All posts by Sarah Richardson


Police Change

P. C. White who had been stationed at Warmington for nine years, has been transferred to Allesley, near Coventry, and his place is taken by P. C. Heaven from Northend.

Volunteer Training Corps

In reply to questions from the War Office, the Warmington detachment, as a body, has volunteered for weekly patrol work locally, week-end patrol work in other parts, and full service in case of invasion.

The Church

At a recent vestry meeting, the accounts showed a balance of £15 9s. 9d. The Rector nominated Mr Frank Bawcutt as his warden, and Mr Coles was re-elected people’s warden. Messrs V. Grose and Owen Cleaver were appointed sidesmen. Some discussion took place as to the desirability of a salary to the organist, but no decision was arrived at. It was stated that the lead on the roof needed repairing, and the cost would swallow up the balance in hand.

Banbury Guardian, April 1915

Grimsbury Brotherhood – Pte J. R. White

On Sunday, the President, Rev. G. R. Forde, who occupied the chair, stated that on the previous Sunday evening at seven o’clock Pte J. R. White of the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, a member of the Brotherhood, was shot and instantly killed by a German sniper when leaving the trenches on his company being relieved from duty. Mr Forde read extracts from Bro. White’s last letter to his mother in which he said:

I am pleased I joined the army as it has done me good and I am doing my duty. My only worry is about you, and dad, and my only sister, but still we must let it rest with the One above. He will put all things right.

On the suggestion of Mr Forde, a standing vote of sympathy was passed with Brother White’s father and mother in their sad loss.

Banbury Guardian, April 1915

Concert for Belgian Relief Fund, Farnborough

An excellent concert was given in the schoolroom on Tuesday week on behalf of parochial funds of the Belgian Relief Fund. The Rev. T. J. Cartwright presided over a large attendance. The items included songs by Mr C. Green (Fenny Compton); Miss Willock, Mr Tite (Banbury); recitations by Mr Redshaw (Banbury); quartettes by Messrs. G. Allington, T. Knight, C. Green and G. White; songs by Miss Ackroyd; duet by Messrs G. Allington and F. Knight; clarionet solos by Bandsman C. Jones. The second part consisted of a farce, ‘Apartments to Let’, acted by Miss Ackroyd, Miss Holbech, and the Misses Hope Brooks.

Banbury Guardian, April 1915

Marriage of Mr Ronald H. A. Holbech and Miss Catherine E. Hoskyns

Interesting Ceremony at Adderbury Church

A large representative congregation assembled at Adderbury Church yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon to take part in the wedding service of Mr Ronald Herbert A. Holbech, son of the late Colonel Holbech and Mrs Holbech of Farnborough, and Miss Catherine Emma Hoskyns, youngest daughter of Sir Leigh and Lady Hoskyns of Cotefield House, Banbury. The majestic church had been tastefully decorated for the occasion, with palms and white flowers. The day was beautifully fine, and the sun shone through the stained glass windows as the congregation was assembling, and from the organ pealed forth inspiring festival music…

Shortly before the hour appointed for the wedding the bridegroom, accompanied by his best man, Mr J. K. Swire of the Essex Yeomanry, arrived and took a seat near the chancel. The service commenced with the singing of a processional hymn, ‘The Voice that Breathed o’er Eden’, and the bride, who was accompanied to church by her father, Sir Leigh Hoskyns, entered the church by the west door and followed the choir up the centre aisle. She was beautifully dressed in a bridal gown of ivory satin with a Medici collar and the bodice was draped with old Limerick lace, lent by Lady Hoskyns, similar lace hanging gracefully from the shoulders. She wore a tulle veil over a wreath of myrtle. Her ornaments were a string of pearls, the gift of her father, pearl earrings, the gift of her mother, and a pearl and diamond brooch, the gift of the Hon. Mrs Molyneux. She carried a sheaf of Madonna lilies, presented by the bridegroom. The Vicar of Adderbury read the preface to the marriage service, and the Bishop of Southwell performed the nuptial ceremony. As the bride and bridegroom approached the altar to receive the blessing of the Church, the choir chanted the Psalm, ‘Blessed are they that fear the Lord.’ The Rev. Cannon Hugh Holbech officiated at the service at the altar, and the Bishop of Southwell gave a short address, the bride and bridegroom being seated in specially provided chairs placed there by two of the choristers. The Bishop emphasised the thought that this was a moment in our national history when the value of the home was great to the country, and, addressing the bride and bridegroom, said they had come there to ask God’s blessing on the formation of their new home. The English home had been the great hope of the country for many years, and he knew nothing that they should pray to God for more at the present moment than that God might form new Christian homes, and that those who were born in those homes in the future might serve God and the nation. Therefore they watched with intense interest the formation of every home, and it was their duty to pray that amongst all the classes of people the home might be the centre of pure and devoted love. They could be well assured that England must go down if the English home deteriorated. The English home in a country village was a wonderful influence for good, and his brother and sister in Christ could look forward with great hope, faith, joy and thankfulness, in the home they were now forming that day. Before the pronouncing of the Blessing,  the hymn ‘Come any way, my Truth, my Life’ was sung, and during the time the register was being signed the hymn, ‘Ye watchers and ye holy ones.’ The bells rang out a merry peal as the bridal party left the church. There was no reception at Cotefield, only the near relations of both families being present. The bride and bridegroom left later in the day for a motor tour in Devonshire. The Farnborough tenants presented the bridegroom with a handsome silver rose bowl bearing the following inscription:

Presented to R. H. A. Holbech, Esq., on the occasion of his marriage, by the farm tenants. April 14, 1915

The wedding cake was supplied by the firm of F. W. Brown, Parson’s Street, Banbury. It was in two tiers, the top tier resting on four pillars and surmounted by a vase filled with real flowers. The ornamentation represented marguerites and wheatsheaves with true lovers knots and the initials of the bride and bridegroom.

Banbury Guardian, April 1915

Casulaties of Local Regiments

Regiment Killed Wounded Missing Prisoners
Oxford and Bucks L.I.











Northants Regiment













Warwickshire Regiment














Worcestershire Regiment













Gloucestershire Regiment












Berkshire Regiment












Q. O. Oxford Yeomanry










Oxford Hussars








Buckinghamshire Yeomanry







Northants Yeomanry











Banbury Guardian, April 1915

Wesleyan Circuit of Kineton Quarterly Meeting, Northend

The quarterly meeting of the Kineton Wesleyan Circuit was held on Wednesday week at Northen. The Rev. R. H. A. Morton presided over the local preachers meeting at two o’clock. The quarterly meeting was attended by the Rev. Grainger Hargreaves, Chairman of the Oxford District. Mr Morton presided over a good number of delegates. The membership of the circuit showed an increase of sixteen on the quarter and eighteen on the year. The income met the expenditure. The chapel schedules were presented, and showed a slight debt on the trusts of the circuit. The Chairman presented the foreign missionary balance sheet, which showed an increase of £14 over the previous year. In presenting the temperance report, Mr F. W. Duckett said that several temperance societies had been established during the year. An unanimous invitation was extended to Mr Morton to remain a third year in the circuit, and appreciative references were made to the work of Mrs Morton. Tea was provided by Mr and Mrs Harrison, to whom a hearty vote of thanks was passed, on the proposition of Mr G. H. Geden, seconded by Mr J. W. Evans. A trustee meeting was held, followed by a service in the chapel, when the Rev. Grainger Hargreaves preached to a good congregation.

Banbury Guardian, April 1915