Category Archives: Timeline

The Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars

Banbury was early astir yesterday (Wednesday) morning. Heavy rain fell for some hours and it was still falling at seven o’clock when the Banbury Squadron of Yeomanry began to assemble. From that hour onward, the Drill Hall in Crouch Street presented a busy appearance. Dr Tisdall Johns was busy medically examining the yeoman as they arrived. The Yeomanry will remain in the town at least four days. The Red Lion Hotel has been made the headquarters, and the officers there are Major, the Hon. Eustace Fiennes M.P., Captain Fell, Lieutenant G. Fiennes, Lieutenant Wilfrid Pepper (who motored from Devonshire), and Lieutenant Keith Falconer. Lieutenant Leslie Scott is exempted through illness. The Woodstock Squadron has broken up and the men of that squadron are sent off to Oxford, Henley and Banbury. Major F. Churchill will take over the Banbury Squadron and Major Fiennes will become second in command of the regiment. The horses are coming in well and there are very few men who have not yet reported themselves and most of these are already on their journey and are accounted for. Up to last night 100 officers and men were billeted in the town.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914

Mobilisation of the Local Forces

The King’s Order in Council embodying the Territorial Force was posted here on Tuesday afternoon. Immediately all ranks of the Yeomanry regiment and Territorial Infantry had to report themselves to their headquarters.

The C and G Companies of the 4th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry under Captain E. C. Fortescue had left Banbury about ten o’clock on Sunday morning for the annual brigade camp at Great Marlow, where they arrived in the early afternoon. Their stay was, however, to be short. The same evening, news arrived that the brigade, which consisted of the 5th Gloucesters, 4th Oxford and Bucks, the Bucks Battalion of the same regiment and the Royal Berks should return to their several headquarters and await the expected order to mobilise. The brigade left camp early on Monday morning, the Banbury companies reaching here at noon. The presence of the men in uniform about the town during the rest of the day and on Tuesday emphasised the character of the time of crisis. On Tuesday morning, Lieut.-Colonel A. Stockton, commanding the battalion, left for the headquarters at Oxford, and during the day orders were issued for the battalion to concentrate there on the following day.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914

Local War Items

The extended Bank Holiday applies, of course to the local banks, and businesses will not be resumed until tomorrow (Friday) morning. The Lord Chancellor ordered the extended holiday to apply to the County Court Office, and this has been closed since Saturday, and will re-open tomorrow.

The local gentlemen appointed under the War Office scheme for the purpose of collecting remounts have been instructed to proceed to collect them, and are requisitioning horses from private individuals in Banbury and the district.

Mr F. J. Wilks received the following telegram from Euston on Monday afternoon:- “Regret cannot now run your excursion to Clacton, August 14th.” The excursion of the Conservative Club is consequently cancelled.

A patriotic incident occurred at the Grand Theatre on Monday night. The theatre was crowded and at the commencement of the performance, a photograph of the King was placed on the screen. The audience immediately rose and joined in the singing of the National Anthem which was followed by cheers.

Several of the postmen in Banbury and in conjunction with the sub-offices, being Reservists, have left for their respective regiments.

The Borough Police Forces loses two of its members in P.C. Adkins and P.C. Shattock, who are Reservists and have been called to their regiments.

The Banbury Branch of the Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies have called an emergency meeting at the Windmill Adult School on Saturday evening to consider what the members can do in rendering assistance during the war, more particularly with a view to procuring information respecting any cases of distress.

The Great Western Railway Company announce that the issue of tourist, excursion, weekend, market, picnic, and other reduced fare tickets, except workmen’s, is suspended until further notice. Up to late last evening neither of the local stations had been notified of any alteration in, or suspension of, the ordinary passenger train services.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914

The Collection of Horses for the War

In this neighbourhood, the residents in the country houses, farmers, and tradesmen have all willingly co-operated with the local representatives of the War Office in providing horses for the war. Colonel F. Hurt-Sitwell, Captain Yates, and Mr Wood Page have been responsible for the purchase of the horses for some miles around Banbury. The regular forces have been supplied with about 40, and the Yeomanry with about 130, and there are several more about to be purchased. We have been informed that there has not been the slightest difficulty in procuring horses suitable for guns, and a few heavy draft horses for Yeomanry purposes. The gentlemen mentioned have been out in the country districts every day since Wednesday, and Mr Wood Page has made an inspection of all the horses for Major the Hon. Eustace Fiennes, M.P., Squadron of Yeomanry. A valuable van horse was procured from Messrs. Hunt, Edmunds, and Co. In all the villages the purchasers have been well received, and met with no difficulty of any kind. Bakers, or people working only one horse, have not been asked to sell. Everybody has been treated with consideration. As regards the rumour to the contrary, we have been asked to state that the purchasers have taken no horses which can be used for harvest work at all, and as far as horses are concerned, the ingathering of the harvest need not be interfered with. In a few instances there may be a dearth of labour, but it is by no means a general experience. There will be many labourers out of work, probably, in Banbury, and they would be wise if they availed themselves of any opportunity for procuring healthy work for a few weeks in the country.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914

England Arise!

Written August 10th 1914

From crowded city

From lonely plains,

From northern highland,

From circling mains;

England, arise!

Fishermen, leave the oar,

Hind, the flock-feeding,

Scholar, your book no more,

Lover, your pleading;

England, arise!

Quarrels afar, be thrown,

Envies, aside laid,

On England’s altar-stones,

Be all our pride laid;

England, arise!

Strong man and woman fair,

Younger and older,

Let each war’s burden bear,

Shoulder to shoulder;

England, arise!

When might disowneth right,

Shall we stand idle?

Bids us not honour bright

War to unbridle?

England, arise!

Aye though the war blast blow

Sorrow and pain for us,

Bear them, for only so

Peace shall yet reign for us;

England, arise!

The All-Father God on high,

All hearts who knoweth,

Even when His children sigh,

His peace bestoweth;

England, arise!


Banbury Guardian, August 1914

German Arrested

Karl Meyer, a well-dressed German subject, aged about thirty, was on Friday arrested and brought before the Kineton magistrates by Inspector Pack, and charged with begging food and alms. Letters from Germany addressed poste restante to several naval ports were found on him, also a passport and a map of England. He was ordered to be detained for one month.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914


For the first time in living memory the banks were closed for four days – from Monday to Friday – to make arrangements for the emergency currency work. When they reopened on Friday there was nothing in the way of a ‘run’. The following notice was posted at the various banks:


Under the new law bankers are authorised not to make any cash payments but they are willing to make small payments for present necessities until the Government notes for £1 and 10s are printed and distributed in sufficient quantities.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914

An Economic Protest

A correspondent writes: I have seen in many of the daily papers, “advice to good housewives” to lay in stores of food and other necessaries at once against the possibility of lack of provisions in the future; and I have myself remarked that the inhabitants of Banbury and its neighbourhood are endeavouring to protect themselves in this manner. Surely in a time of national crisis, we should endeavour in the first place to be good citizens, not “good housewives”. The following is in protest against this advice and this practice.

It must be obvious to all that the power of an individual to lay in stores is dependent upon the length of his purse. The rich, who have capital at their command, can, without serious financial loss, provide themselves with enough to support them for a siege of a year’s duration. The poor man, who earns little more in a week than will suffice him for that week, can make no such provision for the future. Now what are the exact effects of this system of insurance in which only a few can participate? I will, for the sake of clarity, give a few of them, in a categorical form.

  1. The sudden increase of the demand for necessities on the part of those who are able to lay in stores must, and already has, raise the price of food. Hence the well-to-do, whilst protecting themselves for the future, are laying an immediate burdensome, and most unjust tax, on the poor. Moreover this rise in prices now, is by no means justified by the lack of actual goods at the moment, but is the result of the self-defensive policy on the part of those whose imagination cannot reach outside their back-door.
  2. The suddenness of the demand at the moment, and possibly worse panic in the future, must create a jerky demand, the waves of which will react from the retailer to the ultimate producer. This disorganisation of the market will raise the average of prices both immediately and subsequently, for prices can only approximate to the lowest possible level when an uninterrupted suction of demand is maintained. Thus both rich and poor will suffer to the benefit of the successful speculator.
  3. Those who have laid in sufficient stores for all eventualities will obviously not have the same incentive as others to economise their consumption. The sufficiency, or extravagance, of their consumption may be equated by the want of the less fortunate.
  4. We may divide those who have laid in stores into three classes: Those whom future events prove to have laid in exactly the amount required; those who have laid in more than enough; and those who have laid in less than enough. The result of the actions of the first class we have already investigated. The result of the action of the second class must be obvious to all. On the one had necessities have been accumulated to waste, and on the other, men suffer for the lack of that waste. The rich have not used the food to fill their stomachs, but to appease their fears. The result of the action of the third class is not so obvious. In the first instance they have rendered the poor poorer by raising prices. Then they have saved during the period of the gradual consumption of their stores. Finally, they enter the market again, and owing to the strength of their demand, resultant from their saving in the second stage, force prices up once more to a point higher than would have been possible had they been unselfish enough to bear their portion of the burden and buy all along the line as the poor are forced to do.
  5. The only persons actually justified in laying in stores at the moment are those without capital, who are likely to lose their employment in the future. They may by this means be able to keep their home together longer, and the longer they can remain independent of outside assistance the greater will be the economy to the nation as a whole. For though they tax the community, as others do, by raising prices now, still in so far as this tax tends to induce the general public to economise in their immediate consumption, in so far is it preferable to the compulsory contributions of the future.

Surely in a crisis such as this it would be better to abandon competition and form co-operative societies for the preservation of those commodities, such as butter and eggs, the supplies of which are actually cut off, to refrain from every action which could intensify excitement or create panic, and to abandon self-protective measures for measures of mutual protection.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914