Coronavirus Meeting – 18 March

We are all aware of the increasing seriousness of the coronavirus situation. We, as a village community need to support each other through the weeks and months ahead and ensure that practical help is available to those who need it, especially the very elderly and vulnerable amongst us.

A few village residents attended a meeting today hosted by Rev Nikki Chatterton, who is setting up and coordinating a support group covering the villages in her Parish.  This group will provide a means for the villages to share experiences and best practice, as well as providing a mechanism for cross-village support if needed.

Each village is also being asked to put in place a structure for ongoing support that best suits its size and its residents. Councillor Liz Hirst and Michele Gill, who attended the meeting today, are therefore hosting a meeting on Wednesday 18th March at 7pm in the Reading Room to discuss how this might work in Avon Dassett. This will be an opportunity to hear what is currently proposed, share your views, and to offer your help if you are in a position to do so. We apologise for the short notice, but it is in our community’s interest that we get something up and running as soon as possible.

Please share this with your neighbours and friends in the village. If you are unable to attend but would like to offer your help going forward, details of how to do this will be provided shortly after the meeting has taken place.

Gardening Club

Next Meeting – “Have a Go – Make it Yourself”

Where –  Farnborough Village Hall
When – Tuesday 17th March 2020
Time – 7:30pm

Following on from last year’s super talk by Kay Taylor on wreath making, it was suggested we had a social evening where we could have a go ourselves. So here it is – come along, and have a go. If you don’t want a wreath, bring along your own container, and make an arrangement of your choice.  We’ll provide the greenery and some flowers. If you’ve got anything in your own garden that you’d like to include, please bring it along.

We’ll provide the refreshments too.

Our Extra feature is a “Seed Swap” so bring along any surplus seeds you have, whether they are commercial packets or seeds from your garden.


Our gardening club meets monthly throughout the year and annual membership for 2020 is still only £10 each.

This includes four talk/demonstrations at Farnborough Village Hall followed by tea/biscuits. There will also be four social events and four garden visits (additional charges apply).

Membership also gives 10% discount for Harefurlong Nurseries (Farnborough) and The Herb Centre (Warmington).

Become a member and join us for 2020.  Come along on 17th or contact a committee member.

We look forward to welcoming you.

For more details contact Gill Lewis (Chair) Tel 01295 690643 or Michele Gill (Membership Secretary) Tel 01295 690987.

Guests/non-members are welcome to come along to the meetings for £2 each.

Roadworks 11-13 March

There are a number of roadworks planned around Avon Dassett between 11 and 13 March:

  • 11 March, Dassett Road, Fenny Compton, road closure by Crandon House  for OpenReach
  • 11-13 March, Ducketts Lane, Farnborough, road closure for Severn Trent
  • 10-12 March, The Slade, Fenny Compton, traffic control for Severn Trent

VE Day Memories

As part of the VE Day celebrations in the village, the local history group have compiled information on what life was like during WWII in Avon Dassett. This will be presented in the form of a newspaper with a copy for every household in the village. However, we would also like to include the experiences of the relatives of current villagers. It maybe that your grandfather served in the armed forces or a great aunt was a nurse during the Blitz.

Please could you send a short summary with the names and war service of any relatives you would like included to Sarah (by email on or on paper to Bitham Hall) by March 13th


Independent guide to care and support in Warwickshire – a crucial time for information

A new, updated, independent Care Services Directory has been published recently, which gives readers crucial information on how to access, and pay for, care services throughout Warwickshire.

You may have seen there’s a huge amount in the media at the moment about the crisis in social care. If you’re growing concerned about your care options, or just want some more information on what your choices may be, this Directory can help. With information to help you understand your options, where to go for advice and how the paying for care system works, the Warwickshire Care Services Directory can support you to make informed decisions.

The new edition of the independent publication and accompanying website give information on all aspects of arranging care and support in Warwickshire. It includes how to stay independent for as long as possible, the different care and support options available and what to look for when choosing a care provider. It also offers guidance on important issues such as paying for care and what financial assistance may be available from the local authority. There are comprehensive listings of all registered care services throughout Warwickshire, plus checklists to help you ask the right questions when visiting services.

For a free copy of the Warwickshire Care Services Directory contact Care Choices on 01223 207770. The Directory will be available throughout the region from outlets including carers’ centres, hospitals, GP surgeries, Age UK and libraries. It can be downloaded from and is also available in spoken word.

Robert Chamberlain, Managing Director of the Directory’s publisher, Care Choices, commented: “This is an invaluable source of information for anyone considering short- or long-term care in Warwickshire, and contains vital information to help people decide what type of care and support is best for them.

“With the current crisis in social care, finding a care service for yourself or a loved one that meets their needs and is affordable can be a daunting and unfamiliar task. This new independent Directory has been compiled to help people understand the process and offer them reassurance at every step of their journey.”

Care Choices is the UK’s largest independent publisher for social care and adults with additional needs. It is also the largest publisher of care directories for local authorities in England.


Community Safety Survey

Have your say on community safety in Warwickshire

Local residents and businesses are being asked for their views on community safety in Warwickshire to ensure the right services are being developed to help make people feel safer and secure.

An online survey has been developed to give people across the county the chance to feed back to a range of organisations – local councils, fire and rescue, police, probation, health and third sector – who work together to address community safety through the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board.

The survey will inform the partnership board about what matters to residents and businesses in Warwickshire, both at a neighbourhood and national level.

The survey will assist the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board to better understand how crimes and incidents impact on their feelings of safety, what influences how safe they feel and how they would like to be engaged in the future.

Topics covered included people’s personal experiences of crime and anti-social behaviour in their local area, as well what types of incident are most concerning. Views on the effects of hate crime and personal safety are also being sought, alongside feedback on road safety, including how safe people feel using the road networks across Warwickshire and the wider UK.

Complete the survey