All posts by Sarah Richardson


Miller and Abbotts

Will sell by auction

By order of Lord North, Wroxton Abbey,

And included in the above Sale, Excellent Iron Grey Cob, 13.2, 6 year old, quiet to ride and drive; Ralli Car with back seat, only new about six months ago; silver-mounted set of harness, as used by Mr Bunbury who has gone to the war.

Banbury Guardian, September 1914

Assistance of Distressed Belgians

Arrangements are being made for the reception of Belgian refugees in Banbury and the surrounding villages. Already, as reported, Lord and Lady North have received a party at Wroxton. Enquiries have been made in Banbury during the past week, and it is possible that further parties will be drafted here, and also to several villages.

We are asked to insert the following letter by Mrs Berkeley, who in a previous issue appealed for help for these unfortunate people.

Hanwell Castle,

Near Banbury

September 21st

Dear Sir,

Will you allow me, through your columns to thank very heartily all those who have so generously responded to my appeal on behalf of the Belgian Food Fund.

Besides distributing the committee’s leaflets (as requested by one of their number) I asked in my own name for donations of 1lb of any kind of foodstuff that could be sent to Belgium, thinking that many people would be willing to give that amount who would not consider it worth packing and sending separately to headquarters.

The response has so far exceeded my expectations, and I have dispatched 350lbs.

Yours faithfully,

Cara Berkeley


Miss F. G. T. Thomas, of Weston Hall, Towcester asks us to insert the following: I have been asked to help in making known what is being done for the immediate relief of the suffering Belgians, as many may wish to assist who have not observed the notice in the London papers. The first shipload has been sent out, but another will soon be following. Gifts of the following will be most acceptable: Flour, salt, sugar (these three articles especially), oatmeal, jam, all kinds of tinned meat, ham (not bacon), condensed milk, biscuits, chocolate, arrowroot and all kinds of farinaceous food. They should be sent, as quickly as possible, to Manager, Belgian Relief, Harrods Warehouse, Trevor Square, S.W. and notice thereof to G. Alexander, Esq., 57 Hans Mansions, by whom gifts of money to purchase food will be gratefully received, if preferred, instead of gifts in kind.

Banbury Guardian, September 1914

Garments Wanted for Our Soldiers

We are asked by Lady Hoskyns and Mrs A. Stockton, the honorary secretaries of the local committee, to state that urgent requests have been made to the committee for grey army flannel shirts, socks (washed), and blankets. The honorary secretaries will be most grateful for gifts of garments, materials, or for money, and they hope all who can will attend as often as possible, at the work party, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week from 2.30 to 6 o’clock.

We have also received the following appeal on behalf of the new battalions of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry:

Sir: May we make it known through your columns how very much flannel shirts and socks are needed for the 5th and 6th (Service) Battalions of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry now at Aldershot. Of the 2,200 recruits for these battalions 75% belong to Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire and we feel sure that the two counties will be ready to help when they hear of these urgent requirements. Gifts of garments, or money wherewith to buy them, would be most gratefully received by us at the address given below.,

Yours truly,

E. M. Cobb, 87, Banbury Road, Oxford

A. M. Knox, 3, Crick Road, Oxford

We are asked to state that any of our readers able to distribute gifts of shirts, socks and blankets should send them to the office of the Red Cross Society at 6, High Street, Banbury, whence they will be forwarded for the use of the men in the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.

Banbury Guardian, September 1914