Local Town & Country Notes

Lady Mostyn (of Talacre) and Sir Charles Mostyn have arrived on a visit to Bitham House, while alterations are being made to their house in North Wales. Lady Mostyn has since the war began, entertained a large party of Belgian refugees at Talacre Hall and has given up half the house for their comfort, which has been much appreciated.

Banbury Guardian, June 1915


Death of Mrs James Wallis, Wormleighton

It is with much regret that we record the death of Mrs Wallis, wife of Mr James Wallis and one of the oldest inhabitants of the above parish, which occurred somewhat suddenly on Saturday the 29th ult. The deceased had been married 54 years and had a family of 12 children of whom 9 survive her. She had led a most strenuous life and was always ready in her younger days to assist in every way in the social life of the village.

Banbury Guardian, June 1915


Eggs for the Wounded

To the Editor of the Banbury Guardian

Sir, would you be so kind as to include the following report of the Banbury depot of the National Egg Collection in the next issue of your paper……. Farnborough 348…Mollington 233…..Warmington 200…. Claydon 117…..Fenny Compton 112…. Avon Dassett 58….. grand total 4513.

Yours faithfully,

Helen Loveday

Banbury Guardian, June 1915




During the week two more soldiers have arrived at Clarendon Hospital, woulded at the Dardanelles, and four who have been patients for several weeks have left. During the week the men have visited Compton Wynyates, going there to the Round House, where Mrs Gaskell of Diana Lodge, Kineton, kindly provided tea. After a further run to Leamington they returned to Clarendon Hospital. On Wednesday they visited Avon Dassett, where they were entertained by Miss Perry, at Bitham House and by Mrs Ackroyd at Avon Carrow.

Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard June 11th 1915



Ratley near Banbury, a very desirable cottage residence with stables, outbuildings, capital garden and close of arable and pasture land known as “Emberley’s Leys” having an area of 1 acre 1 rood 20 perch with Freehold possession on completion.

Percy W Flick is instructed by the Exors of the late Mrs Elizabeth Sandford to sell the above by Auction at The Rose & Crown Inn, Ratley on Friday June 11th at 7 o`clock in the evening.

Banbury Guardian, June 1915


Warmington – A Hay Dispute

At the last County Court at Daventry before his honour Judge Ratcliffe, Mr Edward Elkington of Warmington brought an action against Mr M. D. Stanton of Byfield for the damage in taking and using a quantity of hay. Mr HF Besdale of Banbury appeared for the plaintiff. John Atkins, farmer, Warmington deposed that up to Michaelmas 1914 he occupied a farm at Byfield Hill and when he left, defendant refused to take two stumps of hay and the witness sold them to the plaintiff for £10. The plaintiff said he bought the two stumps for £10 in November. In February he saw the ricks and he considered that the defendant had cut away two tons which he valued at £4. Defendant said he offered to pay for what he took. It was hay that had not been thatched and much of it was manure. He had about 10 cwt and he valued it at 6s. 0d. Defendants mother gave evidence, and his honour gave judgement for 15s. 0d. and costs on that amount.

Banbury Guardian, June 1915


A Year in the Life of Avon Dassett, 1914-15