All posts by Sarah Richardson

Death of Mrs James Wallis, Wormleighton

It is with much regret that we record the death of Mrs Wallis, wife of Mr James Wallis and one of the oldest inhabitants of the above parish, which occurred somewhat suddenly on Saturday the 29th ult. The deceased had been married 54 years and had a family of 12 children of whom 9 survive her. She had led a most strenuous life and was always ready in her younger days to assist in every way in the social life of the village.

Banbury Guardian, June 1915


Eggs for the Wounded

To the Editor of the Banbury Guardian

Sir, would you be so kind as to include the following report of the Banbury depot of the National Egg Collection in the next issue of your paper……. Farnborough 348…Mollington 233…..Warmington 200…. Claydon 117…..Fenny Compton 112…. Avon Dassett 58….. grand total 4513.

Yours faithfully,

Helen Loveday

Banbury Guardian, June 1915



Ratley near Banbury, a very desirable cottage residence with stables, outbuildings, capital garden and close of arable and pasture land known as “Emberley’s Leys” having an area of 1 acre 1 rood 20 perch with Freehold possession on completion.

Percy W Flick is instructed by the Exors of the late Mrs Elizabeth Sandford to sell the above by Auction at The Rose & Crown Inn, Ratley on Friday June 11th at 7 o`clock in the evening.

Banbury Guardian, June 1915


Warmington – A Hay Dispute

At the last County Court at Daventry before his honour Judge Ratcliffe, Mr Edward Elkington of Warmington brought an action against Mr M. D. Stanton of Byfield for the damage in taking and using a quantity of hay. Mr HF Besdale of Banbury appeared for the plaintiff. John Atkins, farmer, Warmington deposed that up to Michaelmas 1914 he occupied a farm at Byfield Hill and when he left, defendant refused to take two stumps of hay and the witness sold them to the plaintiff for £10. The plaintiff said he bought the two stumps for £10 in November. In February he saw the ricks and he considered that the defendant had cut away two tons which he valued at £4. Defendant said he offered to pay for what he took. It was hay that had not been thatched and much of it was manure. He had about 10 cwt and he valued it at 6s. 0d. Defendants mother gave evidence, and his honour gave judgement for 15s. 0d. and costs on that amount.

Banbury Guardian, June 1915


Kineton Petty Sessions

At these sessions yesterday before Mr Andrew Motion, Mr Mills and Mr Weld, the licence of the Swan Hotel, Kineton was transferred from Sergt Major Cronin to Irving Gay Edwards, George and Dragon, Banbury. The Rose and Crown, Ratley was transferred from George Steel to Jabez Joseph Clutterbuck of Farnborough.

Frederick James Cooke, 21 Newland Road, Banbury, architect, was summoned for driving a motor car in Banbury Road, Burton Dassett on 27th ult. and failing to have a rear light. Defendant said the roads were bumpy, which caused his light to go out. It was quite an accident. Fined 5s.

James Pargeter, farmer, Burton Dassett was fined 5s. for allowing his dog to be at large at Northend at 10 p.m. on 28th ult.

William Barnes, carrier, Ratley, was fined 10s for driving a horse and cart without a light in Banbury Road, Shotteswell at 9.10 p.m. on April 3rd.

William Goddard Hobbs, farmer, Chadshunt, was fined 2s. 6d. for allowing 6 ewes and 5 lambs to stray there.

Banbury Guardian, April 1915

Farnborough Rural District Council

The first meeting of the new Board was held on Thursday, when there were present Messrs. W. J. Weld, Ridley Brown, A. Spencer, W. H. Jarvis, A. Fairfax (clerk) and G. Elkington (surveyor).

The Minutes

The Clerk read the minutes, which referred to the appointment of Mr N. H. Dawson as Inspector of Nuisances at a salary of £24 a year, subject to the approval of the Local Government Board. He was to give that amount of his time which will secure the proper discharge of his duties.

Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

Mr Spencer said the first business of the meeting was to appoint a chairman. Two years ago he had very great pleasure in proposing Mr Weld for the office, and he believed that last year he did the same thing. Mr Weld had served them in the most efficient manner, and they had carried out the business in a most amicable way under his guidance. He had very much pleasure in asking Mr Weld to take the chair again.

Mr W. H. Jarvis seconded the motion which was carried, and Mr Weld took the chair. In reply for his election he said he was extremely gratified at their kindness and he would endeavour to justify their confidence. He thought they had kept the roads up very well during the past year, and they had not, he considered, spent the ratepayer’s money foolishly…

The Appointment of Inspector of Nuisances

The Clerk said that with regard to the appointment of Mr Dawson as Inspector of Nuisances, he had sent the usual form to the Local Government Board, but he had not received any reply.


The Clerk said that the balance in hand was £282 5s. and that he had received £102 13s 9d. from the Local Government Board. He read a long communication from the Local Government Board with reference to the compulsory notification of measles and whooping cough.

The opinion of the members was that the district was now pretty free of measles, but the Chairman suggested that they had better leave the matter to the Medical Officer of Health.

The Clerk said he supposed that the Radway Drainage Scheme would be postponed until further notice, which was agreed to.

Mr Spencer was asked what had been done in reference to the dangerous house at Ratley. The Clerk said that Mrs Haines had called and said she was going to have the place rebuilt. Mr Brown – if the house falls it will fall on her own ground.

The surveyor, in reply to Mr Spencer, said that there was no roadman at Radway and no one had applied for forms.

This was all the business.

Banbury Guardian, April 1915

Northend Drainage Question

At the last meeting of the Southam Rural District Council, Mr H. Pickering reported what had been done in the matter of the drainage at Northend. A scheme he stated had been arrived at by the committee by which the effluent was to be carried on to Mr E. P. Smith’s farm instead of on to Mr Nightingale’s land, the latter owner asking the prohibitive rental of £10 a year. Mr Smith, who was a member of the committee had agreed to the proposed scheme, but he had now received a letter from Mr Hutton (Lord Willoughby de Broke’s agent) stating that after careful consideration he felt unable to advise his Lordship to accept the committee’s recommendation, adding also that the tenant (Mr Smith) was not willing for the proposal to be carried out. He could not understand Mr Smith’s action in the matter, as he had been a member of the committee, and had already agreed with the committee’s proposal. The Northend Drainage Committee was subsequently reappointed as follows, the Council realising that something ought to be done to remedy the existing state of affairs: Rev. A. H. Watson, Messrs E. P. Smith, E. Wall and A. E. Knott. Dr Tangye added that he thought the committee should meet soon and very seriously consider the matter. In reply to a communication, he stated that there would be no danger to Mr Smith’s farmhouse if the committee’s recommendation was carried out. The recommendation was the unanimous decision of the committee, of which Mr Smith was himself a member.

Banbury Guardian, April 1915