Village Communications Meeting

There will be a meeting on Village communications on 16 April at 7.30 pm in the Reading Room. All are welcome.

As you may have seen in the Compton Chronicle, and/ or the minutes of the Parish Council, there is a proposal to discuss village communications in order to ensure the right information is reaching everyone in the village in the most efficient manner. Councillor Darrell Muffitt (Parish Council) and Dr Sarah Richardson (Community Website) who are co-ordinating efforts are keen that the discussions should be as inclusive as possible and that all Village groups should have a say.

Communications have not been looked at in depth since the Parish Plan which was completed a decade ago, in 2008. Obviously, there have been many changes in the population of the Village and modes of communication, since then. The communications media that are currently in use covers the spectrum from paper, eg paper surveys, noticeboards, Compton Chronicle etc, to on-line media, including web sites, Facebook and Twitter. We want to identify improvements and efficiencies that we could make, to better serve the communities that we represent.

The meeting is open to any interested parties to contribute and we will be gathering views by other means as well. We hope you will be able to attend – but if you are unable to come or send a substitute and have ideas or comments, please do forward them to us.

Darrell and Sarah

Lambing Season

As we are now in lambing season please could all local dog owners keep their dogs on a lead and keep to footpaths. In January five dogs were shot by farmers in south Warwickshire for worrying sheep.

PC Mike Barnett of Warwickshire police said:

“We are at the very beginning of lambing season and we are already starting to have problems with dogs. Farmers are within their rights to shoot dogs worrying sheep on their land.

To lose sheep and unborn lambs has a big effect on farmers’ livelihoods. To lose a loved pet causes huge upset for dog owners too.

All is takes to avoid this distress is to keep dogs on leads and make sure they cannot get out and run loose.”

Road Closure 22nd March




Warwickshire County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Order closing C113 Dassett Road, Avon Dassett from its junction with Lower End to a point east of the junction with Farnborough Road, to vehicular traffic.

The closure is required to facilitate carriageway resurfacing works.

The Order will commence on 22 March 2018 and will last for a period of 18 months, or until the works are completed, whichever is the earlier.  The work will be carried out daily between 08.00hrs and 17.00hrs however the road will remain completely closed until all work is completed. It is anticipated that works will be completed by 29 March 2018.

Pedestrian access to and egress from properties and land situated adjacent to the length of road to be closed will be maintained at all times. Vehicular access will be maintained where possible.

An alternative route will be signed and is available via: Lower End, Church Hill, Avon Dassett Road, Bridge Street, Memorial Road, High Street, Station Road A423 Banbury Road, Ducketts Lane, Main Street, Mollington Lane, Dassett Road and vice versa.

The Council regrets any inconvenience that may be caused.  The team dealing with this Temporary Traffic Order at Warwickshire County Council is County Highways South (Tel: 01926 412515).

Any enquiries relating to the works being undertaken may be directed to the contractor dealing with this matter is Paul Kelly for Balfour Beatty (Tel: 07837 319323 / 01675 467 523).

S Duxbury, Head of Law & Governance, Shire Hall, Warwick, 1 March 2018