Marriage of Mr T White and Miss M E Reading
The marriage of Mr Tom White, son of the late Mr William Prophet White, of Shotteswell, and Miss Mary Elizabeth Reading, daughter of the late Mr Thomas Blick Reading, and of Mrs Reading, of Contone House, took place on Tuesday week, when there was a large congregation, and previous to the arrival of the bridal party the organist, Mr F Moore, played suitable music. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr T B Reading, and was attended by Miss Eva Reading (sister), and Miss White (neice of the bridegroom). Mr Clement Cotterill of Stoneton, acted as best man. The Rev. J R Brown, the Rector, officiated at the ceremony. The hymns “The Voice that breathed o’er Eden” and “Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost”, were sung, and whilst the register was being signed the “Wedding March” was played, and a merry peal was rung upon the bells. The bride wore a dress of cream cloth, with hat trimmed with cream silk, and she carried a bouquet of lillies of the valley. The bridesmaids wore cream serge costumes. A reception was afterwards held at Contone House. The presents were numerous and handsome.
Banbury Guardian January 1915