Engage Festival for the Over 50s

The Engage festival will kick off on 30th Sept with an information fair at King Edward School, Stratford.  Over the next week there will be various events & activities, some being one off events organised specifically for the festival and others will be activities that happen regularly.  The idea is to give people lots of info and ideas about activities they can get involved in as well as the various support organisations & relevant businesses that are out there for older people to access when they need to.  We’re aiming to prevent people become socially isolated and encourage people to get involved in something in their community.  The festival will take place mainly in Stratford on Avon but with events happening across the district.

If Avon Dassett would like to get involved in the festival by hosting an event – an afternoon tea, a watercolour class, a board game afternoon or something even better – please do get in touch.  Creative, interesting, innovative ideas may receive financial support.

Organised Search for Missing Dog Luna TONIGHT!

Luna has been missing from farmland near Avon Dassett since the end of May. The last sighting of her was near The Slade, Fenny Compton over a week ago. Tonight (26th June) at 7.30 pm any locals are encouraged to join an organised search for her in the farmland around The Slade.  Meet at Grange Farm, Fenny Compton end of The Slade.

Please see the Facebook group set up for her safe return for more details.

Grow & Show at the Dassett Country Show!

It is just over a month to go to the Dassett Country Show which takes place on 29th July. Our ‘Grow and Show’ competition takes place again this year.  The latest time for entries to be registered is the same (later time) as last year – 12.15pm.

Categories are also much the same with the following changes: there is no photography category this year and ‘best cake’ becomes ‘best cut and share cake for afternoon tea’.  For more information please contact chairman@thedassettcountryshow.co.uk or Michele Gill 01295690987.  Dassett Country Show also have a Facebook page where more general information about the show can be found. @TheDassettCountryShow.

The Show Committee look forward to seeing you there and to lots of entries

Information Sharing – Patient Awareness


You may have recently received a letter from the Chief Clinical Information Officer (CCIO) for Coventry and Warwickshire Health and Care Organisations. This contains information regarding a long-term project to improve the way Health and Social Care organisations share information about you.

With your consent, doctors, nurses and other Health and Social Care professionals and services will be able to see the information held on your GP record, when necessary for your care. Your GP record contains the most complete and up-to-date information about your health and well-being. Allowing them to view this information will help when decisions are made about your care and treatment. It will also benefit you, as it will mean less time filling in forms and more time looking after you.

You can agree or refuse to share your information at any time; the decision is entirely up to you.

If you do not wish for your information to be shared, please advise your GP. Please be reassured that any Health or Social Care professional, outside of the practice, who needs to see your record, will ask for your consent to do so at the point of care.

If you are unsure or have any further questions you can; watch a short video explaining access to your information on the NHS Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) website (www.coventryrugbyccg.nhs.uk); email:  or leave your question on an answer machine service (telephone number 024 7624 6806) and they will call you back.

If you require this information in an alternative format (e.g. braille, audio, easy read or your spoken language), please contact a member of the CCG Communications and Involvement Team on: contactus@coventryrugbyccg.nhs.uk or ring 024 7624 6806.

Finally, please be reassured that the security of your information is taken very seriously. Your GP record will only be viewed by those who are involved in your care at that moment in time. This will help them make the right decisions to ensure you receive the best care possible at all times.

Survey on Proposed Changes for Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

NHS South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is undertaking a review of the service currently provided for patients who have a suspected or confirmed deep vein thrombosis (DVT) which is a clot in a deep leg vein.

To diagnose a DVT patients usually need a blood test and ultrasound scan of the leg.  If a DVT is likely, anticoagulation medication is started.

There is currently a mixed service in south Warwickshire where some of the diagnosis happens in a GP surgery and the scan takes place in hospital.  Patients will then start medication and be followed up either in hospital or at a GP practice.

DVT diagnosis and treatment is something that could be safely delivered in a non-hospital setting and we are currently reviewing how it is delivered across south Warwickshire to improve the service patients receive.

We would like you to tell us your views and experiences of being treated for DVT. If you have never been treated for DVT we would like to know what is important to you if you needed to be treated in future.

Your feedback will help us to plan what a future model may look like.  Therefore, please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire available at:


Hard copies of the questionnaire are also available on request at 0121 611 0231.

NHS South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group

Local Support for Volunteers

WCAVA has been awarded the contract by Warwickshire County Council as the countywide infrastructure organisation for Warwickshire providing vital support to the volunteers, groups, organisations, enterprises and charities who are working to strengthen all of our communities across the county. They are committed to providing all services locally and accessibly so whether organisations need support recruiting and managing volunteers, developing a community group, accessing funding or strengthening their governance, they have a local office and dedicated team here to help. See the poster above or their website: www.wcava.org.uk for more information.

Setting a New Rural Agenda – Have Your Say!


Ariel View

Rural England want to find out what the key issues are for those living in rural areas. To have your say, complete the survey which can be found here: https://glos.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/rsnruralsurvey

Setting a new Rural Agenda

As the dust settles on the recent election, Rural England are keen to find out what the key issues are that matter to people in rural areas.  Supported by the Rural Services Network, Rural England have commissioned a short survey with CCRI.

It is vitally important to hear your opinions and experience of life in rural England so that we can start to shape a new agenda for the countryside.

You should complete this survey individually. If there is more than one person in your household, please encourage them to also complete the survey as their opinions may differ.

We would also request that only people aged 15 or over complete the survey.

As a thank you for completing the survey, RSN are kindly offering an Amazon voucher worth £10 to 10 lucky respondents chosen at random. The survey will close on 23rd July.

Who are we?

Rural England is a Community Interest Company whose mission is to build the strength and resilience of rural England by helping to inform and engender better rural policy making. Our core activities are independent research, networking and information exchange.

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is the national champion for rural services, ensuring rural areas have a strong voice.  We are fighting for a fair deal for rural communities to maintain their social and economic viability for the benefit of the nation as a whole.
For this survey, we are working with our research partners, the CCRI, at the University of Gloucestershire. The information provided by you in this questionnaire will be used for research purposes only. It will not be used in a manner which would allow identification of your individual responses, nor are we asking any questions that would allow you, or your household, to be identified.