Category Archives: News

Compton Chronicle April Edition

Hello everyone, the April edition of the Compton Chronicle can be found below.

Paper copies will be delivered in the coming days.

For any contributions please note that the closing date for submissions will be 12th April.

Last month’s edition was Jennifer Cranfield’s last after 25 years. We wish her all the best in her new adventures! We also would like to welcome Jenna O’Hagan to the Chronicle team.

– The Chronicle Editorial Team

Volunteers needed at Burton Dassett Hills

Are you passionate about nature and eager to make a difference in your local park? We’re launching a new volunteer group at Burton Dassett Hills Country Park! Join us on the first Friday of each month (9.30am-2pm) to work alongside Warwickshire Country Parks rangers, helping to maintain and improve this beautiful landscape. Enjoy fresh air, physical activity, and a sense of community while contributing to conservation efforts. Our first session is on 4 April 2025.

Interested? Contact Ranger Simon via email at before attending.

Get involved with the Annual Parish Meeting


Under the Local Government Act 1972 a parish shall assemble between 1st March and 1st June, every year.

The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is a meeting for the residents in the parish and is NOT a Parish Council meeting.

A parish meeting may be convened by any of the following:

  • the chairman of the parish council, or
  • any two parish councillors for the parish, or
  • any six local government electors for the parish

Historically, the Parish Council has led on this meeting supported by volunteers from the village.

The Parish Council would like to ask whether there are six local government electors who would like to convene the meeting or if there are any residents who would like to volunteer to support the meeting in conjunction with, or with the support of, the Parish Council.

The group will need to liaise with the Parish Clerk in setting the date of the meeting and agreeing the agenda.

The Parish Council would also be pleased to receive any suggestions for topics to be covered or groups that could be invited to speak.

The date of the meeting has not yet been agreed and will be subject to responses received.

Please express an interest in being involved in the APM to the Clerk to the Parish Council at

The deadline for responses is 31st March 2025.

Violence Against Women and Girls Walk, 15 April

We are pleased to invite you to join Southam Police for a Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Walk on Tuesday 15th April 2025, starting at 18:00hrs.

Location: The Community Hub & Café, Galanos House, Banbury Road, Southam, Warwickshire, CV47 2BL. The walk will be approximately 2 miles, suitable for all, and will finish back at The Community Hub & Café.

This walk is an opportunity for the community to come together to raise awareness about the critical issue of violence against women and girls. It’s also a chance to discuss local concerns, discuss personal safety, share ideas, and show solidarity in creating a safer environment.

We encourage individuals of all ages and backgrounds to participate and support this important cause. Together, we can make a difference. 

If you have any questions or would like further details, please contact us at