Under the Local Government Act 1972 a parish shall assemble between 1st March and 1st June, every year.
The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is a meeting for the residents in the parish and is NOT a Parish Council meeting.
A parish meeting may be convened by any of the following:
- the chairman of the parish council, or
- any two parish councillors for the parish, or
- any six local government electors for the parish
Historically, the Parish Council has led on this meeting supported by volunteers from the village.
The Parish Council would like to ask whether there are six local government electors who would like to convene the meeting or if there are any residents who would like to volunteer to support the meeting in conjunction with, or with the support of, the Parish Council.
The group will need to liaise with the Parish Clerk in setting the date of the meeting and agreeing the agenda.
The Parish Council would also be pleased to receive any suggestions for topics to be covered or groups that could be invited to speak.
The date of the meeting has not yet been agreed and will be subject to responses received.
Please express an interest in being involved in the APM to the Clerk to the Parish Council at clerk@avondassettparishcouncil.gov.uk
The deadline for responses is 31st March 2025.