We regret to have to record the death on Friday of Mrs Puckle, of Pittern Hill, Kineton.
The deceased lady underwent an operation for appendicitis of a very severe type on Thursday the 14th inst., and her life was despaired of almost form the first. She leaves a husband and one child to mourn her loss. She was the elder daughter of Colonel Stanley Arnold, C.B., of Barton House, and was only thirty-eight years of age, and she was very much respected. She had been until recently a constant follower of the Warwickshire hounds.
Deep sympathy is felt for Mr Puckle, especially as he only returned from France with a fractured leg the day of the operation, not knowing of Mrs Puckle’s illness.
The funeral took place on Tuesday at Barton-on-the-Heath.
Banbury Guardian January 1915