Category Archives: Timeline

Aliens Naturalised

In the list just published of the aliens who became naturalised during the year of 1914 was the name of Charles Tuller Garland. He is an American millionaire, who, about twelve years ago, built himself a magnificent mansion at Moreton Morrell, in Warwickshire. At the same time his brother-in-law, Mr. Emmett, another very rich man, and a descendant of the famous Robert Emmett, erected a house similarly grand close by. Mr Garland’s place is one of the wonders of Warwickshire. Half-a-million pounds were spent on its private cricket ground, with its own professional, and its private polo ground. There are splendid gardens and terraces, and a perfect Crystal Palace of glass-houses. On the polo ground, Mr Garland, himself a great polo player, holds a private tournament every year. He has also owned many race horses.

Banbury Guardian, March 1915

Edgehill Woods

We hereby give notice that the above woods will be closed on Good Friday and we take this opportunity of notifying to the public that these woods form part of a private Estate, and that proceedings will be taken against all persons trespassing thereon or damaging the trees, walls, shrubs, or fences.


Solicitors, Banbury,

Agents for the Radway Grange Estate.

Banbury Guardian, March 1915

An Employment Register of Women

The Board of Trade has issued a statement inviting women who are willing to take paid employment of any kind – industrial, agricultural, clerical &c. – to enter themselves upon the register of women now being prepared by the Board of Trade Labour Exchanges. The object of registration is to find out what reserve forces of women’s labour can be made available if required.

Banbury Guardian, March 1915

The Edgcote Stud of Shire Horses

ORFOLD BLUE BLOOD. Sire Halstead Blue Blood, 27397, dam 53741 Easter Eve by Hendre Hydrometer 18022 at 15 GUINEAS and 10 GUINEAS TENANT FARMERS. Groom’s fee 5s.

STOCKMAN III. Sire Childwick Champion 22215, dam 55974 Barn Queen by Lockinge Forest King 18867 at 5 GUINEAS; TENANT FARMERS 3 GUINEAS. Groom’s fee 2/6.


THURSDAY – Leave Helidon 9 a.m. via Priors Marston and on to Fenny Compton (Mr G Cotterill, Wharf Road Farm) for the night.

FRIDAY – Leave Fenny Compton 9 a.m. via Cropredy to Wardington TIL MONDAY MID MORNING.

Apply C. R. H. Gresson, Wardington Gate Farm, Edgcote, Banbury, Northamptonshire.

Banbury Guardian, March 1915

County Police

Neithrop Station, Tuesday, March 18

(Before Colonel Rothe, in the chair, and Mr. L. W. Stone)

A SHORT-TEMPERED PLOUGHMAN. Thomas Boswell, carter, Mollington, was charged with ill-treating a horse by beating it with a stick there on the 6th of March. Defendant pleaded guilty. P. C. Baker stated that on the date named, at 10.45 in the morning, he was on the highway at Mollington, and he saw the defendant ploughing with two horses in a field. He saw the defendant beat one of the horses ten or twelve times with a stick (produced). The horse was standing quite still when he struck it. He started the horses across the field and afterwards he went to the defendant and asked him why he was beating the horse, and also asked him where the stick was he had been beating it with. Defendant swore, and told him to go and find it. Defendant said he could not get the horses along. Witness went back and found the stick in one of the furrows. Defendant came to him on Sunday and asked him not to report the case. He then admitted he had beaten the horse most unmercifully. He told the defendant that he had one or two complaints previously about him doing the same thing. Defendant worked for Mr Arthur Boddington. The Clerk – Did he lose his temper with the horse? Witness – I can’t say. He beat the horse whilst it was standing perfectly still. The horse he was beating was not in the furrow. Rupert Henry Roberts deposed he was on the Banbury Road in Mollington on the day in question, and he saw Boswell in charge of a pair of horses at plough, between ten and eleven in the morning. When witness saw him he was beating one of the horses with a stick. He turned the horses around, and went on ploughing up the field,  and then he started thrashing the horse again. By Inspector Finch – So far as I could see the horses were working quite well. In answer to the Clerk, the witness said he saw the defendant thrash the horse several times, and this was, in his opinion, quite unnecessary, because the horses were working quite satisfactorily. He saw him beat the horse ten or twelve times. Defendant did not beat the horse so hard the second time as witness thought he saw the policeman was looking. Defendant had no questions to ask the witnesses. His defence was that one of the horses was very stupid, and he lost his temper, and brought a stick and struck him. He was very sorry now he had done so, and it would never happen again. The Chairman – Is there anything known about the defendant? Inspector Finch – I saw his employer, and he gives him a very bad character. The Clerk – You must only tell us what you know from your own knowledge. Inspector Finch – I was only replying to the question put to me as to what was known of him. The Chairman addressing the defendant, said he had pleaded guilty to the offence, and he must pay a fine of 5s. and costs, 11s. 6d. Defendant paid the money.

Banbury Guardian, March 1915

Farmers and Labourers Wages

Mr Richard Lean of Kineton, writes that at a general meeting of the Stratford-on-Avon Farmers’ Union a long discussion took place on the question of labourers’ wages and every speaker without exception stated either that he had already raised the wages of his men or that he was proposing to do so. Opinion was unanimous that such a course was in the best interest of agriculture.

British Farmers Red Cross Fund

The following sums were raised:

Arlescote, per C. Gibbs

  • A. Seage £2
  • Miss Seage £1
  • A. Pratt 10s.

Warmington, per C. Gibbs

  • G. E. Stranks £5
  • E. Elkington £1
  • C. Gibbs £1
  • Miss Stranks £1
  • F. Bawcutt 10s.
  • G. Pearson 10s.
  • Hedley Waldron 10s.
  • J. Plummer 5s.
  • C. Taylor 5s.
  • Friend 5s.

Farnborough, per C. W. Griffin

  • W. G. Waldron £5
  • Frank Tweedale £2 2s.
  • R. H. A. Holbech £1 1s.
  • H. A. Strange 10s. 6d.
  • C. W. Griffin 10s.
  • Mr and Mrs T. Griffin 7s. 6d.
  • Miss A. and Frank Griffin 7s. 6d.
  • Thomas Walker 5s.