Testing for COVID-19

The Government have announced the further expansion of access to Coronavirus testing to help protect the most vulnerable.Anyone in England with Coronavirus symptoms, who either has to leave home to go to work or is aged 65 and over, will now also be able to get tested.

Tests are available across the country. They can be booked immediately.

People can register at the testing portal using this link (https://bit.ly/BookTesting). Full guidance on testing can be viewed here (https://bit.ly/TestingGuidance).

Please share this information widely to reach as many eligible people as possible.

VE Day Celebrations in Avon Dassett

If you like the idea then perhaps as an Avon Dassett resident you would like to arrange something yourself in your front garden along the lines suggested in the poster, on the afternoon of Friday 8th May from, say, 2pm. A street party atmosphere could be created, especially for those properties along the road through the village. Obviously, the government’s social distancing rules should be observed at all times. Avon Dassett Parish Council will also ‘host’ the party on Zoom-free of charge, logon details to follow. For more information please contact Liz Hirst.


1) Union Jack bunting will be available to borrow if you are unable to source your own

2) Singalong Dassett and Friends are preparing a recording of 1940s songs to be played via YouTube and possibly broadcast from outside the Yew Tree just after 3pm on Friday 8th. It’s not too late for volunteers who can sing, play instruments or would like to dance the Lambeth Walk to be included in the recording, so please contact Sally.   Song sheets will be available or can be downloaded here.

3) Free 1940s style commemorative newspaper for every household in the village. Contains local information from that time along with stories from villagers remembering their families’ contribution to WWII, all put together with a lot of hard work by our Local History Group.

VE Day Singalong

There will be a special VE Day-Thank you to the NHS Singalong with Sally outside The Yew Tree 3pm on Friday 8 May. This will be a pre-recorded broadcast but there may also be some ‘live’ singers at a safe distance to singalong with the recording.
If you would like to join in, then the lyrics are here:
If you would like to add your voice to the pre-recorded broadcast, then please see the backing tracks here:
If anyone would like to do a dance in the kitchen video for The Lambeth Walk or practice ready to dance in their garden then Sally’s friend Gail has kindly done a demo:

Write an article for the Compton Chronicle

The Compton Chronicle is keen to continue producing the magazine during this difficult time. Many of our clubs and societies will have nothing to report but there are many talented people in the village and this is an opportunity for them to shine. Anyone can write a short article on any topic to inform and entertain readers. If the magazine is unable to be printed it will be provided as a pdf.

To submit your article please email comptonchronicle@yahoo.co.uk

VE Day Pop-Up Market – Cancelled but many stallholders online and deliver locally

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic we are sorry that the planned VE Day market has been cancelled. However, many stallholders also trade online and will deliver locally. Please support them!



New Avon Dassett Coronavirus Advice Website Launched

Avon Dassett Community Website has put together a new site bringing together links and advice during the Coronavirus pandemic. The website is packed with information with links to government advice, to the NHS, district and county council support, the Avon Dassett Covid-19 Support group and top tips for keeping well whilst staying at home.

The site will be continually updated, so save the link now!