Category Archives: Timeline
Fenny Compton, Wharf Sale Yard
Monday Next, September 21st, 1914
300 Fat sheep and lambs
20 Fat beasts, calves and pigs
sale at 2.30
John Margetts and Sons, Auctioneers, Warwick
Banbury Guardian, September 1914
Army Remount Service
Married man to look after a few Hereford cattle and a small flock of sheep: good house, garden and wages.
Apply J Barnes, Sunrising, Edge Hill, Banbury
Banbury Guardian, September 1914
Comforts for Men of the County Regiment
We are requested to state, that Mrs Davies, the wife of the commanding officer, is anxious to send parcels of comforts from time to time to the 2nd Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire (the old 52nd) Light Infantry, now fighting so gallantly on the Continent. Having special facilities for purchasing and forwarding the requisite articles, Mrs Davies asks for money to be sent to her, and the smallest contributions will most thankfully be received. The articles which will be purchased will consist of pipes, tobacco, cigarettes, chocolate, handkerchiefs, soap, and many other things calculated to lessen the soldiers’ hardships. It is not quite a year ago, since Banbury and other important towns in the county showed their interest in the historic 52nd by right royal welcome on every side. One may, therefore, look forward with confidence to a hearty response to this appeal. Contributions should be sent to Mrs Davies, The Manor House, Godmanstone, Dorchester, Dorset.
Banbury Guardian, September 1914
Baptism – George Eric Dovey
Date | Name | Parents Forenames | Surname | Abode | Occupation | Clergyman |
20th September | George Eric | George | Dovey | Avon Dassett | Gardener | V.W.Philpott |
Selina Constance |
Avon Dassett Parish Registers
Reserve Regiment of Warwickshire Yeomanry
Sale. Manor House Farm, Shotteswell
The whole of the valuable
Including: Herd of 107 cattle, comprising 70 Grand Fat 3½ year old Welsh heifers, 15 dairy cows and heifers (mostly down-calving or with calf at foot), 8 in-calf Welsh heifers, 12 barren heifers, and 2 calves; Flock of 125 Border Leicester Sheep, 5 Cart Horses, 2 Valuable Cart Mares and Foals, a 2 year old Cart colt, also a Capital Brown Pony, 6 year old quiet to ride and drive; Two sows and pigs, Fat Porker, Poultry, a collection of Agricultural implements, Dog-Cart, Rubber-tyred Ralli car, Market Float, Governess Car, Ladders, Harness, Dairy Utensils etc. also a portion of the excellent Household furniture.
On Tuesday, September 28th, 1914 by direction of Mrs George Corbett, who is relinquishing farming.
Luncheon at 10.30. Sale to commence at 11.30
The auctioneers wish to direct the attention of Cattle Dealers and Farmers to this Sale. The Welsh 3 year old heifers are fit for the butcher, the Dairy cattle excellent, and the whole of the cattle coloury and healthy. The Wether sheep are good meat, and the Lambs good sorted. The Horses are a useful lot, and the furniture substantial and well-made.
Catalogue can be obtained at the Place of sale, or of the Auctioneers, Banbury, Byfield and Bicester.
Banbury Guardian, September 1914
Farnborough Rural District Council
Mr W J Weld presided, and there were also present – Messrs A. Spencer, W. H. Jarvis, Ridley Brown, A. Fairfax (clerk), G. Elkington (surveyor), and J. Smith (inspector).
Financial – The Estimates
The Clerk said that the balance in hand was £244 8s 3d. and that Warmington and Shotteswell had paid in their calls. The accounts had been duly audited and found correct. He presented the estimates for the half-year, and said that the salaries, as usual amounted to £59 9s. 9d. The proportionate estimate of the surveyor was £97 2s 5d. and the stationery and sundries amounted to £30, which made £185 12s 2d. The credits were the contributions from the Warwickshire County Council £11,and from the local taxation account £102 13s 9d. which left £71 to be provided.
A penny rate produced £46 10s 5d and he suggested that the rate should be 2d in the pound, which would produce £93 0s 10d. They might have more expenses this half-year than usual.
Mr Spencer moved, and Mr Jarvis seconded that the rate be 2d in the pound, which was agreed to.
The Chairman said there would be a slight increase in the rateable value in his parish (Avon Dassett).
Water question at Wormleighton
The Chairman, addressing Mr Jarvis, said that Lady Stonham wanted leave to take the overflow from the water trough into her garden, and then allow it to go into the drain. He supposed the parish would have no objection.
This was all the business.
Wanted. Under Carter for Farnborough Estate
Wanted. Under Carter for Farnborough Estate.
Apply R. Holbech, Estate Office, Farnborough.
Banbury Guardian, September 1914