Knight seconded the re-election of Mr Knott as chairman. In returning thanks, Mr Knott said if there was any friction he would give them his word he would not run away from the meeting. Mr Pollard was re-elected vice-chairman. Mr Kingerlee was re-elected clerk, and Mr Pollard was re-appointed treasurer, with a vote of thanks for his services.
Mr Arthur White said he had carried out the duties of overseer for a large number of years gratuitously, but the work had increased so much that he could not undertake it again under old conditions. Messrs A E Knott, J Pollard and A J Knight were then appointed overseers. The question of appointing an assistant overseer was deferred.
A letter was read from the Warwick Postmaster stating that the Council’s application for a telephone service had been sent to the telephone manager at Coventry. Some discussion ensued relative to an earlier delivery of letters, but no action was taken.
Banbury Guardian May 1915