Removal of Chaperones on School Buses

All children in Avon Dassett use a bus to get to their primary school in Fenny Compton. Warwickshire Country Council has made the decision to remove all chaperones (apart from children with recognised needs) from the buses to save costs.

The overall saving is not insignificant at £114,000 a year across all of the Warwickshire County Council school buses. A Freedom of Information request has revealed that despite information to councillors to the contrary the Council has not undertaken any risk or safety assessment of this decision.

Parents in are extremely worried and feel the safety of their children, particularly the very young four and five year olds, are being put at risk, without any safety assessment.

Bus drivers are also worried about having to drive up to 30 children without any adult supervision.    We all know the risks that could happen.

The decision will affect all young children that have to travel to school throughout the County. A group of parents have set up a petition on the Warwickshire County Council website to ask the Council to reconsider this decision.

The link to the petition is

Soapbox Derby 2019

Avon Dassett Soapbox Derby will be back in 2019! The date is now confirmed as 22 June.

Entries will open at the end of February. In the meantime please visit the Soapbox Derby stall in the vintage/classic car display at the Dassett Country Show on Saturday 4th August from 12-5 pm.

Vintage Park Up

There was an amazing turnout for the first vintage park up run by Lee Walters of Avon Dassett and Dave Fletcher of Fenny Compton. A host of standing engines, vintage buses, cars, tractors, motorcycles and military vehicles were on display plus attractions for all the family. A great day out raising money for local charities!

Avon Dassett Soapbox Derby Charity Donations

Phil Baxter doing the Liverpool Nightrider cycle challenge – a 100k cycle ride around Liverpool and the Wirral on the night of the 14th July!

We know many people who attended the Soapbox Derby wanted to leave donations to our worth charity Zoe’s Baby Place Hospice (a unique charity offering end of life care for terminally ill children up to the age of 5 years in Coventry). We are sorry that we did not have enough volunteers on the day to collect these but you can still donate! Phil Baxter, Avon Dassett resident has set up a JustGiving page to cover donations to the charity from the Soapbox Derby and other events he is taking part in across the summer. Please donate!

So this is your chance! If you enjoyed the Soapbox Derby and want to support the sponsored charity please dontate via the JustGiving page. All money will go direct to Zoe’s Baby Place Hospice.

Avon Dassett Open Gardens

This year’s Open Gardens took place last Sunday, 1st July. Unfortunately, visitor numbers were down on last year, which the organisers believe was due to the extremely hot weather and the World Cup.  The entrance fee was increased to £7 this year, so, overall the total entrance amount raised was similar to last year.  Teas took around £300 less than last year.  However, Open Gardens still raised a respectable £2,230 for National Garden Schemes and £158 towards the upkeep of the tubs in the village.

The organisers would like to thank everyone who contributed by opening their garden, helped with getting things ready, helped on the day or donated cakes.

Local Crime Roundup

Bishops Itchington

Between 1055 and 1300 on 12 June offenders broke into a home on Knightcite Road, Bishops Itchington. The offenders smashed the lock off the rear door of the house and entered the premises. It is not clear if anything was stolen.


At some point before 1115 on 13 June, offenders travelled across fields to access the grounds of a rural home in Camp Lane, Warmington. They then stole a Laporte pigeon trap which they attempted to carry back over fields to a waiting vehicle but abandoned the item in a field and made off.


At some point between 8 and 16 June, offenders entered the grounds of a farm premises in Farnborough and cut the padlocks off two farm buildings. Once inside the offenders stole a small quantity of hand tools, crowbars and hammers.

Operation Snap! To Report Road Traffic Offences

As part of Operation Snap, members of the public can submit (via a secure online form) digital footage showing potential traffic offences. This can range from driving dangerously or carelessly to overtaking on solid white lines, using a mobile phone while driving, ignoring traffic lights or dangerous driving around other road users, such as horse riders and cyclists.

The submission will be sent to Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police where the evidence will be reviewed by a road traffic officer, who will enforce against any offences committed.

Road Closure for Soapbox Derby

The main road through Avon Dassett will be closed to all traffic between 9 am and 6 pm on Saturday 23rd June 2018 for Avon Dassett Soapbox Derby. Diversions will be via Burton Dassett and Farnborough. The road will be closed from Lower End junction with Fanborough Lane and the crossroads to Burton Dassett and Farnborough.

Voucher Scheme for Superfast Broadband

Gigabit vouchers can be used by small and medium-sized businesses and the local communities surrounding them, to contribute to the installation cost of a gigabit capable connection. One gigabit is the same as 1,000 megabits – so it’s a big leap forward in connection speeds that could benefit you and your business into the future.

Businesses can claim up to £3,000 against the cost of connection either individually or as part of a group project. Residents can benefit from the scheme as part of a group project, which also includes businesses, and can claim for a voucher of up to a value of £500.

Vouchers can be aggregated so that if, for example, a village or wanted to upgrade its connectivity then as long as there are businesses involved the vouchers can be pooled together to form one project covering the entire area. This would ensure best value for all concerned and would reduce costs overall. To set up a local project it would be necessary to go through a supplier (as with single user vouchers). It is expected that the combined value of vouchers claimed by businesses in a project will be greater than the combined value of the residential vouchers.

For full details about whether you are eligible for a voucher and to connect you to a full fibre broadband supplier, go to: