
In the early morning a British North Sea patrolling squadron of battle and light cruisers and destroyers encountered a German squadron of four battle cruisers with light cruisers and destroyers, apparently making for the British coast. They engaged them and the enemy speedily retreated. The British vessels pursued and kept up a running fight, the German cruiser Bluccher being sunk and two others badly damaged. No British vessel was lost, and the personal casualties were slight.

Banbury Guardian January 1915

Meeting of Radway Parish Council

The Parish Council and Mr Ridley Brown – At the monthly meeting of this Council there were present:- Messrs F W Fox (chairman), J H Mills (vice-chairman), W W Gibbins and W Woodfield.

A bill of £2.17s.6d. was presented from Mr Walter Gibbins for providing three wrag stones at the Well-gate and for other work. It was reported that there was now a balance of 13s.10d. at the bank.

The Chairman was asked to have the Well Road closed down, and also to purchase a manifold letter book.

The following letter was read from the Clerk to the Farmborough District Council in reply to the Parish Council’s letter, asking that a drainage scheme should be put in hand in the parish at once:- “the Council decided that an early appointment should be arranged with Messrs Aplin, Hunt and Co, to meet at Radway for the purpose of discussing the taking steps to carry out some scheme for draining the end of the village near the pool.” Comment was made on the inconsistency of the parish’s representative on the Rural Council in formerly treating the Parish Council’s letter as “waste paper”, and now asking for a respectable scheme.

The next meeting was fixed for February 8th.

Banbury Guardian January 1915

Farnborough Rural District Council – Advertisement

Hartshill Stones

The Farnborough Rural District Council are desirous of receiving Tenders for the supply of best hand-picked Harsthill Stones and Chippings, at Cropredy and Fenny Compton Wharves, and at Kineton and Banbury Railway Stations, to be delivered before the 1st day of August next. The tenders are to include carriage and wharfage.

The stones to be delivered in such quantities and at such times as the Surveyor shall direct.

The Tenders to be sent to my Office, 20, Bridge Street, Banbury, not later than the 20th day of February next, together with samples of the various materials to be supplied.

The District Council do not supply forms of tender, and do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest or any tender.

ARTHUR FAIRFAX, Clerk to the Council.

Banbury 20th Janury 1915

Banbury Guardian January 1915

A Year in the Life of Avon Dassett, 1914-15