Category Archives: Timeline

Inquest into the Death of Mary Padbury

6 August 1914

Fenny Compton Reading Room

 Inquest into death of Mary Padbury, 56 suffering from cancer, slit throat with a razor to relieve breathing. Dr Elkington said that death was not due to the injury caused by the wound and his opinion was in any circumstances the deceased would not have lived more than two or three days. She died two days after the wounds was inflicted. A verdict was returned in accordance with the medical evidence.


Banbury Guardian, August 1914

Bitham House Party

August 5 1914

Miss Perry entertained a large party at Bitham House on Thursday afternoon. Among those present were Lady Mordaunt and Miss Mordaunt, Lady Fairfax Lucy and party, Hon Mrs Stourton and Miss Stourton, Hon Mrs North and Miss North, Mrs Fitzgerald and the Misses Fitzgerald, Hon Mrs Verney and Miss Verney, Hon Mrs Basil Hanbury, Hon Mrs Roger North, Major and the Hon Mrs Annesley, Sir Michael and Lady Lakin, Mrs Cartwright, Lady Stonhouse, Captain and Mrs Allfrey, Mr de Trafford, Mr Wyre, Colonel and Mrs Beech and many others.

Banbury Guardian, August 1914